Capturing patient experience for local quality improvement
McIntosh G (2024) Capturing patient experience for local quality improvement [Patient Experience and QI]. Nursing Standard.
Senior Lecturer in Nursing
Health Sciences Stirling Room E24, Pathfoot Building Faculty of Health Sciences and Sport 我要吃瓜 Stirling FK9 4LA
Gwenne is an experienced senior lecturer and mental health nurse with a keen interest in co-production in education and research. Gwenne has been researching the impact of co-production in nurse education from a student and family carer perspective and her PhD investigated the perspectives of male caregivers of a spouse with dementia and their views of accessing support services.
External Examiner RGU
Robert Gordon University
External Examiner BN Nursing (Mental Health); MSc Nursing (Mental Health)
External Examiner University of Greenwich
University of Greenwich
External Examiner BSc Nursing (Mental Health); MSc Nursing.
External Reviewer MSc Nursing (Singapore)
Robert Gordon University
External reviewer for validation of RGU MSc Nursing (Singapore)
External Examiner De Montford University
De Montfort University
Reviewer: Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing.
Reviewer of manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing.
The Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing is a bi-monthly international mental health journal that publishes research and scholarly papers relevant to psychiatric nursing or mental health nursing and people with lived experiences of mental health problems. Impact factor 4.7
Mental Health Nurse Academic UK Vice Chair
MHNA UK is a UK wide network for mental health nurse academics and is a professional interest group established in 2003. The group has members from 91 UK Higher Education Institutions and associate members from 32 NHS mental health provider organisations, as well as government arms length bodies, the voluntary sector and mental healthcare organisations outside the UK. The MHNA UK group serve as a forum for discussion, collaboration and raising awareness around issues relating to mental health, in particular education, research and policy development.
Senior Fellow
Higher Education Academy
Senior Fellow Higher Education Academy
Qualitative methods IPA Co-production Inclusion and Mental Health Mental Health Nursing Mental Health Education Relationship based care
Capturing patient experience for local quality improvement
McIntosh G (2024) Capturing patient experience for local quality improvement [Patient Experience and QI]. Nursing Standard.
Dalechek DE, Caes L, Mcintosh G & Whittaker AC (2024) Anxiety, history of childhood adversity, and experiencing chronic pain in adulthood: A systematic literature review and meta-analysis. European Journal of Pain.
Dalechek DE, Caes L, Mcintosh G & Whittaker AC (2023) An analysis on history of childhood adversity, anxiety, and chronic pain in adulthood and the influence of inflammatory biomarker C-reactive protein. Scientific Reports, 13, Art. No.: 18000.
McIntosh G (2023) Nurse Researcher Identity and Reflexivity in interpretive phenomenological analysis: A personal narrative [Nurse Researcher Identity and Reflexivity in IPA]. Nurse Researcher, 31 (3).
Conlon M, Smart F & McIntosh G (2020) Does Technology flatten authenticity? Exploring the use of digital storytelling as a learning tool in mental health nurse education. Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 29 (3), pp. 269-278.
Perceptions of realism in digital scenarios: A mixed methods descriptive study
Margaret C & Gwenne M (2020) Perceptions of realism in digital scenarios: A mixed methods descriptive study. Nurse Education in Practice, 46, Art. No.: 102794.
Senior Fellow HEA