
Mr Bobby Garvie

Lecturer in Paramedic Science

Health Sciences Stirling Stirling

Mr Bobby Garvie

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Other Academic Activities

Contributed to College of Paramedics: Paramedic Curriculum (6th edition)

Contributed to work of the minor illness and injury working group in the development of the 6th edition paramedic curriculum guidance document. This guidance is produced for the development of pre-registration undergraduate paramedic science courses across the UK.

The Consequences of a Single Story in Paramedic Education

Garvie, B., McGlashan, J. and Rutherford, G. (2024) 'The Consequences of a Single Story in Paramedic Education', Drugs Research Network Scotland blog, 28 October. Available at: https://drns.ac.uk/the-consequences-of-a-single-story-in-paramedic-education/ This blog piece discusses the risks of the reliance on a single stereotype when exploring harmful drug behaviours in undergraduate paramedic education.

Professional Career

Fellow HEA
Higher Education Academy
Fellow Higher Education Academy

HCPC Registered Paramedic

Professional membership

Member of the College of Paramedics

Professional qualification

Certificate of Higher Education in Ambulance Studies
Glasgow Caledonian University

Diploma of Higher Education in Paramedic Practice
Glasgow Caledonian University

Planning and Delivering Training Sessions to Groups (Higher National Unit)
Fife College

Prescribing for Health Care Professionals

MSc Advanced Paramedic Practice
Glasgow Caledonian University

PgCert Learning & Teaching in Higher Education


Shared decision-making in paramedic practice. Practice-based learning for paramedic students.


Programme Director BSc Paramedic Science, 2024 - present. Practice Learning Lead for Paramedic Science, 2023-2024 Coordinate, design, develop and teach a range of undergraduate modules across the health sciences programmes.
Provide some input to post-graduate programmes.