
Professor Donald Davidson

Emeritus Professor

Biological and Environmental Sciences 我要吃瓜, Stirling, FK9 4LA

Professor Donald Davidson

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我要吃瓜 me

Professor of Soil SciencePhD - Sheffield BSc - Aberdeen

Research (4)

Applied soil science, including:

land evaluation techniques computer mapping of soil properties micromorphology soil analysis for archaeology

Broad Subject Area of Current Research Soil micromorphology with special reference to effects of past cultivation practices; legacy of contamination from manuring in the past; soils and archaeology Current Activities: Appointed by the Scottish Government to Chair the Advisory Committee on Sites of Special Scientific Interest. Editor-in-Chief Soil Use and Management (Wileys-Blackwells on behalf of the British Society of Soil Science)


The Nature, distribution and significance of carbon soils.
Funded by: Natural Environment Research Council

Investigations at Pinkie.
Funded by: C F A Archaeology Ltd

Blue Skies PhD Support Student: Ben Pears
PI: Professor Donald Davidson
Funded by: Natural Environment Research Council

The impact of waste disposal from the late Medieval Burghs on local soils
PI: Professor Donald Davidson
Funded by: Natural Environment Research Council

Outputs (48)


Book Chapter

Adderley WP, Wilson C, Simpson I & Davidson D (2010) Anthropogenic Features. In: Stoops G, Marcelino V & Mees F (eds.) Interpretation of micromorphological features of soils and regoliths. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 577-596. http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/bookdescription.editors/716493/description#description

Book Chapter

Blunn M, Cowie J, Cairns D, Wilson C & Davidson D (2007) Mobile decision making and knowledge management: supporting geoarchaelogists in the field. In: Cardoso J, Cordeiro J & Filipe J (eds.) ICEIS 2007 - Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems Volume AIDSS June 12-16, 2007, Funchal, Portugal. ICEIS - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems conference series. Denmark: Interaction Design Foundation, pp. 57-62. http://www.interaction-design.org/references/conferences/iceis_2007_-_proceedings_of_the_ninth_international_conference_on_enterprise_information_systems_volume_aidss.html

Book Chapter

Guttmann EB, Simpson I & Davidson D (2005) Manuring practices in antiquity: a review of the evidence. In: Smith D, Brickley M & Smith W (eds.) Fertile Ground: Papers in Honour of Susan Limbrey. Symposia of the Association for Environmental Archaeology, 22. Oxford: Oxbow Books, pp. 68-76. http://www.oxbowbooks.com/oxbow/fertile-ground.html

Book Chapter

Davidson D & Simpson I (2005) The time dimension in landscape ecology: cultural soils and spatial pattern in early landscapes. In: Wiens J & Moss M (eds.) Issues and Perspectives in Landscape Ecology. Cambridge Studies in Landscape Ecology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 152-158. http://www.cambridge.org/gb/academic/subjects/life-sciences/ecology-and-conservation/issues-and-perspectives-landscape-ecology#

Book Chapter

Lancaster S, Simpson I & Davidson D (2005) Soil micomorphology. In: Bradley R (ed.) The Moon and the Bonfire: An investigation of three stone circles in north-east Scotland. Edinburgh: Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, pp. 42-46, 68-72.

Conference Paper (published)

Thomas J, Simpson I, Davidson D & Gauld JH (2003) GIS mapping of anthropogenic soils in Scotland: investigating the location and vulnerability of Scottish plaggen soil deposits. In: Boschian (ed.) Second International Conference on Soils and Archaeology. Second International Conference on Soils and Archaeology, Pisa, Italy, 12.05.2003-15.05.2003. Pisa: G, pp. 127-128.

Book Chapter

Davidson D & Simpson I (2001) Archaeology and soil micromorphology. In: Brothwell D & Pollard A (eds.) Handbook of Archaeological Sciences. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 167-177. http://eu.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-0470014768.html

Conference Paper (published)

Adderley WP, Simpson I & Davidson D (2001) Quantitative micro-pedofeature analysis within archaeological soils ~ past manuring practices. In: Bautista P & Barba L (eds.) Archaeometry 2000: Proceedings of the 32nd International Symposium on Archaeometry Mexico City, May 15-19 2000. Archaeometry 2000: 32nd International Symposium on Archaeometry, Mexico City, 15.05.2000-19.05.2000. Mexico City: UNAM. http://www.ims.demokritos.gr/ISA/ISA_symposium_info.php?SYMP=32&PHPSESSID=f7d39ba0d900674375dd88e686a39132

Book Chapter

Long DJ, Tipping R, Carter S, Davidson D, Boag B & Tyler A (2000) The replication of pollen stratigraphies in soil pollen profiles: a test. In: Harley M, Morton C & Blackmore S (eds.) Pollen and Spores: Morphology and Biology. Kew: Royal Botanic Gardens, pp. 481-497. http://www.kewbooks.co.uk/asps/ShowDetails.asp?id=21

Conference Paper (published)

Adderley WP, Simpson I, Lockheart MJ, Evershed RP & Davidson D (2000) Modelling traditional manuring practices in the North Atlantic context: Soil sustainability of a Shetland island community?. In: Rees R, Ball B, Watson C & Campbell C (eds.) Sustainable Management of Soil Organic Matter. 'The Sustainable Management of Soil Organic Matter': British Society of Soil Science Annual Meeting 1999, Edinburgh, 15.09.1999-17.09.1999. Wallingford: CAB International, pp. 173-179. http://bookshop.cabi.org/default.aspx?site=191&page=2633&pid=1486

Book Chapter

Simpson I & Davidson D (2000) Palaeosols of the Clava Cairns. In: Bradley R (ed.) The Good Stones: A New Investigation of the Clava Cairns. Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Monograph Series, 17. Edinburgh: Society of Antiquaries Scotland, pp. 89-96.


Adderley WP, Simpson I & Davidson D (2000) Soils and the historical dimension of agrarian sustainability. EURESCO conference 2000: The ecological setting of Europe: from the past to the future - European Agriculture on its way from the past to modern time, H??r, Sweden, 16.09.2000-21.09.2000.

Book Chapter

Tipping R, Long DJ, Carter S, Davidson D, Tyler A & Boag B (1999) Testing the potential of soil-stratigraphic palynology in podsols. In: Pollard A (ed.) Geoarchaeology: exploration, environments, resources. Geological Society Special Publication, 165. Bath: Geological Society of London, pp. 79-90. http://www.geolsoc.org.uk/en/Publications/Bookshop/Search/SP165.aspx?ec_trk=followlist&ec_trk_data=Search; https://doi.org/10.1144/GSL.SP.1999.165.01.06

Book Chapter

Simpson I & Davidson D (1998) Palaeosols of the Cleaven Dyke. In: Barclay G & Maxwell G (eds.) The Cleaven Dyke and Littleour: Monuments in the Neolithic of Tayside. Society of Antiquaries for Scotland Monograph Series, 13. Edinburgh: Society of Antiquaries for Scotland, pp. 36-42.


Davidson D, Grieve I, Tyler A, Barclay GJ & Maxwell GS (1998) Archaeological sites: Assessment of erosion risk. Journal of Archaeological Science, 25 (9), pp. 857-860. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0305440397902235; https://doi.org/10.1006/jasc.1997.0223