Blackledge A & Creese A (2022) The potential of ethnographic drama in the representation, interpretation, and democratization of sociolinguistic research. Journal of Sociolinguistics.
Professor in Education
Education Colin Bell Building 我要吃瓜 Stirling, FK9 4LA
I am Professor of Sociolinguistics in the Faculty of Social Sciences at 我要吃瓜.
I was Advanced Research Collaborative Distinguished Visiting Fellow, City University New York, 2019-2020.
My most recent research projects:
2014-2018. Co-Investigator. AHRC Large Grant: ‘Translation and Translanguaging: Investigating Linguistic and Cultural Transformations in Superdiverse Wards in Four UK Cities’. Award ?1,973,527. This interdisciplinary research programme developed new understandings of multilingual interaction in cities in the UK, and communicated these to policy-makers and communities locally, nationally, and internationally.
2016-2018. Co-Investigator, AHRC / Global Challenges Research Fund. ?184,732. Overcoming Barriers to University Education in South Africa. This project developed translanguaging as language policy in South African universities.
My publications include Voices of a City Market (with Angela Creese, 2019), The Routledge Handbook of Language and Superdiversity (with Angela Creese, 2018), Heteroglossia as Practice and Pedagogy (with Angela Creese, 2014), The Routledge Handbook of Multilingualism (with Marilyn Martin-Jones and Angela Creese, 2012), Multilingualism, A Critical Perspective (with Angela Creese, 2010).
I research the ways in which people communicate in changing, complex societies, especially when they have different histories and semiotic repertoires. I am interested in translanguaging in society and education, and in linguistic ethnography as theory and method.
GCRF Development Award: Languaging in post-conflict zones: Educating for success in Colombia, Lebanon and South Africa
PI: Professor Angela Creese
Funded by: Arts and Humanities Research Council
Blackledge A & Creese A (2022) The potential of ethnographic drama in the representation, interpretation, and democratization of sociolinguistic research. Journal of Sociolinguistics.
Recontextualisation and advocacy in the translation zone
Blackledge A & Creese A (2021) Recontextualisation and advocacy in the translation zone. Text and Talk, 41 (1), pp. 1-21.
Project Report
Creese A, Blackledge A, Usma Wilches J, Amin T & Madiba M (2021) GCRF Development Award: Languaging in post-conflict zones: Educating for success in Colombia, Lebanon and South Africa Final Report. AHRC/GCRF.
Interpretations - An Ethnographic Drama
Blackledge A & Creese A (2021) Interpretations - An Ethnographic Drama. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.
Interaction ritual and the body in a city meat market
Blackledge A & Creese A (2020) Interaction ritual and the body in a city meat market. Social Semiotics, 30 (1), pp. 1-24.
Book Chapter
Blackledge A & Creese A (2020) Heteroglossia. In: Tusting K (ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Linguistic Ethnography. Routledge Handbooks in Applied Linguistics. Routledge, pp. 97-108.
Stereotypes and chronotopes: The peasant and the cosmopolitan in narratives about migration
Creese A & Blackledge A (2020) Stereotypes and chronotopes: The peasant and the cosmopolitan in narratives about migration. Journal of Sociolinguistics, 24 (4), pp. 419-440.
Translanguaging and Public Service Encounters: Language Learning in the Library
Creese A & Blackledge A (2019) Translanguaging and Public Service Encounters: Language Learning in the Library. The Modern Language Journal, 103 (4), pp. 800-814.
Authored Book
Voices of a City Market: An Ethnography
Blackledge A & Creese A (2019) Voices of a City Market: An Ethnography. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.
Book Chapter
Language, superdiversity, and self-employment
Blackledge A & Trehan K (2018) Language, superdiversity, and self-employment. In: Creese A & Blackledge A (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Language and Superdiversity. London: Taylor & Francis, pp. 299-311.
Translanguaging and translation: the construction of social difference across city spaces
Creese A, Blackledge A & Hu R (2018) Translanguaging and translation: the construction of social difference across city spaces. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 21 (7), pp. 841-852.
Book Chapter
Blackledge A & Creese A (2017) Translanguaging in mobility. In: Canagarajah S (ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Migration and Language. London: Taylor & Francis, pp. 31-46.
Blackledge A & Creese A (2017) Translanguaging and the body. International Journal of Multilingualism, 14 (3), pp. 250-268.
The 'other woman' in a mother and daughter relationship: The case of Mami Ji
Creese A & Blackledge A (2017) The 'other woman' in a mother and daughter relationship: The case of Mami Ji. Language in Society, 46 (2), pp. 185-206.
Book Chapter
Everyday encounters in the marketplace: Translanguaging in the super-diverse city
Blackledge A, Creese A & Hu R (2017) Everyday encounters in the marketplace: Translanguaging in the super-diverse city. In: De Fina A, Ikizoglu D & Wegner J (eds.) Diversity and Super-Diversity: Sociocultural linguistic perspectives. Washington D.C.: Georgetown University Law Center, pp. 97-116.
Book Chapter
Reflexivity in team ethnography: Using researcher vignettes
Creese A, Takhi JK & Blackledge A (2016) Reflexivity in team ethnography: Using researcher vignettes. In: Martin-Jones M & Martin D (eds.) Researching Multilingualism: Critical and ethnographic perspectives. London: Taylor & Francis, pp. 203-214.
Book Chapter
A linguistic ethnography of identity: Adopting a heteroglossic frame
Blackledge A & Creese A (2016) A linguistic ethnography of identity: Adopting a heteroglossic frame. In: Preece S (ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Language and Identity. London: Taylor & Francis, pp. 272-288.
The structure of everyday narrative in a city market: An ethnopoetics approach
Blackledge A, Creese A & Hu R (2016) The structure of everyday narrative in a city market: An ethnopoetics approach. Journal of Sociolinguistics, 20 (5), pp. 654-676.
Language, marriage migration and the law
Blackledge A (2016) Language, marriage migration and the law. International Journal of Speech, Language and the Law, 23 (1), pp. 1-23.
Book Chapter
Emblems of identities in four European urban settings
Blackledge A & Creese A (2015) Emblems of identities in four European urban settings. In: Nortier J & Svendsen BA (eds.) Language, Youth and Identity in the 21st Century: Linguistic Practices across Urban Spaces. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 167-182.;
Book Chapter
'A typical gentleman': Metapragmatic stereotypes as systems of distinction
Blackledge A & Creese A (2015) 'A typical gentleman': Metapragmatic stereotypes as systems of distinction. In: Arnaut K, Blommaert J, Rampton B & Spotti M (eds.) Language and Superdiversity. New York: Taylor & Francis, pp. 155-173.
Translanguaging and identity in educational settings
Creese A & Blackledge A (2015) Translanguaging and identity in educational settings. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 35, pp. 20-35.
'They look into our lips': Negotiation of the citizenship ceremony as authoritative discourse
Khan K & Blackledge A (2015) 'They look into our lips': Negotiation of the citizenship ceremony as authoritative discourse. Journal of Language and Politics, 14 (3), pp. 382-405.
Voice, register and social position
Blackledge A, Creese A & Kaur Takhi J (2014) Voice, register and social position. Multilingua, 33 (5-6), pp. 485-504.
Creese A, Blackledge A & Takhi JK (2014) The ideal 'Native Speaker' teacher: Negotiating authenticity and legitimacy in the language classroom. Modern Language Journal, 98 (4), pp. 937-951.
Book Chapter
Language, superdiversity and education
Blackledge A, Creese A & Takhi JK (2013) Language, superdiversity and education. In: de Saint-Georges I & Weber J (eds.) Multilingualism and Multimodality. The Future of Education Research. The Future of Education Research, 3. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, pp. 59-80.
Book Chapter
Beyond multilingualism: Heteroglossia in practice
Blackledge A, Creese A & Takhi JK (2013) Beyond multilingualism: Heteroglossia in practice. In: May S (ed.) The Multilingual Turn: Implications for SLA, TESOL, and Bilingual Education. New York: Taylor & Francis, pp. 191-215.
Voice and Meaning-Making in Team Ethnography
Creese A & Blackledge A (2012) Voice and Meaning-Making in Team Ethnography. Anthropology and Education Quarterly, 43 (3), pp. 306-324.
Book Chapter
Negotiation of identities across times and spaces
Blackledge A & Creese A (2012) Negotiation of identities across times and spaces. In: Gardner S & Martin-Jones M (eds.) Multilingualism, Discourse, and Ethnography. New York: Taylor & Francis, pp. 82-94.
Book Chapter
Creese A & Blackledge A (2011) Ideologies and interactions in multilingual education: What can an ecological approach tell us about bilingual pedagogy?. In: Helot C & O'Laoire M (eds.) Language Policy for the Multilingual Classroom: Pedagogy of the Possible - Bilingual Education & Bilingualism. Bristol: Changing Childbirth Implimentation Team, pp. 3-21.
Book Chapter
Pride, profit and distinction: Negotiations across time and space in community language education
Blackledge A & Creese A (2011) Pride, profit and distinction: Negotiations across time and space in community language education. In: Duchêne A & Heller M (eds.) Language in Late Capitalism: Pride and Profit. New York: Taylor & Francis, pp. 116-141.
Creese A, Blackledge A, Bara? T, Bhatt A, Hamid S, Wei L, Lytra V, Martin P, Wu C & Ya?cio?lu D (2011) Separate and flexible bilingualism in complementary schools: Multiple language practices in interrelationship. Journal of Pragmatics, 43 (5), pp. 1196-1208.
Towards a sociolinguistics of superdiversity
Creese A & Blackledge A (2010) Towards a sociolinguistics of superdiversity. Zeitschrift fur Erziehungswissenschaft, 13 (4), pp. 549-572.
Translanguaging in the bilingual classroom: A pedagogy for learning and teaching?
Creese A & Blackledge A (2010) Translanguaging in the bilingual classroom: A pedagogy for learning and teaching?. Modern Language Journal, 94 (1), pp. 103-115.
"As a country we do expect": The further extension of language testing regimes in the United Kingdom
Blackledge A (2009) "As a country we do expect": The further extension of language testing regimes in the United Kingdom. Language Assessment Quarterly, 6 (1), pp. 6-16.
Folk stories and social identification in multilingual classrooms
Creese A, Wu C & Blackledge A (2009) Folk stories and social identification in multilingual classrooms. Linguistics and Education, 20 (4), pp. 350-365.
Blackledge A & Creese A (2009) 'Because tumi Bangali': Inventing and disinventing the national in multilingual communities in the UK. Ethnicities, 9 (4), pp. 451-476.
Contesting 'Language' as 'Heritage': Negotiation of identities in late modernity
Blackledge A, Creese A, Bara? T, Bhatt A, Hamid S, Wei L, Lytra V, Martin P, Wu C & Ya?cio?lu D (2008) Contesting 'Language' as 'Heritage': Negotiation of identities in late modernity. Applied Linguistics, 29 (4), pp. 533-554.
Blackledge A (2006) The magical frontier between the dominant and the dominated: Sociolinguistics and social justice in a multilingual world. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 27 (1), pp. 22-41.
Book Chapter
Bangladeshi women and their children’s reading
Blackledge A (2005) Bangladeshi women and their children’s reading. In: Cable C (ed.) Primary Teaching Assistants Curriculum in Context. London: Taylor & Francis, pp. 203-210.
Blackledge A (2002) ‘What sort of people can look at a chicken and think dofednod?’: Language, ideology and nationalism in public discourse. Multilingua, 21 (2-3), pp. 197-226.
Negotiation of identities in multilingual contexts
Blackledge A & Pavlenko A (2001) Negotiation of identities in multilingual contexts. International Journal of Bilingualism, 5 (3), pp. 243-257.
The wrong sort of capital? Bangladeshi women and their children's schooling in Birmingham, U.K
Blackledge A (2001) The wrong sort of capital? Bangladeshi women and their children's schooling in Birmingham, U.K. International Journal of Bilingualism, 5 (3), pp. 345-369.
Language, literacy and social justice: The experiences of Bangladeshi women in Birmingham, UK
Blackledge A (1999) Language, literacy and social justice: The experiences of Bangladeshi women in Birmingham, UK. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 20 (3), pp. 179-193.
Blackledge A (1998) The institutionalisation of inequality: The initial teacher training national curriculum for primary English as cultural hegemony. Educational Review, 50, pp. 55-64.
Minority Parents as School Governors in Chicago and Britain: Empowerment or not?
Blackledge A (1995) Minority Parents as School Governors in Chicago and Britain: Empowerment or not?. Educational Review, 47 (3), pp. 309-317.
Poetry and Bias in the Primary School
Blackledge A (1994) Poetry and Bias in the Primary School. Educational Review, 46 (1), pp. 39-45.
'We can’t tell our stories in English': Language, story and culture in the primary school
Blackledge A (1993) 'We can’t tell our stories in English': Language, story and culture in the primary school. Language, Culture and Curriculum, 6 (2), pp. 129-141.