
Ms Kirstine Collins

Senior Lecturer

Management, Work and Organisation Stirling

Ms Kirstine Collins

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我要吃瓜 me

I am the Associate Dean for Learning and Teaching within Stirling Management School. I am also a lecturer in Human Resource Management for the CIPD Accredited BA (hons) Human Resource Management.

I am an experienced lecturer and programme director within the further and higher education sector. I have a strong background in curriculum development, learning, teaching and assessment and pastoral care. I have experience of both internal and external programme validation processes and professional body approval.

I have acted as an external validation panel member for Buckinghamshire New University and the University of East London and as an external specialist for the University of the Highlands and Islands Business, Management and Leisure Subject Review. I have also acted as an external specialist for the Scottish Qualification Authority (SQA) during development of their Higher National Certificate (HNC) and Higher National Diploma (HND) Human Resource Management curriculum.

I am currently an external examiner at Edinburgh Napier University and Leeds Beckett University.

I am a Senior Fellow of the HEA and Associate Member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD).


My main research interests are in the areas of Human Resource Management are: Talent Management, Recruitment and Selection, Performance Management and Reward Management.

I am also interested in learning and teaching, in particular: curriculum design, assessment and feedback, employability, job readiness and the impact of professionally accredited degree programmes on student success after university and student transition from FE to HE.

Outputs (2)



Quinn L & Collins K (2020) “Skills Development: From Learner to Practitioner”. Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development Applied Research Conference, Dublin, 22.01.2020-23.01.2020. https://www.cipd.co.uk/Images/2020-submissions-_tcm18-70875.pdf


I teach at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. I am/have been module co-ordinator for:

Undergraduate: Fundamentals of HRM (HRMU9S3) HRM Techniques (HRMU9HT) Employee Engagement (HRMU9EE)

Postgraduate: Talent Management (HRMP017) Employee Engagement (HRMP015)