Research Report
Evidence of the effectiveness and patient experience of formalised social support for people with a diagnosis of heart failure
Donaldson J, Roxburgh M, Watt S, Polson R, Armstrong L & Lauder W (2015) Evidence of the effectiveness and patient experience of formalised social support for people with a diagnosis of heart failure. Chest Heart and Stroke Scotland. 我要吃瓜.
Undergraduate student nurses' perceptions of two practice learning models: A focus group study
Roxburgh M (2014) Undergraduate student nurses' perceptions of two practice learning models: A focus group study. Nurse Education Today, 34 (1), pp. 40-46.
Authored Book
Placement Learning in Surgical Nursing: A guide for students in practice
Holland K & Roxburgh M (2012) Placement Learning in Surgical Nursing: A guide for students in practice. Placement Learning. London: Bailliere Tindall Elsevier.
Self-Neglect Consultation Rates and Comorbidities in Primary Care
Lauder W & Roxburgh M (2012) Self-Neglect Consultation Rates and Comorbidities in Primary Care. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 18 (5), pp. 454-461.
Evaluating Hub and Spoke Models of Practice learning in Scotland, UK: A multiple Case Study Approach
Roxburgh M, Conlon M & Banks D (2012) Evaluating Hub and Spoke Models of Practice learning in Scotland, UK: A multiple Case Study Approach. Nurse Education Today, 32 (7), pp. 782-789.
Research Report
A follow up to new approaches to providing practice placements in the pre-registration nursing programmes: A comparison study of the year one pilot students and their year 2 experience. The Final Report
Bradley P, Roxburgh M & Lauder W (2012) A follow up to new approaches to providing practice placements in the pre-registration nursing programmes: A comparison study of the year one pilot students and their year 2 experience. The Final Report. NHS Education for Scotland. 我要吃瓜.
Wheel of learning support
Roxburgh M & Bradley P (2012) Wheel of learning support. Nursing Standard, 26 (34), pp. 64-64.
Research Report
The Development, Implementation and Evaluation of Demonstration Projects of New Approaches to Providing Practice Placements in the Pre Registration Nursing Programmes: Contemporising Practice Placements for Undergraduate student nurses: Are 'hub and spoke' models the future?
Roxburgh M, Bradley P, Lauder W, Riddell N, Greenshields L & Myles J (2011) The Development, Implementation and Evaluation of Demonstration Projects of New Approaches to Providing Practice Placements in the Pre Registration Nursing Programmes: Contemporising Practice Placements for Undergraduate student nurses: Are 'hub and spoke' models the future?. NHS Education for Scotland (NES).
Flying Start NHS?: easing the transition from student to registered health professional
Banks P, Roxburgh M, Kane H, Lauder W, Jones MC, Kydd A & Atkinson J (2011) Flying Start NHS?: easing the transition from student to registered health professional. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 20 (23-24), pp. 3567-3576.;
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Contemporising practice placements for undergraduate student nurses: are ‘hub and spoke’ models the future?implementation and evaluation of a ‘hub and spoke’ model
Roxburgh M, Bradley P & Lauder W (2011) Contemporising practice placements for undergraduate student nurses: are ‘hub and spoke’ models the future?implementation and evaluation of a ‘hub and spoke’ model. NET2011: The 22nd International Networking for Healthcare Education Conference, Cambridge, UK, 06.09.2011-08.09.2011.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Evaluation results and recommendations from a new approach to providing practice
placements in the pre-registration nursing programmes: the development,
implementation and evaluation of a ‘hub and spoke’ model
Roxburgh M, Bradley P & Lauder W (2011) Evaluation results and recommendations from a new approach to providing practice
placements in the pre-registration nursing programmes: the development,
implementation and evaluation of a ‘hub and spoke’ model. NET2011: 22nd International Networking for Education in Healthcare Conference, Cambridge, 06.09.2011-08.09.2011.
An integrative literature review of student retention in programmes of nursing and midwifery education: why do students stay?
Cameron J, Roxburgh M, Taylor J & Lauder W (2011) An integrative literature review of student retention in programmes of nursing and midwifery education: why do students stay?. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 20 (9-10), pp. 1372-1382.
The quality of on-line communication in a national learning programme for newly qualified nurses, midwives and allied health professionals
Lauder W, Roxburgh M, Atkinson J, Banks P & Kane H (2011) The quality of on-line communication in a national learning programme for newly qualified nurses, midwives and allied health professionals. Nurse Education in Practice, 11 (3), pp. 206-210.
Why students leave in the UK: an integrative review of the international research literature
Cameron J, Roxburgh M, Taylor J & Lauder W (2011) Why students leave in the UK: an integrative review of the international research literature. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 20 (7-8), pp. 1086-1096.
Presentation / Talk
Invited paper: Rethinking models of organising practice learning - lessons learned from the demonstration project
Roxburgh M & Bradley P (2011) Invited paper: Rethinking models of organising practice learning - lessons learned from the demonstration project. Scottish Government Health Dept/ NHS Education for Scotland. Implementing the New Graduate Pre-Registration Nursing Programmes, Second National Workshop.
Presentation / Talk
Invited paper: Rethinking models of practice learning - lessons learned from the demonstration project
Roxburgh M & Bradley P (2011) Invited paper: Rethinking models of practice learning - lessons learned from the demonstration project. Keele University, School of Nursing & Midwifery Clinical Education. Learning lessons and applying to a new undergraduate Nursing curriculum, Keele.
Research Report
Developing Community Nursing Practice: Promoting Case Management and Skill Enhancement to Support Shifting the Balance of Care
Smith A, Roxburgh M, James B, Mackay S, Gray C, Parkes T, Lauder W, McCulloch K & Wilson C (2010) Developing Community Nursing Practice: Promoting Case Management and Skill Enhancement to Support Shifting the Balance of Care. NHS Highland.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
New approaches to providing practice placements in the pre-registration nursing programmes: The development, implementation and evaluation of a ‘hub and spoke’ model
Roxburgh M & Bradley P (2010) New approaches to providing practice placements in the pre-registration nursing programmes: The development, implementation and evaluation of a ‘hub and spoke’ model. NET2010: 21st International Networking Education in Healthcare Conference, Cambridge, 07.09.2010-09.09.2010.
Psychosocial health and health-related quality of life in school pupils 11-18 years
Lauder W, Burton C, Roxburgh M, Themessl-Huber M, O’Neill M & Abubakari A (2010) Psychosocial health and health-related quality of life in school pupils 11-18 years. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 19 (13-14), pp. 1821-1829.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Skills Transfer to Support Shifting the Balance of Care
Roxburgh M (2010) Skills Transfer to Support Shifting the Balance of Care. Royal College of Nursing of the United Kingdom 2010 International Nursing Research Conference. Symposium 13: Shifting the balance of care: Implications for community nursing practice, Newcastle, 11.05.2010-13.05.2010.
Presentation / Talk
The Development, Implementation and Evaluation of New Approaches to Providing Practice Placements in the Pre-Registration Nursing Programmes
Roxburgh M, Bradley P & Lauder W (2010) The Development, Implementation and Evaluation of New Approaches to Providing Practice Placements in the Pre-Registration Nursing Programmes. EduFair 2010, Stirling, Scotland, 10.05.2010-10.05.2010.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Case management in community nurses: Outcomes from literature and practice
Smith A, Roxburgh M & James B (2010) Case management in community nurses: Outcomes from literature and practice. Scottish School of Primary Care Annual Research Conference 2010, Crieff.
Presentation / Talk
Invited paper: Developing community nursing practice: promoting case management and skill enhancement to support shifting the balance of care
Roxburgh M & Smith A (2010) Invited paper: Developing community nursing practice: promoting case management and skill enhancement to support shifting the balance of care. NHS Highland Research and Development Day.
Early findings from an evaluation of a post-registration staff development programme: The Flying Start NHS initiative in Scotland, UK
Roxburgh M, Lauder W, Topping KJ, Holland K, Johnson M & Watson R (2010) Early findings from an evaluation of a post-registration staff development programme: The Flying Start NHS initiative in Scotland, UK. Nurse Education in Practice, 10 (2), pp. 76-81.;
Research Report
Evaluation of Flying Start NHS
Banks P, Kane H, Roxburgh M, Lauder W, Jones MC, Atkinson J & Kydd A (2010) Evaluation of Flying Start NHS. NHS Education for Scotland (NES).
Fitness for practice in nursing and midwifery education in Scotland, United Kingdom
Holland K, Roxburgh M, Johnson M, Topping KJ, Watson R, Lauder W & Porter M (2010) Fitness for practice in nursing and midwifery education in Scotland, United Kingdom. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 19 (3-4), pp. 461-469.;
Rwanda: A thousand hills, a thousand dreams, a thousand challenges for nurses and midwives and the Millennium Development Goals
Roxburgh M, Taylor J & Murebwayire M (2009) Rwanda: A thousand hills, a thousand dreams, a thousand challenges for nurses and midwives and the Millennium Development Goals. Nurse Education in Practice, 9 (6), pp. 349-350.
Presentation / Talk
Student views on the use of e-learning as a teaching strategy for the Essential Skills Cluster
Muirhead RJ & Roxburgh M (2009) Student views on the use of e-learning as a teaching strategy for the Essential Skills Cluster. Nurse Education in Practice Conference, Cambridge.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Student experience on the use of e-learning as a learning and teaching strategy in developing their knowledge and skills
Muirhead RJ & Roxburgh M (2009) Student experience on the use of e-learning as a learning and teaching strategy in developing their knowledge and skills. Nurse Education in Practice Conference 2009, Cambridge.
Developing self-neglect theory: analysis of related and atypical cases of people identified as self-neglecting
Lauder W, Roxburgh M, Harris J & Law J (2009) Developing self-neglect theory: analysis of related and atypical cases of people identified as self-neglecting. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 16 (5), pp. 447-454.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Psychosocial health and health-related quality of life in school pupils 11-18 years
Lauder W, Roxburgh M & Burton C (2009) Psychosocial health and health-related quality of life in school pupils 11-18 years. Scottish School of Primary Care Annual Research Conference 2009, Stirling.
Research Report
Report of Scoping Visit to Rwanda: Nurse Education Project
Roxburgh M & Logie DE (2008) Report of Scoping Visit to Rwanda: Nurse Education Project. University of Dundee, School of Nursing and Midwifery/Universities Scotland.
Presentation / Talk
Invited paper: Supporting Student Recruitment, Selection and Retention
Roxburgh M, Holland K & Lauder W (2008) Invited paper: Supporting Student Recruitment, Selection and Retention. Scottish Government Health Department/ NHS Education for Scotland. The Scottish Pre-registration Evaluation of Fitness for Practice Curricula and the future links to student recruitment, retention and selection.
A review of curriculum evaluation in United Kingdom nursing education
Roxburgh M, Watson R, Holland K, Johnson M, Lauder W & Topping KJ (2008) A review of curriculum evaluation in United Kingdom nursing education. Nurse Education Today, 28 (7), pp. 881-889.
Research Report
Service Mapping and Needs Assessment of Mental Health and Wellbeing in Children and Young People Aged 5-18 years in Angus
Lauder W, Burton C & Roxburgh M (2008) Service Mapping and Needs Assessment of Mental Health and Wellbeing in Children and Young People Aged 5-18 years in Angus. School of Nursing and Midwifery. University.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Fitness for Practice: the student experience in Scotland
Roxburgh M, Holland K & Johnson M (2008) Fitness for Practice: the student experience in Scotland. Nurse Education Today International Conference 2008, Cambridge.
Research Report
Nursing and Midwifery in Scotland: Being Fit for Practice
Lauder W, Roxburgh M, Holland K, Johnson M, Watson R, Porter M, Topping KJ & Behr A (2008) Nursing and Midwifery in Scotland: Being Fit for Practice [The Report of the Evaluation of Fitness For Practice Pre-Registration Nursing and Midwifery Curricula Project]. NHS Education for Scotland (NES).
An evaluation of fitness for practice curricula: self-efficacy, support and self-reported competence in preregistration student nurses and midwives
Lauder W, Watson R, Topping KJ, Holland K, Johnson M, Porter M, Roxburgh M & Behr A (2008) An evaluation of fitness for practice curricula: self-efficacy, support and self-reported competence in preregistration student nurses and midwives. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 17 (14), pp. 1858-1867.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Phase One: Fitness for Practice: The Background
Johnson M, Roxburgh M, Holland K, Lauder W, Watson R & Topping KJ (2008) Phase One: Fitness for Practice: The Background. NETNEP 2008: 2nd International Nurse Education Conference Research and Innovation in International Nurse Education, Dublin, Ireland.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Managing the 'phase two' collaborative process - Lessons learned from a national evaluation of pre-registration nursing and midwifery curriculum in Scotland
Johnson M, Roxburgh M, Holland K, Lauder W & Watson R (2008) Managing the 'phase two' collaborative process - Lessons learned from a national evaluation of pre-registration nursing and midwifery curriculum in Scotland. NETNEP 2008: 2nd International Nurse Education Conference Research and Innovation in International Nurse Education, Dublin, Ireland, 09.06.2008-11.06.2008.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Mental Health and Wellbeing: Involving Children in the Research Process
Lauder W, Burton C & Roxburgh M (2008) Mental Health and Wellbeing: Involving Children in the Research Process. 3rd Annual Conference Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh:, Edinburgh.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
National Evaluation of Fitness for Practice and Flying Start NHS: Research design and Methodologies
Roxburgh M, Lauder W, Watson R, Holland K, Johnson M & Topping KJ (2008) National Evaluation of Fitness for Practice and Flying Start NHS: Research design and Methodologies. Educational Research in Health Care SCOTLAND (EriHCS), Educational research Group of SHANAHP, University of Glasgow.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
The use of peer interviews in exploring the mental health and wellbeing of primary school aged children
Burton C, Abebe B, O’Neill M, Themessl-Huber M, Lauder W & Roxburgh M (2008) The use of peer interviews in exploring the mental health and wellbeing of primary school aged children. RCN Annual International Nursing Research Conference 2008, Liverpool, 08.04.2008-11.04.2008.
Measuring competence, self-reported competence and self-efficacy in pre-registration students
Lauder W, Holland K, Roxburgh M, Topping KJ, Watson R, Johnson M, Porter M & Behr A (2008) Measuring competence, self-reported competence and self-efficacy in pre-registration students. Nursing Standard, 22 (20), pp. 35-43.
The dissemination and uptake of competency frameworks
Hendry C, Lauder W & Roxburgh M (2007) The dissemination and uptake of competency frameworks. Journal of Research in Nursing, 12 (6), pp. 689-700.
Roxburgh M (2007) Response. Commentary on: Parahoo K(2007) Commentary on Roxburgh (2006) An exploration of
factors which constrain nurses from research participation. Journal
of Clinical Nursing. Journal of Clinical Nursing 16, 1763–1764.. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 16 (9), p. 1764.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Clinical Governance: A ‘Golden Thread’. Mapping Clinical Governance Education through a pre-registration nursing programme
Hainey S & Roxburgh M (2007) Clinical Governance: A ‘Golden Thread’. Mapping Clinical Governance Education through a pre-registration nursing programme. Nurse Education Today International Conference 2007, Cambridge University.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Self-Reported Competence and Self-Efficacy
Behr A, Holland K, Johnson M, Lauder W, McKenna E, Porter MA, Rogers S, Roxburgh M, Topping KJ & Watson R (2007) Self-Reported Competence and Self-Efficacy. RCN annual international nursing research conference 2007. Symposium: National evaluation of fitness for practice curricula: Survey of student nurses’ and midwives’ competence, self-efficacy and support mechanisms, Dundee, Scotland, UK, 01.05.2007-04.05.2007.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
What is the association between four sources of support for students and self-reported competency?
Behr A, Holland K, Johnson M, Lauder W, McKenna E, Porter MA, Rankin J, Roxburgh M, Topping KJ & Watson R (2007) What is the association between four sources of support for students and self-reported competency?. RCN annual international nursing research conference 2007. Symposium: National evaluation of fitness for practice curricula: Survey of student nurses’ and midwives’ competence, self-efficacy and support mechanisms, Dundee, Scotland, 01.05.2007-04.05.2007.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Coordinating a Large Scale National Evaluation: Practical Lessons for Researchers
Roxburgh M, O'Brien S, Howes D, Cowan R, Masters H, Hanif N, Stoddart B, Rankin J & Comerasamy C (2007) Coordinating a Large Scale National Evaluation: Practical Lessons for Researchers. RCN annual international nursing research conference 2007. Symposium: National evaluation of fitness for practice curricula: Survey of student nurses’ and midwives’ competence, self-efficacy and support mechanisms, Dundee, Scotland, 01.05.2007-04.05.2007.
Are current quality systems in nurse education fit for purpose: Can we really be sure of current standards?
Lauder W, Moxham L & Roxburgh M (2006) Are current quality systems in nurse education fit for purpose: Can we really be sure of current standards?. Nurse Education Today, 26 (7), pp. 525-527.
Fool's gold or real gold?
Roxburgh M & Gall P (2006) Fool's gold or real gold?. Journal of Perioperative Practice, 16 (9), pp. 428-433.
Service and Education: A Partnership to develop a National Ambulatory Care Competency Framework
Roxburgh M (2006) Service and Education: A Partnership to develop a National Ambulatory Care Competency Framework. BADS Annual Scientific Meeting 2006, Glasgow.
An exploration of factors which constrain nurses from research participation
Roxburgh M (2006) An exploration of factors which constrain nurses from research participation. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 15 (5), pp. 535-545.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
A critique of partnerships: The last 15 and the next 5 years
Lauder W & Roxburgh M (2006) A critique of partnerships: The last 15 and the next 5 years. NHS Education for Scotland 3rd Annual conference, Aviemore.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Invited paper: An evaluation of 3 National nursing competency frameworks
Roxburgh M, Hendry C & Lauder W (2006) Invited paper: An evaluation of 3 National nursing competency frameworks. NHS Education for Scotland 3rd Annual conference, Aviemore.
Are there lessons to be learned by the demise of enrolled nurse training in the United Kingdom?
Lauder W & Roxburgh M (2006) Are there lessons to be learned by the demise of enrolled nurse training in the United Kingdom?. Nurse Education in Practice, 6 (2), pp. 61-62.
A cover up? Potential risks of wearing theatre clothing outside theatre
Roxburgh M, Gall P & Lee K (2006) A cover up? Potential risks of wearing theatre clothing outside theatre. Journal of Perioperative Practice, 16 (1), pp. 30-41.
Research Report
An Evaluation of 3 National Competency Framework Documents
Hendry C, Lauder W & Roxburgh M (2005) An Evaluation of 3 National Competency Framework Documents. University of Dundee, School of Nursing & Midwifery.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Invited paper: Service & Education: A Partnership to Develop a National Ambulatory Care Competency Framework
Roxburgh M (2005) Invited paper: Service & Education: A Partnership to Develop a National Ambulatory Care Competency Framework. National Outpatient Nurses Forum Annual Conference, Stirling.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Invited paper: A Cover up? Does the wearing of Theatre greens increase the risk of nosocomial infections
Roxburgh M, Gall P & Lee K (2004) Invited paper: A Cover up? Does the wearing of Theatre greens increase the risk of nosocomial infections. National Association of Theatre Nurses Annual Conference, Harrogate.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Invited paper: Ambulatory Care – Principles and Challenges
Roxburgh M & Forbes S (2003) Invited paper: Ambulatory Care – Principles and Challenges. RCN Annual Day Surgery Conference, Birmingham.
Developing a nurse-led cystoscopy service
Roxburgh M (2000) Developing a nurse-led cystoscopy service. British Journal of Perioperative Nursing, 10 (5), pp. 246-248, 250, 252-254.
A Nurse Cystoscopy Service
Roxburgh M (1998) A Nurse Cystoscopy Service. Scottish Nurse, 3 (1), pp. 13-15.