
Professor Mike Thomas

Emeritus Professor

Biological and Environmental Sciences 我要吃瓜, Stirling, FK9 4LA

Professor Mike Thomas

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我要吃瓜 me

Professor Emeritus Leverhulme Emeritus Fellow 2002-03 PhD - University of London MA - University of Reading


My main research area is in tropical and applied geomorphology, with special reference to: Weathering and long-term landform evolution Fluvial response to late Quaternary environmental changes Applications of geomorphology to slope stability problems and to geodiversity studies. Affiliation and Awards Fellow: The Geological Society; Royal Scottish Geographical Society (former Council member and Chair of Research Committee to 2010); Royal Society of Edinburgh. Member: British Society for Geomorphology (Chair,1982-83; Treasurer, 2002-2006); Joint Editor CATENA, 1995-2005; Honorary Member, Forth Naturalist and Historian (Board, 2000-2010; Chair, 2004-2010). Centenary Medal, Royal Scottish Geographical Society: for distinguished contribution to geographical research (2000); David Linton Award, British Society for Geomorphology: for outstanding contribution to geomorphological research and scholarship (2001). Current Research

Role of weathering in long-term landform evolution Role of geomorphology in studies of geodiversity with particular reference to landscape sensitivity (Co-convener of BGS, BSSS, RSGS, SNH, Scottish conference: ‘Engaging with Geodiversity – Why it Matters’, held at The Dynamic Earth, Edinburgh, 1 December 2009) Impact of late Quaternary climate changes on landscape instability in humid tropical environments and in Scotland

Outputs (6)



Redshaw P, Boon D, Campbell G, Willis M, Mattai J, Free M, Jordan C, Kemp SJ, Morley A & Thomas M (2019) The 2017 Regent Landslide, Freetown Peninsula, Sierra Leone. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 52 (4), pp. 435-444. https://doi.org/10.1144/qjegh2018-187

Book Chapter

Reid E, Thomas M & Tipping R (2003) Holocene alluvial fan and fluvial activity in upper Gleann Lichd, Kintail. In: Tipping R (ed.) The Quaternary of Glen Affric and Kintail: Field guide. Quaternary Research Association field guide. London: Quaternary Research Association, pp. 157-164. 9780907780595.