
Mrs Julia Scott

Senior Teaching Fellow

Health Sciences Stirling Stirling,

Mrs Julia Scott

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Director of Learning, Teaching and Quality Enhancement Member of School Senior Team Teaching Fellow School Responsibilities: Director of Learning, Teaching and Quality Enhancement (April 2009-present)

Work closely with staff across the three campuses within the School and the University to ensure the highest quality of learning and teaching provision and to promote the School as a high quality centre for innovative nursing and midwifery education. Provide academic leadership and management of regulated undergraduate educational provision to ensure appropriate pedagogy underpins programme delivery Engage actively with colleagues across three campus sites to ensure consistency and continuity of programme delivery School responsibility for Undergraduate Nursing and Midwifery Programmes Provide leadership for effective student support systems to ensure equity of the student experience across all sites Work closely with the Lead for Student Experience to ensure equity of experience across all campus sites Work closely with the Lead for Recruitment and Retention Work closely with the Lead Midwife for Education Ensuring the School maximises the cross-campus opportunities and expertise to deliver programmes which are locally, nationally and internationally relevant Academic responsibility for the School's Quality Assurance Framework and internal and external quality assurance reviews and reports Development and implementation of robust quality assurance mechanisms in relation to student support, progression and achievement Close collaborative working with service partners to ensure education is responsive to policy and service demands to ensure course content and programme delivery reflects changes in health care and education policy Chair of School Curriculum Development Group Chair, School Undergraduate Programme Sub-committee Member of School Senior Team Member of the School Education and Research Development Group Member of the School Research Committee Member of School Learning and Teaching Committee Undergraduate Senior Advisor of Studies Module co-ordinator for SCQF Level 9 44 credit Module: NUR 196 ‘Advanced Clinical Assessment’ Personal tutor to students within the BSc (Honours) in Nursing/Diploma Programme Supervision of students undertaking both Honours and Masters Programmes Member of the University Quality Enhancement Committee Member of the University Enhancement Led Institutional Review (ELIR) Steering Group

Teaching: I contribute to teaching in the BSc (Honours)/Diploma in Higher Education (Nursing) programme; BSc Midwifery Programme; BSc in Professional Practice; MSc Advanced Practice. SCQF Levels 7-11.My particular expertise is in:

Acute care nursing Intensive care and high dependency nursing care and management Respiratory care and management Integrated care pathways Life sciences Pathophysiology Advanced clinical assessment skills Quality improvement

Membership of Professional Organisations:RCN BACCN

Research (1)

Active member of the School Education Research and Development group. Developments within the Education and Research Group interact with curriculum planning and development of School programmes. Recently completed a Literature Review with clinical and academic colleagues: ‘Measuring the impact of quality indicators on nursing and midwifery practice’.

Research Interests:

Nurse Education Research; Teaching and Learning Methodologies; Changing roles of nurses within healthcare; Advanced Practice education and role development; Intensive Care. Research Proposal for MSc Dissertation: ‘The Purpose of Education in Role Progression and the Development of Advanced Practice Attributes’. Published research related to the use of complementary and alternative therapies in patients diagnosed with cancer.


Investigating the validity of a National Assessor's Equivalency Tool
PI: Mrs Julia Scott
Funded by: NHS Education for Scotland

Outputs (9)



Molassiotis A, Ozden G, Platin N, Scott J, Pud D, Fernandez-Ortega P, Milovics L, Panteli V, Gudmundsdottir G, Browall M, Madsen E, Patiraki E & Kearney N (2006) Complementary and alternative medicine use in patients with head and neck cancers in Europe. European Journal of Cancer Care, 15 (1), pp. 19-24. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2354.2005.00615.x


Molassiotis A, Scott J, Kearney N, Pud D, Magri M, Selvekerova S, Bruyns I, Fernandez-Ortega P, Panteli V, Margulies A, Gudmundsdottir G, Milovics L, Ozden G, Platin N & Patiraki E (2006) Complementary and alternative medicine use in breast cancer patients in Europe. Supportive Care in Cancer, 14 (3), pp. 260-267. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00520-005-0883-7


Molassiotis A, Margulies A, Fernandez-Ortega P, Pud D, Panteli V, Bruyns I, Scott J, Gudmundsdottir G, Browall M, Madsen E, Ozden G, Magri M, Selvekerova S, Platin N, Kearney N & Patiraki E (2005) Complementary and alternative medicine use in patients with haematological malignancies in Europe. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 11 (2), pp. 105-110. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ctcp.2004.12.005


Molassiotis A, Fernandez-Ortega P, Pud D, Ozden G, Scott J, Panteli V, Margulies A, Browall M, Magri M, Selvekerova S, Madsen E, Milovics L, Bruyns I, Gudmundsdottir G, Hummerston S, Ahmad AM, Platin N, Kearney N & Patiraki E (2005) Use of complementary and alternative medicine in cancer patients: a European survey. Annals of Oncology, 16 (4), pp. 655-663. https://doi.org/10.1093/annonc/mdi110