Book Chapter
The Ingenious Mr Adam
King D (2019) The Ingenious Mr Adam. In: Thom C (ed.) Robert Adam and his Brothers: New light on Britain's leading architectural family. 1st ed. Swindon: Historic England, pp. 183-201.
Consultancy Report
The Fair Funding Review – Some Comments
King DN (2018) The Fair Funding Review – Some Comments. Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government. London.
Allocating Grant to the UK's Devolved Territories by Needs Assessment: Lessons from School Funding Formulae in England and Scotland
King DN & Eiser D (2017) Allocating Grant to the UK's Devolved Territories by Needs Assessment: Lessons from School Funding Formulae in England and Scotland. Fiscal Studies, 38 (1), pp. 81-109.
Reform of the Barnett Formula with Needs Assessment: Can the Challenges be Overcome?
King DN & Eiser D (2016) Reform of the Barnett Formula with Needs Assessment: Can the Challenges be Overcome?. Regional Studies, 50 (5), pp. 790-804.
Authored Book
Fiscal Tiers: The Economics of Multi-level Government
King D (2016) Fiscal Tiers: The Economics of Multi-level Government. Routledge Revivals. London: Routledge.
Assessing relative spending needs of devolved government: the case of healthcare spending in the UK
Ball R, Eiser D & King DN (2015) Assessing relative spending needs of devolved government: the case of healthcare spending in the UK. Regional Studies, 49 (2), pp. 323-336.
Preprint / Working Paper
Reform of the Barnett Formula with needs assessment: can the challenges be overcome?
King DN & Eiser D (2013) Reform of the Barnett Formula with needs assessment: can the challenges be overcome?.
Preprint / Working Paper
Replacing the Barnett Formula by needs assessment: lessons from school funding formulae in England and Scotland
Ball R, King DN & Eiser D (2012) Replacing the Barnett Formula by needs assessment: lessons from school funding formulae in England and Scotland.
Authored Book
King DN (2012) Economics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Assessing the relative health care spending needs of the UK's devolved territories: A Scottish perspective
Ball R, King DN & Eiser D (2012) Assessing the relative health care spending needs of the UK's devolved territories: A Scottish perspective. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 30 (2), pp. 322-346.
Research Report
Memorandum, pages 47 to 53 in The Barnett Formula: Report with Evidence: House of Lords Select Committee on the Barnett Formula, 1st Report of Session 2008-09
King DN (2009) Memorandum, pages 47 to 53 in The Barnett Formula: Report with Evidence: House of Lords Select Committee on the Barnett Formula, 1st Report of Session 2008-09. HL Paper, 139. The Stationery Office, London.
Preprint / Working Paper
Explaining variations in spending levels between local authorities: an economic analysis
King DN (2008) Explaining variations in spending levels between local authorities: an economic analysis. Stirling Economics Discussion Paper, 2008-29.
Scotland’s social services spending needs: an English view
King DN, Pashley M & Ball R (2007) Scotland’s social services spending needs: an English view. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 25 (6), pp. 918-940.
Less than you thought: the fiscal autonomy of sub-central governments
Blochliger H & King DN (2007) Less than you thought: the fiscal autonomy of sub-central governments. OECD Economic Studies, 2006 (2), pp. 155-188.
The Private Finance Initiative in the UK: A value for money and economic analysis
Ball R, Heafey M & King DN (2007) The Private Finance Initiative in the UK: A value for money and economic analysis. Public Management Review, 9 (2), pp. 289-310.
The environmental spending needs of Scotland’s local authorities
King DN, Pashley M & Ball R (2007) The environmental spending needs of Scotland’s local authorities. Local Government Studies, 33 (2), pp. 271-309.
Book Chapter
Local Government Organisation and Finance: United Kingdom
King DN (2006) Local Government Organisation and Finance: United Kingdom. In: Shah A (ed.) Local governance in industrial countries. First ed. Public sector, governance and accountability series. Washington DC, USA: World Bank, pp. 265-312.
Allocation of Taxing Powers
King DN (2006) Allocation of Taxing Powers. OECD Journal on Budgeting, 6 (3), pp. 123-155.
The Private Finance Initiative in Local Government
Ball R & King DN (2006) The Private Finance Initiative in Local Government. Economic Affairs, 26 (1), pp. 36-40.
Research Report
Fiscal Autonomy of Sub-Central Governments
King D & Bl?chliger H (2006) Fiscal Autonomy of Sub-Central Governments. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Paris: OECD Publishing.
Research Report
Subcentral Taxation
King D (2005) Subcentral Taxation. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Paris: OECD Publishing.
Preprint / Working Paper
Options for Local Government Finance: An Economic Approach
King D & Watt P (2005) Options for Local Government Finance: An Economic Approach. County Councils Network. London.
Conference Paper (published)
Supporting Remote Collaboration Through Structured Activity Logging
Bouamrane M, Luz S, Masoodian M & King D (2005) Supporting Remote Collaboration Through Structured Activity Logging. In: Zhuge H & Fox GC (eds.) Grid and Cooperative Computing - GCC 2005. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 3795. Grid and Cooperative Computing - GCC 2005, Beijing, 30.11.2005-03.12.2005. Berlin: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 1096-1107.
Book Chapter
Risk Management and the Private Finance Initiative
Ball R, Heafey M & King D (2004) Risk Management and the Private Finance Initiative. In: Ghobadian A, Gallear D, O’Regan N & Viney H (eds.) Public-Private Partnerships. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 179-188.
An English Assessment of Scotland's Education Spending Needs
King DN, Pashley M & Ball R (2004) An English Assessment of Scotland's Education Spending Needs. Fiscal Studies, 25 (4), pp. 439-466.;
Research Report
The Liberal Democrats’ Local Income Tax: The Rates that would have Applied in 2003-04
King D (2004) The Liberal Democrats’ Local Income Tax: The Rates that would have Applied in 2003-04. Liberal Democrat Party. London.
Research Report
The Liberal Democrats’ Local Income Tax: The Rates that would have Applied in 2004-05
King D (2004) The Liberal Democrats’ Local Income Tax: The Rates that would have Applied in 2004-05. Liberal Democrat Party. London.
Risk transfer and value for money in pfi projects
King DN, Heafey M & Ball R (2003) Risk transfer and value for money in pfi projects. Public Management Review, 5 (2), pp. 279-290.;
Some lessons from using PFI for school building projects
King DN, Heafey M & Ball R (2003) Some lessons from using PFI for school building projects. Local Government Studies, 29 (2), pp. 89-106.
Book Chapter
Decentralisation in EU applicant states
King D (2003) Decentralisation in EU applicant states. In: Franco P (ed.) The Economics of EU enlargement. Milan: Franco Angeli, pp. 208-232.
Book Chapter
Devolution and its Future Financing
King DN (2003) Devolution and its Future Financing. In: Jamieson B (ed.) What Future for Scotland? Policy Options for Devolution. Edinburgh: Policy Institute, pp. 87-96.
Private Finance Initiative in the UK: Policy and Practice, Schools Infrastructure in Scotland
Ball R, Heafey M & King D (2002) Private Finance Initiative in the UK: Policy and Practice, Schools Infrastructure in Scotland. Local Government Studies, 28 (1), pp. 63-73.
The private finance initiative and public sector finance
King DN, Heafey M & Ball R (2002) The private finance initiative and public sector finance. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 20 (1), pp. 57-74.
Research Report
Fiscal Decentralization in EU Applicant States and Selected EU Member States
King D (2002) Fiscal Decentralization in EU Applicant States and Selected EU Member States. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Paris: OECD Publishing.
Book Chapter
Decentralisation and Macroeconomic Management: The Experience of OECD Countries
King DN & Ma Y (2001) Decentralisation and Macroeconomic Management: The Experience of OECD Countries. In: Libro de Resúmenes de las 34 Jornados Internacionales de Finanzas Públicas. Cordoba: Universidad Nacional (Facultad de Ciencias Económicas).
Book Chapter
Non Federalismo Della Gran Bretagna
King D (2001) Non Federalismo Della Gran Bretagna. In: Fossati A & Levaggi R (eds.) Dal Decentramento Alla Devolution. Milan: Franco Angeli, pp. 306-331.
Authored Book
Complete Works of Robert and James Adam and Unbuilt Adam
King DN (2001) Complete Works of Robert and James Adam and Unbuilt Adam. Reprinted with corrections and additions ed. Oxford, UK: Architectural Press.
Private Finance Initiative - A good deal for the public purse or a drain on future generations?
King DN, Heafey M & Ball R (2001) Private Finance Initiative - A good deal for the public purse or a drain on future generations?. Policy and Politics, 29 (1), pp. 95-108.
Fiscal decentralization, central bank independence, and inflation
King DN & Ma Y (2001) Fiscal decentralization, central bank independence, and inflation. Economics Letters, 72 (1), pp. 95-98.;
Book Chapter
Managerial and Economic Implications of the Private Finance Initiative
Ball R, Heafey M & King D (2000) Managerial and Economic Implications of the Private Finance Initiative. In: The Fourth International Symposium on Public Management Abstracts. Rotterdam: Erasmus University, pp. 14-16.
Book Chapter
Central Government Control over Local Authority Expenditure: The Overseas Experience
King DN & Ma Y (2000) Central Government Control over Local Authority Expenditure: The Overseas Experience. In: Managing the Public’s Money: A Local Perspective. London: Local Government Information Unit, pp. 33-43.
Managing and Concluding the Pfi Process for a New High School: Room for improvement?
Ball R, Heafey M & King D (2000) Managing and Concluding the Pfi Process for a New High School: Room for improvement?. Public Management: An International Journal of Research and Theory, 2 (2), pp. 159-180.
Local Authority Size in Theory and Practice
King DN & Ma Y (2000) Local Authority Size in Theory and Practice. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 18 (3), pp. 255-270.;
Local authority provision versus club provision
King DN & Ma Y (2000) Local authority provision versus club provision. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 18 (2), pp. 207-223.;
Decentralization and macroeconomic performance
King DN & Ma Y (2000) Decentralization and macroeconomic performance. Applied Economics Letters, 7 (1), pp. 11-14.;
Book Chapter
Local Governments in Great Britain
King D (1999) Local Governments in Great Britain. In: Fossati A & Panella G (eds.) Fiscal Federalism in the European Union. London: Taylor & Francis, pp. 177-200.
Central government control over local authority expenditure: The overseas experience
King DN & Ma Y (1999) Central government control over local authority expenditure: The overseas experience. Public Money and Management, 19 (3), pp. 23-28.
Authored Book
Financial claims and derivatives
King DN (1999) Financial claims and derivatives. First ed. London, UK: International Thomson Business Press.
Preprint / Working Paper
Decentralisation and Macroeconomic Management: The Experience of OECD Countries
King D & Ma Y (1998) Decentralisation and Macroeconomic Management: The Experience of OECD Countries. Stirling Economics Discussion Paper, 1998-4. 我要吃瓜 Economics Discussion Paper.
Book Chapter
Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations: Concepts and Models
King DN (1997) Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations: Concepts and Models. In: Fisher R (ed.) Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations. First ed. Recent Economic Thought, Vol. 56. Boston, USA: Kluwer Academic Publications, pp. 19-59.
Book Chapter
Report by the Steering Committee on Local and Regional Authorities (CDLR)
on local finance in Europe
King DN & Jequier R (1997) Report by the Steering Committee on Local and Regional Authorities (CDLR)
on local finance in Europe. In: Council of Europe (ed.) Local finance in Europe [also published in 1997 in French as Les Finances Locales en Europe]. First ed. Local and Regional Authorities in Europe, 61. Strasbourg, France: Council of Europe Publishing, pp. 9-65.
Preprint / Working Paper
Local Authority Size in Theory and Practice
King D & Ma Y (1997) Local Authority Size in Theory and Practice. Stirling Economics Discussion Paper, 1997-11. 我要吃瓜 Economics Discussion Paper.
Preprint / Working Paper
Local Authority Provision Versus Club Provision
King DN & Ma Y (1997) Local Authority Provision Versus Club Provision. Stirling Economics Discussion Paper, 1997-12. 我要吃瓜 Economics Discussion Paper.
Consultancy Report
Kazakhstan: Transition of the State
King D (1997) Kazakhstan: Transition of the State. The World Bank. Washington D.C.
Financing Devolution
Bell D, Dow S, King D & Massie N (1996) Financing Devolution. Hume Studies, 4 (2), pp. 1-74.
Research Report
Republic of Kazakhstan: Transition of the State, Volumes I & II
King D (1996) Republic of Kazakhstan: Transition of the State, Volumes I & II. The World Bank. Washington DC.
Newspaper / Magazine
Cutting Income Tax
King DN (1995) Cutting Income Tax. Updates in Economics. 1995.
Authored Book
Parkin M & King DN (1995) Economics. Second revised ed. Wokingham, UK: Addison Wesley.
Book Chapter
A Model of Optimum Local Authority Size
King DN (1995) A Model of Optimum Local Authority Size. In: Pola G, France G & Levaggi R (eds.) Developments in Local Authority Government Finance. First ed. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, pp. 55-76.
Authored Book
King DN & Parkin M (1995) Microeconomics. Wokingham: Addison-Wesley.
Preprint / Working Paper
Public Policies in a Multi-Level Government Model
King D (1995) Public Policies in a Multi-Level Government Model. Instituto de Estudios Fiscales, Madrid, Papeles de Trabajo, 1995-3. Instituto de Estudios Fiscales, Madrid.
Research Report
Fiscal Assignments for Oblasts and Rayons in the Republic of Kazakhstan
King D (1995) Fiscal Assignments for Oblasts and Rayons in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The World Bank. Washington DC.
Preprint / Working Paper
A Model of Optimum Local Authority Size
King D (1994) A Model of Optimum Local Authority Size. Stirling Economics Discussion Paper, 1994-1. 我要吃瓜 Economics Discussion Paper.
Edited Book
Fiscal Federalism in Economies in Transition
(1994) Fiscal Federalism in Economies in Transition. Paris: OECD Publishing.
Economic independence and political independence
King D (1994) Economic independence and political independence. Hume Studies, 2 (2), pp. 30-49.
Research Report
Technical Assistance Mission on Property Tax Administration: Reconnaissance
Almy R, King D & Magor D (1994) Technical Assistance Mission on Property Tax Administration: Reconnaissance. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Paris: OECD Publishing.
Research Report
Local Financing Law in Portugal: A Comment
King D (1994) Local Financing Law in Portugal: A Comment. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Paris: OECD Publishing.
Research Report
Portugal: Local Finance Law Reform
King D, Scrafton J & Verbrugge H (1994) Portugal: Local Finance Law Reform. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Paris: OECD Publishing.
Research Report
Fiscal Federalism in the CSFR, USSR and Yugoslavia
King D (1994) Fiscal Federalism in the CSFR, USSR and Yugoslavia. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Paris: OECD Publishing.
Research Report
The Choice of Own Taxes, Shared Taxes and Grants to Finance Republic Level Governments
King D (1994) The Choice of Own Taxes, Shared Taxes and Grants to Finance Republic Level Governments. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Paris: OECD Publishing.
Edited Book
Fiscal Federalism in Economies in Transition
King D & Owens J (eds.) (1994) Fiscal Federalism in Economies in Transition. Paris: OECD Publishing.
Conference Paper (published)
Australian Reform Options: A European View
King DN (1993) Australian Reform Options: A European View. In: Collins D (ed.) Vertical fiscal imbalance and the allocation of taxing powers: papers from a conference organised by the Australian Tax Research Foundation. Conference series (Australian Tax Research Foundation), 13. Vertical fiscal imbalance and the allocation of taxing powers, 04.11.1993-05.11.1993. Sydney: Australian Tax Foundation, pp. 265-299.
Book Chapter
Local Taxation: Some Lessons from Europe
King DN (1993) Local Taxation: Some Lessons from Europe. In: Murphy K & Mulreany M (eds.) Taxation: Ireland and the New Europe. Dublin: Eire: Institute of Public Administration, pp. 101-128.
Book Chapter
Local Taxation - Lessons from Britain
King DN (1993) Local Taxation - Lessons from Britain. In: Sandford C (ed.) Key Issues in Tax Reform. Bath: Fiscal Publications, pp. 108-126.
In search of Adam
King D (1993) In search of Adam. Architectural Heritage, 4, pp. 93-100.
Research Report
Fiscal Federalism in Economies in Transition
King D (1993) Fiscal Federalism in Economies in Transition. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Paris: OECD Publishing.
Research Report
Czech Republic: Property Tax Reconnaissance
Almy R & King D (1993) Czech Republic: Property Tax Reconnaissance. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Paris: OECD Publishing.
Research Report
Republic of Bulgaria: Property Tax Reconnaissance
Almy R & King D (1993) Republic of Bulgaria: Property Tax Reconnaissance. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Paris: OECD Publishing.
Authored Book
Parkin M & King DN (1992) Economics. Wokingham, UK: Addison Wesley.
Newspaper / Magazine
Problems with Local Government Taxation
King DN (1992) Problems with Local Government Taxation. Updates in Economics. 1992.
Book Chapter
Issues in Multi-Level Government
King D (1992) Issues in Multi-Level Government. In: Jackson P (ed.) Current Issues in Public Sector Economics. London: Palgrae MacMillan, pp. 156-182.
Book Chapter
Conversando com Aníbal Cavaco Silva
King DN (1992) Conversando com Aníbal Cavaco Silva. In: Silva A & das Neves J (eds.) Finan?as Públicas e Política Macroeconómica. Lisbon: Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Faculdade de Economia), pp. 293-299.
Book Chapter
King DN (1992) Myths. In: McKean C (ed.) The Architecture of Robert Adam: Life, Death and Survival. Edinburgh: The Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland, pp. 44-46.
Book Chapter
King DN (1992) Airthrey. In: McKean C (ed.) The Architecture of Robert Adam: Life, Death and Survival. Edinburgh: The Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland, pp. 14-16.
Book Chapter
Current Issues in the Theory of Fiscal Federalism
King DN (1992) Current Issues in the Theory of Fiscal Federalism. In: King D (ed.) Local Government Economics in Theory and Practice. London: Taylor & Francis, pp. 23-42.
Research Report
In Search of Adam
King D (1992) In Search of Adam. National Trust for Scotland. Ayrshire.
Edited Book
Local Government Economics in Theory and Practice
King D (ed.) (1992) Local Government Economics in Theory and Practice. London: Taylor & Francis.
Book Chapter
Grants as a Source of Local Government Finance
King DN (1991) Grants as a Source of Local Government Finance. In: Owens J & Padella G (eds.) Local Government: An International Perspective. Amsterdam: North-Holland, pp. 173-188.
Book Chapter
Local Government Taxation: The Logic of a Local Income Tax
King DN (1991) Local Government Taxation: The Logic of a Local Income Tax. In: Vibert F (ed.) Britain’s Constitutional Future. London: Institute of Economic Affairs, pp. 101-14.
Newspaper / Magazine
Talking with Abel Aganbegyan - Architect of Perestroika
King DN (1991) Talking with Abel Aganbegyan - Architect of Perestroika. Economic Times. 1991.
El Sistema de Transferencias Intergubernamentales en Inglaterra: Las Subvenciones Compensatorias
King D (1991) El Sistema de Transferencias Intergubernamentales en Inglaterra: Las Subvenciones Compensatorias. Revista Espanola de Derecho Internacional, 18 (2), pp. 25-37.
Authored Book
The Complete Works of Robert and James Adam
King DN (1991) The Complete Works of Robert and James Adam. First ed. Oxford, UK: Butterworth Architecture.
Gains and losses from the changes in the system of grants paid to English local authorities
King DN (1990) Gains and losses from the changes in the system of grants paid to English local authorities. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 8 (1), pp. 69-86.;
Book Chapter
Grants and Financial Redistribution
King D (1989) Grants and Financial Redistribution. In: A Problemática da Tributa??o Local. Coimbra: Ministério do Planeamento e da Administra??o do Território, pp. 477-491.
Book Chapter
Govern Regional I Local al Regne Unit
King D (1989) Govern Regional I Local al Regne Unit. In: Sole Vilanova J (ed.) Govern Central i Governs Locals a la Gran Bretanya. Barcelona: Generalitat de Catalunya (Institut d’Estudis Autonomics), pp. 45-76.
Sviluppi Nella Teoria del Federalismo Fiscale
King D (1989) Sviluppi Nella Teoria del Federalismo Fiscale. Religioni e Società, Rivista di scienze sociali della religione, 17 (1), pp. 9-29.
The Choice of Population Figures in the New System of Local-Government Finance
King DN (1989) The Choice of Population Figures in the New System of Local-Government Finance. Local Government Studies, 15 (2), pp. 29-46.
Book Chapter
Accountability and equity in British local finance
King D (1989) Accountability and equity in British local finance. In: Bennett R (ed.) Decentralisation: New Intergovernmental Agendas. Oxford: Oxford University Press (OUP), pp. 143-154.
Collection Funds and Community Charge Demands
King DN (1988) Collection Funds and Community Charge Demands. Local Government Studies, 14 (5), pp. 35-44.
Authored Book
La Economia de los Gobiernos Multi-Nivel
King DN (1988) La Economia de los Gobiernos Multi-Nivel. Madrid: Instituto de Estudios Fiscales.