
Dr Brad Duthie

Senior Lecturer

Biological and Environmental Sciences 我要吃瓜, Stirling, FK9 4LA

Dr Brad Duthie

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我要吃瓜 me

I am an evolutionary ecologist, ecological modeller, and biostatistician with broad interests in developing theory across the biological and environmental sciences. My research primarily uses mathematical and individual-based models to understand complex interactions in populations, communities, and social-ecological systems. I am especially interested in applying these modelling approaches to questions concerning the evolution and maintenance of biodiversity, and the management of populations under conservation conflict (Mastodon: ).

Brief Biography

  • Lecturer in Environmental Modelling (2020-present)
  • Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellow (2017-2020)
  • ERC Postdoctoral Research Assistant (2016-2017)
  • ERC Postdoctoral Research Fellow (2013-2016; University of Aberdeen)
  • PhD Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (2007-2013; Iowa State University; Graduate minor in statistics)
  • BSc Biology (2003-2007; Southern Illinois University Edwardsville; specialisation in Ecology, Evolution, and Environment; Magna cum laude)
  • BSc Philosophy (2003-2007; Southern Illinois University Edwardsville; minor in Chemistry; Magna cum laude)

Divisional / Faculty Contribution

Advance HE and Library Representative

BES Tuesday Seminar Organiser

Stirling Coding Club Organiser

Stirling Coding Club is a fun, informal way to learn or improve your coding skills. Our goal is to create a friendly, no-pressure environment where people can share their work, ask for help on coding problems, and learn and work together. You do not need to have any experience in coding to join or attend these workshops, and we welcome students and staff across the university at all levels of experience.

Professional Career

Associate Editor
Journal of Animal Ecology

Professional membership

British Ecological Society, Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour

Professional qualification

Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
Higher Education Academy

University Contribution

Programme Director: Animal Biology

Programme Director: Biology

Programme Director: Biology and Mathematics

Research (3)

My research focuses on evolutionary, ecological, and social-ecological questions by developing theory using mathematical and computational (i.e., individual-based) modelling. Specific areas of interest include ecological community stability and coexistence, animal inbreeding and parental investment behaviour, and the dynamics of social-ecological systems under conflict. Current projects in which I am involved as a principle investigator, co-investigator, or associate member include the following:

  • Eco-evolutionary theory: One area of my research focuses on addressing fundamental questions in ecological or evolutionary theory. I am currently a Principal Investigator for the Unification of Modern Coexistence Theory and Price Equation (UNICOP) project, which is funded by the French Foundation for Research on Biodiversity (FRB) and the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv). The focuses on unifying theory concerning how shared processes shape the evolution and coexistence of biodiverse communities, and attempts to bridge gaps that currently exist among parallel theoretical frameworks.

  • Pesticide resistance evolution: Another area of my research focuses on individual-based modelling of pesticide resistance evolution. As part of the Enhancing Diversity to Overcome Resistance Evolution () project, I developed the to model the evolution of pesticide resistance in agricultural landscapes. The resevol package can model rich spatially explicit landscapes, covarying pest traits and full genomes, and different rotation regimes for crop and pesticide application.

  • Resource management conflict: Much of my recent research has focused on modelling the management of populations using individual-based models, and especially modelling systems in which there is conflict between food security and biodiversity conservation under uncertainty. As part of the project, I led the development of the Generalised Management Strategy Evaluation () social-ecological modelling R software package. GMSE integrates game theory and ecological theory to construct social-ecological models that simulate the management of populations and stakeholder actions.

I am additionally interested in the application of games to social-ecological research and model development, and am developing a game to better understand decision-making during ecosystem restoration as part of the EU funded Restoring Ecosystems to Stop the Threat Of (Re-)Emerging Infectious Diseases () project. Lastly, I am working on projects focused on the evolution of nuptial gifts and the use of functional traits in ecological research.


The evolution of female mating systems: tracing the origins and tracking the consequences
PI: Dr Rebecca Boulton
Funded by: Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council

Enhancing Diversity to Overcome Resistance Evolution
PI: Professor Matthew Tinsley
Funded by: Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council

Biodiversity and ecosystem function in ephemeral patches: a trait-based approach
PI: Dr Brad Duthie
Funded by: The Leverhulme Trust

Outputs (41)



Bradfer-Lawrence T, Duthie B, Abrahams C, Adam M, Barnett RJ, Beeston A, Darby J, Dell B, Gardner N, Gasc A, Heath B, Howells N, Kyoseva M, Waddell E & Froidevaux JS (2024) The Acoustic Index User’s Guide: A practical manual for defining, generating and understanding current and future acoustic indices. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. https://doi.org/10.1111/2041-210X.14357


Jones IL, Timoshenko A, Zuban I, Zhadan K, Cusack JJ, Duthie AB, Hodgson ID, Minderman J, Pozo RA, Whytock RC & Bunnefeld N (2022) Achieving international biodiversity targets: learning from local norms, values and actions regarding migratory waterfowl management in Kazakhstan. Journal of Applied Ecology, 59 (7), pp. 1911-1924. https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2664.14198


Cusack J, Duthie AB, Rakotonarivo OS, Pozo R, Mason T, M?nsson J, Nilsson L, Tombre I, Eythórsson E, Madsen J, Tulloch AIT, Hearn R, Redpath S & Bunnefeld N (2019) Time series analysis reveals synchrony and asynchrony between conflict management effort and increasing large grazing bird populations in northern Europe. Conservation Letters, 12 (1), Art. No.: e12450. https://doi.org/10.1111/conl.12450


Duthie AB, Cusack JJ, Jones IL, Minderman J, Nilsen EB, Pozo RA, Rakotonarivo OS, Van Moorter B & Bunnefeld N (2018) GMSE: an R package for generalised management strategy evaluation. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 9 (12), pp. 2396-2401. https://doi.org/10.1111/2041-210x.13091


Redpath S, Keane A, Andren H, Baynham-Herd Z, Bunnefeld N, Duthie AB, Frank J, Garcia CA, Mansson J, Nilsson L, Pollard CRJ, Rakotonarivo OS, Salk CF & Travers H (2018) Games as Tools to Address Conservation Conflicts. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 33 (6), pp. 415-426. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tree.2018.03.005


As an educator, I take a learning-centred approach to guide students through course material, and I evaluate my teaching as successful when I have evidence that students are thinking actively and effectively about biological concepts. I hold the following professional teaching qualifications:

  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)
  • Graduate Student Teaching Certificate (Iowa State University)

I am the director of the following programmes:

  • Biology
  • Animal Biology
  • Biology and Mathematics

I coordinate the following modules:

  • Statistical Techniques (SCIU4T4)
  • Evolution and Genetics (BIOU3GE)

I contribute to the following modules:

  • Behavioural Ecology (BIOU6BE)
  • Biology Field Course (SCIU3FB)
  • Population and Community Ecology (BIOU9PC)
  • Honours Research Dissertation (BIOU9PR)

I am also currently the primary supervisor of one PhD student and secondary supervisor for four PhD students. I currently supervise three MSc students.

During my time at the 我要吃瓜, I have won (RATE) awards in the following categories:

  • Fantastic Feedback (2022)
  • Excellence in Teaching in the Faculty of Natural Sciences (2023)
  • Outstanding Commitment to Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (2024).

RATE awards are decided and presented by the .