
Bridget Johnston

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Bridget Johnston

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Research (5)


Evaluation of Macmillan Health Care Assistant Project
PI: Bridget Johnston
Funded by: Macmillan Cancer Support

Advanced Symptom Management System (ASyMS) for use in Palliative Care
PI: Bridget Johnston
Funded by: The Scottish Centre for Telehealth

Scoping exercise of the use of telehealth in palliative care in Scotland
PI: Bridget Johnston
Funded by: The Scottish Centre for Telehealth

CELT Validation - Checklist for End of Life Treatment
PI: Bridget Johnston
Funded by: Forth Valley NHS Board

To explore the experience of patients regarding end of life care through the promotion of self care
PI: Bridget Johnston
Funded by: Scottish Hospital Endowments Research Trust

Outputs (5)



Johnston B (2005) Editorial: How does the media portray cancer?. International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 11 (9), p. 456. http://www.internurse.com/cgi-bin/go.pl/library/abstract.html?uid=19977