
Dr Ines Ordiz


Spanish Stirling

Dr Ines Ordiz

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Inés Ordiz is Lecturer in Spanish and Latin American Studies at the 我要吃瓜. She holds a PhD in Modern Languages from the University of León (Spain), with a specialization in Comparative Pan-American Gothic literature. She has taught at the University of León (Spain), the College of the Holy Cross (Worcester, MA, USA) and the University of Washington (Seattle, WA, USA). She is the coeditor of the volume La (ir)realidad imaginada: Aproximaciones a lo insólito en la ficción hispanoamericana (Universidad de León, 2014) and Latin American Gothic in Literature and Culture (Routledge, 2018), which focus on the various manifestations of fantasy in Latin American literature—with special attention to the Gothic. She has published articles on contemporary zombie cinema, Mexican Gothic, Argentinean Gothic, and the Hispanic female vampire. She is currently working on a project exploring the fiction of Latin American and Spanish women writers of the Gothic in the 21st century.

Research (1)

Latin American Gothic 20th and 21st-century Gothic Gothic and Gender Queer Gothic Feminism and the Gothic Theory of the Fantastic Gothic and/vs. the Fantastic Female vampires in literature Zombie cinema Argentinean literature and culture Mexican literature and culture


Spanish and Latin American Women's Gothic
PI: Dr Ines Ordiz
Funded by: The Carnegie Trust

Outputs (16)


Book Chapter

Ordiz I (2020) Monstrous/Wondrous Transformations of the Female Body: A Reading of Daniela Tarazona's El animal sobre la piedra and the Gothic. In: González AA & Bussing López IM (eds.) Doubles and Hybrids in Latin American Gothic. Routledge Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Literature, 105. New York and Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 30-43. https://www.crcpress.com/Doubles-and-Hybrids-in-Latin-American-Gothic/Gonzalez-Lopez/p/book/9780367406332

Book Chapter

Ordiz I (2020) La habitacio?n del desahogo (2012) - Mexican Monsters. In: Bacon S (ed.) Monsters: A Companion. Genre Fiction and Film Companions. Oxford: Peter Lang, pp. 111-118. https://doi.org/10.3726/b14677

Book Chapter

Casanova-Vizcaíno S & Ordiz I (2020) Latin American Horror. In: Bloom C (ed.) The Palgrave Handbook of Contemporary Gothic. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 31-47. https://www.palgrave.com/gp/book/9783030331351

Book Chapter

Ordiz I (2019) De brujas, mujeres libres y otras transgresiones: el gótico en Las cosas que perdimos en el fuego de Mariana Enríquez. In: ?varez Méndez N & Abello Verano A (eds.) Realidades fracturadas. Estéticas de lo insólito en la narrativa en lengua espa?ola (1980-2018). Biblioteca Filológica Hispana, 213. Madrid, Spain: Visor Books, S.L. pp. 263-286. https://www.libreriavisor.com/libro/realidades-fracturadas_56637

Edited Book

Casanova-Vizcaino S & Ordiz I (eds.) (2018) Latin American Gothic in Literature and Culture. Routledge Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Literature. London: Routledge. https://www.routledge.com/Latin-American-Gothic-in-Literature-and-Culture/Casanova-Vizcaino-Ordiz/p/book/9781138234222

Book Chapter

Ordiz I (2018) Civilization and Barbarism and Zombies: Argentina's Contemporary Gothic. In: Casanova-Vizcaíno S & Ordiz I (eds.) Latin American Gothic in Literature and Culture. Routledge Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Literature, 85. London: Routledge, pp. 15-26. https://www.routledge.com/Latin-American-Gothic-in-Literature-and-Culture/Casanova-Vizcaino-Ordiz/p/book/9781138234222

Book Chapter

Ordiz I & Casanova-Vizcaino S (2018) Latin America, the Caribbean, and the Persistence of the Gothic. In: Casanova-Vizcaino S & Ordiz I (eds.) Latin American Gothic in Literature and Culture. Routledge Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Literature, 85. London: Routledge, pp. 1-13. https://www.routledge.com/Latin-American-Gothic-in-Literature-and-Culture/Casanova-Vizcaino-Ordiz/p/book/9781138234222

Book Chapter

Ordiz I (2016) Environmental Apocalypse and Uncanny Technology: Gothic Visions of the Future in Three Mexican Literary Dystopias. In: Edwards J & Vasconcelos S (eds.) Tropical Gothic in Literature and Culture. Routledge Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Literature. London: Routledge, pp. 105-118. https://www.routledge.com/Tropical-Gothic-in-Literature-and-Culture-The-Americas/Edwards-Vasconcelos/p/book/9781138915862

Book Chapter

Ordiz I (2016) De-construcciones y ciber-construcciones del cuerpo: gótico y ciencia ficción en La primera calle de la soledad de Gerardo Horacio Porcayo. In: Mendez N, Verano A & Martinez S (eds.) Territorios de la imaginación. Poéticas ficcionales de lo insólito en Espa?a y México. Leon, Spain: Universidad de León, pp. 121-130. https://www.unebook.es/es/libro/territorios-de-la-imaginacion_52304

Book Chapter

Ordiz I (2015) La reinvención del cuerpo femenino y la deconstrucción de los géneros: vampirismo y subversión en "Isabel" de Carmen Boullosa [The reinvention of the female body and the deconstruction of the genres: vampirism and subversion in "Isabel" by Carmen Boullosa]. In: Ordiz AI & Diez Cobo R (eds.) La (ir)realidad imaginada: Aproximaciones a lo insolito en la ficcion hispanoamericana. Leon, Spain: University of Leon, pp. 181-191. https://www.unebook.es/es/libro/la-irrealidad-imaginada_46311


Ordiz I (2015) Apocalyptic Visions of the Present: The Zombie Invasion in Post 9/11 American Cinema [Visiones apocalípticas del presente: la invasión zombi en el cine de terror estadounidense después del 11-S (bilingual edition)]. L'Atalante, (19), pp. 111-117. http://www.revistaatalante.com/index.php?journal=atalante&page=article&op=view&path%5B%5D=270&path%5B%5D=257

Book Chapter

Ordiz I (2013) El vampiro literario mexicano en el siglo XXI: Entre el homenaje y la parodia [The Mexican literary vampire in the 21st century: between the homage and the parody]. In: Carretero GM, Diaz Piedra D, Reyes MM & Rodriguez FS (eds.) Vampiros a contraluz: Constantes y modalizaciones del vampiro en el arte y la cultura, Vol. 2. Granada, Spain: Comares, pp. 3-24. https://www.comares.com/libro/vampiros-a-contraluz-volumen-ii_77203/

Research programmes

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