

Efficacité des paquets de cigarettes neutres sur des fumeuses en France: Une étude dans un contexte réel de consummation

Alternative title Effectiveness of plain packaging combined with warnings among female smokers in France: A naturalistic approach



Gallopel-Morvan K, Moodie C, Eker F, Beguinot E & Martinet Y (2015) Efficacité des paquets de cigarettes neutres sur des fumeuses en France: Une étude dans un contexte réel de consummation [Effectiveness of plain packaging combined with warnings among female smokers in France: A naturalistic approach]. Bulletin Epidemiologique Hebdomadaire, 17-18, pp. 308-315. http://www.invs.sante.fr/beh/2015/17-18/2015_17-18_5.html

Background - The present study explored, for the first time in France female smokers' response to using plain packaging in real-world settings. Methods - Naturalistic research was employed, where 142 casual and regular female adult smokers (25-40 years) used plain packs for ten days; the plain packs contained their usual brand of cigarettes and displayed the name of their usual brand. Participants completed two questionnaires to measure their response to their own branded packs and the plain packs. Both questionnaires assessed pack perceptions, product perceptions, feelings about smoking, feelings when using the pack in front of others, warning response and smoking-related behavior. Results - Compared to their own fully branded packs, plain packs were associated with less positive pack, product and brand perceptions, and less positive feelings about smoking and using the pack in front of others. Participants were also more likely to report feeling like reducing consumption and quitting when using the plain packs, and more likely to feel like looking for information on quitting. No significant differences between the two pack types (plain and branded) were found in terms of credibility of warnings and perceptions of level of tar. Conclusions - This study confirms the results found in previous research on plain packaging and shows that it has potential public health benefits.

Tobacco; Smoking; Plain packaging; Woman; Marketing

Bulletin Epidemiologique Hebdomadaire: Volume 17-18

Publication date29/05/2015
PublisherInstitut de Veille Sanitaire
Publisher URL

People (1)

Professor Crawford Moodie

Professor Crawford Moodie

Professor, Institute for Social Marketing

Files (1)