

Outputs related to Museums

Showing 25 Outputs

Edited Book

Douthwaite J, Nehring H & Alberti SJMM (eds.) (2024) Cold War Museology. London. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781032690414


Foster S (2020) New Futures for Replicas. News in Conservation, (80), pp. 14-19. https://www.iiconservation.org/system/files/publications/journal/2020/b2020_5.pdf


Foster S (2020) The lives and value of replicas. AskHistorians Podcast Episode 157 [Podcast] 24.09.2020. https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/iz5xmu/askhistorians_podcast_episode_157_the_lives_and/


Foster S & Jones S (2020) Rethinking replicas. Collections Trust [Blog Post] 27.08.2020. https://collectionstrust.org.uk/blog/rethinking-replicas/

Conference Paper (published)

Macdonald S & Morgan J (2018) How can we know the future? Uncertainty, transformation, and magical techniques of significance assessment in museum collecting. In: Assessment of Significance: Deuten - Bedeuten - Umdeuten. Assessment of Significance: Interpretation - Implication - Reinterpretation, 11.05.2017-13.05.2017. Berlin, Germany: Deutsches Historisches Museum, pp. 20-26.

Website Content

Foster S, Forsyth K, Buckham S & Jeffrey S (2016) Future Thinking on Carved Stones in Scotland: A Research Framework. ScARF: Scottish Archaeological Research Framework, 24.08.2016. http://www.scottishheritagehub.com/content/future-thinking-carved-stones-scotland

Book Chapter

Foster S & Jones S (2008) Recovering the biography of the Hilton of Cadboll cross-slab. In: James H, Henderson I, Foster S & Jones S (eds.) A Fragmented Masterpiece. Recovering the Biography of the Hilton of Cadboll Pictish Cross-slab. Edinburgh: Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, pp. 205-284. https://archaeologydataservice.ac.uk/archives/view/sas_books_2016/bookcontents.cfm?mono=1369067