Book Chapter
Habitual Residence in Child Abduction Cases: The Hybrid Approach Is Now the Norm but How Much Weight Should Be Given to Parental Intention?
Beaumont P & Holliday J (2021) Habitual Residence in Child Abduction Cases: The Hybrid Approach Is Now the Norm but How Much Weight Should Be Given to Parental Intention?. In: Pfeiffer M, Brodec J, B?íza P & Zavadilová M (eds.) Liber Amicorum Monika Pauknerova. Prague: Wolters Kluwer, pp. 27-36.
Book Chapter
Series Editor's Preface
Beaumont P (2020) Series Editor's Preface. In: Viarengo I & Villata FC (eds.) Planning the Future of Cross Border Families A Path Through Coordination. Studies in Private International Law, 29. Oxford: Hart, pp. vii-ix.
Research Report
The Role of the Safeguarder in the Children's Hearings System
McDiarmid C, Barry M, Donnelly M & Corson S (2017) The Role of the Safeguarder in the Children's Hearings System. Scottish Government. Social Research series. Edinburgh.
The Kilbrandon Ethos in Practice: the antinomy of care and conduct in the children's hearings system
Donnelly M (2017) The Kilbrandon Ethos in Practice: the antinomy of care and conduct in the children's hearings system [An investigation into the characteristically unitary nature of the Scottish system of children's hearings]. PhD in Law. University of Strathclyde.
Book Chapter
Empirical Study on the Early Operation of the EU Maintenance Regulation
Beaumont P & Walker L (2016) Empirical Study on the Early Operation of the EU Maintenance Regulation. In: Beaumont P, Hess B, Walker L & Spancken S (eds.) The Recovery of Maintenance in the EU and Worldwide. First ed. Studies in Private International Law, 15. Oxford: Hart, pp. 337-383.
Book Chapter
Introduction to Part Two and Part Three
Beaumont P & Walker L (2016) Introduction to Part Two and Part Three. In: Beaumont P, Hess B, Walker L & Spancken S (eds.) The Recovery of Maintenance in the EU and Worldwide. Studies in Private International Law, 15. Oxford: Hart, pp. 17-19.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
The Kilbrandon Ethos in Practice: Contradicitions in Scottish Juvenile Justice Policy
Donnelly M (2016) The Kilbrandon Ethos in Practice: Contradicitions in Scottish Juvenile Justice Policy. British Society of Criminology Conference, 06.07.2016-08.07.2016.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Deeds Arising From Needs: exploring the dichotomy between offenders and non-offenders in the children's hearings system
Donnelly M (2016) Deeds Arising From Needs: exploring the dichotomy between offenders and non-offenders in the children's hearings system. Edinburgh Postgraduate Law Conference, Edinburgh, 14.01.2016-14.01.2016.
Book Chapter
Series Editors' Preface
Beaumont P & Harris J (2015) Series Editors' Preface. In: Maintenance and Child Support in Private International Law. Studies in Private International Law, Volume 17. Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. v-vi.
Not heard and not returned: the reality of Article 11(8) proceedings
Beaumont P, Walker L & Holliday J (2015) Not heard and not returned: the reality of Article 11(8) proceedings. International Family Law, (2), pp. 124-133.
Edited Book
The Recovery of Maintenance in the EU and Worldwide
Beaumont P, Hess B, Walker L & Spancken S (eds.) (2014) The Recovery of Maintenance in the EU and Worldwide, First ed. Studies in Private International Law, 15. Oxford: Hart Publishing.
Book Chapter
Series Editors' Preface
Beaumont P & Harris J (2013) Series Editors' Preface. In: The Hague Child Abduction Convention A Critical Analysis by Rhona Schuz. Studies in Private International Law, Volume 13. Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. vii-ix.
Book Chapter
Series Editors' Preface
Beaumont P & Harris J (2013) Series Editors' Preface. In: Child Abduction within the European Union. Studies in Private International Law, Volume 11. Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. v-vi.
Book Chapter
Administrative and Judicial Cooperation in the Hague 2007 Maintenance Convention
Beaumont P & Walker L (2013) Administrative and Judicial Cooperation in the Hague 2007 Maintenance Convention. In: Forner Delaygua J, Gonzalez Beilfuss C & Vinas Farre R (eds.) Entre Bruselas y la Haya. Estudios sobre la unificación internacional y regional del Derecho internacional privado Liber Amicorum Alegría Borrás. First ed. Madrid: Marcial Pons, pp. 185-197.
Book Chapter
General Report on Surrogacy
Beaumont P & Trimmings K (2013) General Report on Surrogacy. In: International Surrogacy Arrangements: Legal Regulation at the International Level. 1st ed. Studies in Private International Law, 12. Hart, pp. 439-549.
Edited Book
International Surrogacy Arrangements: Legal Regulation at the International Level
Trimmings K & Beaumont P (eds.) (2013) International Surrogacy Arrangements: Legal Regulation at the International Level, First ed. Studies in Private International Law, 12. Oxford: Hart Publishing.
Regulating International Surrogacy Arrangements
Beaumont P & Trimmings K (2012) Regulating International Surrogacy Arrangements. International Family Law, 2012 (Mar), pp. 125-128.
Book Chapter
Series Editors' Preface
Beaumont P & Harris J (2011) Series Editors' Preface. In: Mediating International Child Abduction Cases The Hague Convention. Studies in Private International Law, Volume 7. Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. vii-viii.
Book Chapter
Series Editors' Preface
Beaumont P & Harris J (2011) Series Editors' Preface. In: International Child Abductions: The Inadequacies of the Law. Studies in Private International Law, Volume 6. Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. v-vi.
International Surrogacy Arrangements: An Urgent Need for Legal Regulation at the international level
Beaumont P & Trimmings K (2011) International Surrogacy Arrangements: An Urgent Need for Legal Regulation at the international level. Journal of Private International Law, 7 (3), pp. 627-647.
Shifting the Balance Achieved by the Abduction Convention: The Contrasting Approaches of the European Court of Human Rights and the European Court of Justice
Walker L & Beaumont P (2011) Shifting the Balance Achieved by the Abduction Convention: The Contrasting Approaches of the European Court of Human Rights and the European Court of Justice. Journal of Private International Law, 7 (2), pp. 231-249.
Book Chapter
The Art. 8 Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights on the Hague Convention on International Child Abduction in relation to Delays in Enforcing the Return of a Child
Beaumont P (2009) The Art. 8 Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights on the Hague Convention on International Child Abduction in relation to Delays in Enforcing the Return of a Child. In: New Instruments of Private International Law. First ed. Milan: Giuffre Editore, pp. 75-94.
Edited Book
Christian Perspectives on Law and Relationism
Wotherspoon K & Beaumont P (eds.) (2000) Christian Perspectives on Law and Relationism, First ed. Carlisle: Paternoster Press.
Book Chapter
International Adoption
Beaumont P (1990) International Adoption. In: Gardner JP (ed.) United Kingdom Law in the 1990s. First ed. United Kingdom Comparative Law Series, Volume 10. London: United Kingdom National Committee of Comparative Law, pp. 118-132.