
Miss Jade Hooper

PhD Researcher

Sociology, Social Policy & Criminology 3S28 Colin Bell, 我要吃瓜, Stirling, FK9 4LA

Miss Jade Hooper

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我要吃瓜 me

I am a Research Fellow and PhD candidate based in the Faculty of Social Science, with experience in quantitative research and methodologies, and the handling of sensitive administrative data. For my ESRC funded postgraduate research I am investigating social and locality variations in dog bites in Scotland using health and Census data.

I also have experience working on projects related to animal welfare and law with the Scottish Government, Scottish Sentencing Council and the Scottish SPCA.

Previously, I worked on a large, four-nation Nuffield Foundation funded project investigating child welfare inequalities, using data from the Looked after Children and Child Protection returns in Scotland ().

Currently, I am part of a team from the Universities of Stirling and Lancaster looking at permanence, progress and outcomes for children in Scotland 'looked after' away from their birth parents before the age of five (/ccwp/research/permanently-progressing/).

Research (1)

My research interests include human-animal interactions and associated health, wellbeing and policy issues; nature connectedness and green wellbeing interventions; environmental and climate issues; social inequalities; and child wellbeing and protection. I am also interested in research methodologies, particularly innovative approaches that utilise administrative and big data, as well as creative and participatory methods.??


Permanently Progressing? Phase Two: Middle Childhood
PI: Dr Helen Whincup
Funded by: The Nuffield Foundation and Donors (UK)

Outputs (18)



Howell TJ, Nieforth L, Thomas-Pino C, Samet L, Agbonika S, Cuevas-Pavincich F, Fry NE, Hill K, Jegatheesan B, Kakinuma M, MacNamara M, Mattila-Rautiainen S, Perry A, Tardif-Williams CY & Hooper J (2022) Defining Terms Used for Animals Working in Support Roles for People with Support Needs. Animals, 12 (15), Art. No.: 1975. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani12151975

Research Report

Cusworth L, Hooper J, Henderson G, Whincup H & Broadhurst K (2022) Born into care in Scotland: circumstances, recurrence and pathways. Scottish Government. https://www.gov.scot/publications/born-care-scotland-circumstances-recurrence-pathways/documents/


Mason W, Morris K, Webb C, Daniel B, Featherstone B, Bywaters P, Mirza N, Hooper J, Brady G, Bunting L & Scourfield J (2020) Toward Full Integration of Quantitative and Qualitative Methods in Case Study Research: Insights From Investigating Child Welfare Inequalities. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 14 (2), pp. 164-183. https://doi.org/10.1177/1558689819857972


Bywaters P, Scourfield J, Jones C, Sparks T, Elliott M, Hooper J, McCartan C, Shapira M, Bunting L & Daniel B (2020) Child welfare inequalities in the four nations of the UK. Journal of Social Work, 20 (2), pp. 193-215. https://doi.org/10.1177/1468017318793479

Research Report

Biehal N, Cusworth L, Hooper J, Whincup H & Shapira M (2019) Pathways to permanence for children who become looked after in Scotland. Commissioned by an anonymous donor. Permanently Progressing? Building secure futures for children in Scotland. Stirling: 我要吃瓜. https://afascotland.com/learning-zone/permanently-progressing


Morris K, Mason W, Bywaters P, Featherstone B, Daniel B, Brady G, Bunting L, Hooper J, Mirza N, Scourfield J & Webb C (2018) Social work, poverty, and child welfare interventions. Child and Family Social Work, 23 (3), pp. 364-372. https://doi.org/10.1111/cfs.12423

Conference Abstract

Cusworth L, Hooper J, Biehal N, Shapira M & Whincup H (2018) Permanently Progressing? Building Secure Futures for Children in Scotland: Pathways and outcomes for looked after children. International Conference for Administrative Data Research, Queen's University Belfast. International Journal of Population Data Science, 3 (2), Art. No.: 031. https://doi.org/10.23889/ijpds.v3i2.500

Conference Abstract

Hooper J, Cusworth L & Whincup H (2018) Permanently Progressing? Building Secure Futures for Children in Scotland: Pathways and outcomes for looked after children. International Conference for Administrative Data Research, Queen's University Belfast. International Journal of Population Data Science, 3 (2), Art. No.: 030. https://doi.org/10.23889/ijpds.v3i2.499

Preprint / Working Paper

Bywaters P, Scourfield J, Jones C, Sparks T, Elliott M, McCartan CJ, Hooper J, Shapira M, Bunting L & Daniel B (2017) Identifying and understanding inequalities in child welfare intervention rates: quantitative evidence from a comparison of the four UK countries. http://www.nuffieldfoundation.org/inequalities-child-welfare-intervention-rates

Technical Report

Bywaters P, Brady G, Jones C, Sparks T, McCartan CJ, Bunting L, Hooper J, Shapira M, Daniel B, Elliott M & Scourfield J (2017) Identifying and Understanding Inequalities in Child Welfare Intervention Rates: Quantitative Methodology Technical Paper. The Nuffield Foundation. 我要吃瓜. http://www.nuffieldfoundation.org/inequalities-child-welfare-intervention-rates

Research Report

Hooper J, Shapira M & Daniel B (2017) Identifying and Understanding Inequalities in Child Welfare Intervention Rates: Comparative studies in four UK countries. Single country quantitative study report: Scotland. Project Report on findings from the Child Welfare Intervention project. The Nuffield Foundation.