

Child Well-being and Protection


Miss Katherine Allen

Miss Katherine Allen

PhD Researcher, Education

Dr Tanya Beetham

Dr Tanya Beetham

Research Fellow, Social Work

Professor Jane Callaghan

Professor Jane Callaghan

Director Child Wellbeing & Protection, Social Work

Dr Kathleen Clarke

Dr Kathleen Clarke

Lecturer, Health Sciences Stirling

Mrs Stephanie Crisp

Mrs Stephanie Crisp

PhD Researcher, Sociology, Social Policy & Criminology

Professor Lena Dominelli

Professor Lena Dominelli

Professor of Social Work, Social Work

Dr Michelle Donnelly

Dr Michelle Donnelly

Lecturer in Law, Law

Dr Sandra Engstrom

Dr Sandra Engstrom

Senior Lecturer, Social Work

Professor Joan Forbes

Professor Joan Forbes

Honorary Professor, Education

Dr Maggie Grant

Dr Maggie Grant

Lecturer in Social Work, Social Work

Ms Chris Gray

Ms Chris Gray

PhD Researcher, Sociology, Social Policy & Criminology

Dr Alison Hackett

Dr Alison Hackett

Senior Lecturer, Health Sciences Stirling

Dr Hannah Hale

Dr Hannah Hale

Research Fellow, NMAHP

Dr Duncan Helm

Dr Duncan Helm

Senior Lecturer, Social Work

Dr Alison Hennessy

Dr Alison Hennessy

Lecturer, Education

Ms Jade Hooper

Ms Jade Hooper

Research Fellow, Social Work

Mr Kevin Judge

Mr Kevin Judge

PhD Researcher, Sociology, Social Policy & Criminology

Dr Tracy Kirk

Dr Tracy Kirk

Lecturer in Child & Family Law, Law

Ms Kate Kyriakou

Ms Kate Kyriakou

Tutor (ASF Support), Social Work

Dr Sian Lucas

Dr Sian Lucas

Senior Lecturer, Social Work


Policy Document

Clark H, De Barra D, Murray A, Norman A, Schoenaker D, Winterbottom J, Sher J, Kumaran K, Woods-Townsend K, Trevillion K, Murray P, Keynejad R, Bhavsar V, Bayou E & Cassinelli EH (2023) A Preconception Care Strategy. Children's Alliance. Eye View. England. https://childrensalliance.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/2-Preconception-care-strategy-report-University-of-Southampton.pdf

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Bellussi L (2023) “But one of the best things is, I don’t feel so bound”: how a specialised youth work model can support children affected by domestic abuse.. Alexander J (Research Group), Plumpton J (Research Group) & Callaghan J (Research Group) ECDV Reykjavik 2023; Edinburgh Community Psychology Festival 2023., 01.04.2023.

Policy Document

Clark H, Revel E, Royal P, Wright P, Teakle A, McIlwrath B, Bradshaw B, Purvey C, McLeod C, Williams C, Norman A, Murray A, Fitzgerald D, Mackay E & Musgrave J (2023) The Health And Wellbeing Of Children In The Early Years. Children's Alliance. 1. England. https://childrensalliance.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Early-Years-Report-Oct-2021.pdf

Research Report

Barkhof M, Lee S, Slaymaker T, Ballasina M, Henley S, Hornby D, Marcinko C, Mollard J, Sargent K, Watmough G, Connon I, Dominelli L, Hutton C, Rees N & Hutchinson A (2022) The Coldest Year of the Rest of their Lives: Protecting Children from the Escalating Impacts of Heatwaves. UNICEF. New York. https://www.unicef.org/media/129506/file/UNICEF-coldest-year-heatwaves-and-children-EN.pdf

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Connon I, Dominelli L, Hutton C, Henley S, Watmough G, Bollasina M, Mollard J, Sargent K, Marcinko C, Macdonald F, Rees N, Fassio A & Hutchison A (2022) Enhancing Climate Justice for Children: The Children’s Climate Change Risk Index (CCRI). Scottish Alliance for Geoscience, Environment and Society (SAGES) Annual Science Meeting, Dundee, Scotland, UK, 03.05.2022-05.05.2022.

Research Report

McCabe L, Ashworth R, Bellussi L, Blair N, Brown T, Callaghan J, Cheung M, Emond R, Gibson G, Goodwin K, Gray I, Hamilton T, Lamont M, Oliver H & Ormston R (2021) An independent evaluation of the Life Changes Trust. Final Report. Life Changes Trust. United Kingdom. https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.29438.56649

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Connon I, Dominelli L, Henley S & Hutton C (2021) Justice for Whom? Children and Climate Change Risk. Rees N (Project Member), Macdonald F (Project Member), Bollasina M (Project Member), Fassio A (Project Member), Hutchison A (Project Member), Marcinko C (Project Member), Mollard J (Project Member), Sargent K (Project Member) & Watmough G (Project Member) 2nd World Forum on Climate Justice, Glasgow, 21.09.2021-23.09.2021.


Bridge: A MindSport for All
PI: Professor Samantha Punch
Funded by: Donors (UK) and Donors (O.S)

Bridging Juniors: Learning, Education and Development in Bridge
PI: Professor Samantha Punch
Funded by: The Davenport Foundation

Developing The UNICEF Child Climate Risk Index (CCRI)
PI: Professor Lena Dominelli
Funded by: UNICEF

Permanently Progressing? Phase Two: Middle Childhood
PI: Dr Helen Whincup
Funded by: The Nuffield Foundation and Donors (UK)

Living Archives in Residential Child Care: using the past to inform the future
PI: Professor Ruth Emond
Funded by: Arts and Humanities Research Council

Developing the evidence base for social care responses to children / families affected by domestic abuse
PI: Professor Jane Callaghan
Funded by: Economic and Social Research Council

Should I stay or should I go: sense of belonging and intentions to stay among young, newcomers to Armenia
PI: Dr Sarah Wilson
Funded by: The British Academy

Governing parental opioid use: a relational ethnography
PI: Professor Anne Whittaker
Funded by: Economic and Social Research Council

Improving survivor-informed support for trafficked children and young people - it's a long-term commitment
PI: Dr Maggie Grant
Funded by: Arts and Humanities Research Council

Children living with domestic violence – understanding the effects on children’s wellbeing using longitudinal data
Funded by: The Nuffield Foundation

From fuel to pot: an interdisciplinary partnership to address the role of solid fuel use in food preparation in the household in Kenya and Malawi.
PI: Dr Isabelle Uny
Funded by: Arts and Humanities Research Council

Consultancy ECPAT training
PI: Dr Paul Rigby
Funded by: University of Kent

Everyday care: what makes it therapeutic for children in residential care?
PI: Professor Ruth Emond
Funded by: The Sir Halley Stewart Trust

Evaluation of ‘Parents Involved in their Children’s Learning’ (PICL) project
PI: Dr Hannah Hale
Funded by: Midlothian Sure Start

Evaluating parent and practitioner views of participation in the Learning Together Programme (PEEP), and developing an enhanced delivery model.
PI: Professor Elspeth McCartney
Funded by: Scottish Government

Enabling Bridge to Thrive in Schools: Exploring the Benefits, Opportunities & Challenges
PI: Professor Samantha Punch
Funded by: The Davenport Foundation

Creating better lives? An Evaluation of the Life Changes Trust
PI: Professor Louise McCabe
Funded by: Life Changes Trust

Constructions of children and parents during the reform of family law in Scotland
Funded by: The Carnegie Trust

Supporting separated migrant children to thrive during COVID-19
Funded by: Economic and Social Research Council

Equalities, empowerment and the experience of care: An evaluation for the Life Changes Trust
PI: Professor Jane Callaghan
Funded by: Life Changes Trust