

Aquaculture Production


Dr Stuart McMillan

Dr Stuart McMillan

Post Doctoral Research Fellow, Institute of Aquaculture

Dr Amina Moss

Dr Amina Moss

Lecturer in Nutrition, Institute of Aquaculture



Graham P, Brundu G, Scolamacchia M, Giglioli A, Addis P, Artioli Y, Telfer T & Carboni S (2020) Improving pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas, Thunberg, 1793) production in Mediterranean coastal lagoons: Validation of the growth model "ShellSIM" on traditional and novel farming methods. Aquaculture, 516, Art. No.: 734612. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aquaculture.2019.734612


CLEANGAIN: Improved welfare and delousing of farmed cleaner fish
PI: Dr Adam Brooker
Funded by: Scottish Aquaculture Innovation Centre and Loch Duart Ltd

Development of a rapid molecular tool for the identification of fouling epibionts in Blue Mussel farms
Funded by: Scottish Aquaculture Innovation Centre

Towards a sustainable solution for aquafeed: using live yellow mealworm larvae grown on pre-consumer wastes for tilapia culture in Malawi
PI: Dr Amina Moss
Funded by: Innovate UK

Assessing the potential for selection and improvement of red seaweed affected by increasing water temperatures in Tanzania
Funded by: Innovate UK

ROBUST-SMOLT Impact of Early Life History in Freshwater Recirculation Aquaculture Systems on A. Salmon Robustness and Susceptibility to Disease at Sea
PI: Professor Herve Migaud
Funded by: Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council

Advancement in the Zoning of Aquaculture activities
PI: Professor Trevor Telfer
Funded by: Fondazione IMC - Centro Marino Internazionale

Testing of novel health ingredients against multi-mucosal disturbance and stress induced immune suppression under a practical repetitive stress challenge model
PI: Professor Herve Migaud
Funded by: Scottish Aquaculture Innovation Centre

PI: Professor Herve Migaud
Funded by: Biomar Ltd and Mowi (Scotland)

Optimsation and implementation of sterile triploid salmon in Scotland
PI: Professor Herve Migaud
Funded by: Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council

Neurotransmitter regulation of larval settlement and metamorphosis in commercial oyster species
PI: Dr Stefano Carboni
Funded by: Scottish Funding Council

SAIChatch - Research in support of the development of a commercial Mussel hatchery
PI: Dr Stefano Carboni
Funded by: Scottish Aquaculture Innovation Centre

Philips Lighting B.V. Agreement: Light Research Tool
PI: Professor Herve Migaud
Funded by: Philips Lighting B.V.

Production and Implementation of Farmed Wrasse in the Scottish Salmon Industry
PI: Professor Herve Migaud
Funded by: Technology Strategy Board

Implementation of natural spawning - improving quality of off-spring and animal welfare
PI: Professor Herve Migaud
Funded by: European Commission (Horizon 2020)

Biosciences KTN SPARK award - Development of new genotyping methodologies to identify halibut neomales
PI: Professor Herve Migaud
Funded by: Biosciences Knowledge Transfer Network

Biosciences KTN SPARK award - Gender control in wrasse.
PI: Professor Herve Migaud
Funded by: Biosciences Knowledge Transfer Network

Feasibility study of triploid salmon production
PI: Professor Herve Migaud
Funded by: European Commission (Horizon 2020)

Implementation of all female production in the UK halibut farming Industry
PI: Professor Herve Migaud
Funded by: Otter Ferry Seafish Ltd and Scottish Aquaculture Research Forum

Research and development of stock management strategies to optimise growth potential on ongrowing of marine fish
PI: Professor Herve Migaud
Funded by: Scottish Aquaculture Research Forum

Novel narrow bandwidth lighting technology in cod farming and its impact on performance from early stages to adult fish
PI: Professor Herve Migaud
Funded by: Intravision Group