Keltie Burn EIA for Cemex
Funded by .
The funder has agreed to accept the quote and will pay ?940.00 + VAT to the University for completing this short lead-in project (Phase 1). This covers the time involved (Colin Bull) and associated travel and consumables , as per the indicated budget.
Importantly , this is seen as Phase 1 of a larger project to go ahead this year , and if we complete this satisfactorily for the client then there will be an opportunity for Colin Bull (as preferred bidder) to undertake the lead on a macroinvertebrate and fish surveys at the same location , potentially generating up to around ?3000 of additional income direct to the University , and also providing a useful opportunity for student data collection for Honours dissertations.
Phase 1 will be to provide a walk-over survey for fish habitat over the proposed 700m stretch of the Keltie Burn as indicated in the map provided by the client. This will then be used to generate a report to inform the location (and possibly design) of the river crossing point.
Total award value ?940.00