Housing and Papering Over the Cracks of the Welfare State: Exploring the Role and Impact of Technology as Part of Housing Service Provision in an Era of Multi-level Precarity
McCall V, Rolfe S, Gibson G, Serpa R & Lawrence J (2024) Housing and Papering Over the Cracks of the Welfare State: Exploring the Role and Impact of Technology as Part of Housing Service Provision in an Era of Multi-level Precarity. Social Policy and Society.
What works in co-producing assistive technology solutions with older people: A scoping review of the evidence
Rolfe S, McCall V, Gibson G, Pusram A & Robertson J (2023) What works in co-producing assistive technology solutions with older people: A scoping review of the evidence. Ageing and Society.
Agency and the limits of responsibility: co management of technology enabled care in supported housing.
Serpa R, Rolfe S, Gibson G, Lawrence J & McCall V (2023) Agency and the limits of responsibility: co management of technology enabled care in supported housing.. Social Sciences, 12 (4), Art. No.: 248.
Project Report
Promoting Inclusive living via Technology- Enabled support
McCall V, Gibson G, Rolfe S, Serpa R & Lawrence J (2022) Promoting Inclusive living via Technology- Enabled support [INVITE Lay Summary]. Longleigh Foundation. Stirling.
Research Report
Ageing Well With Assistive Technology: Co-producing technology solutions with older people. A scoping review of the evidence.
Rolfe S, Pusram A, Robertson J, Gibson G & McCall V (2021) Ageing Well With Assistive Technology: Co-producing technology solutions with older people. A scoping review of the evidence.. Longleigh Foundation/Stonewater Housing Association. Stirling: 我要吃瓜.