

Exploring The Potential Of Long-Acting Buprenorphine In People Who Use Drugs And Are Homeless

Funded by .

Collaboration with NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde.

Aim: To explore the views of people who are homeless and dependent on opioids (prescribed or illicit) on the pros and cons of the range of drug delivery options including a long acting depot injection, methadone liquid, sublingual buprenorphine. Specific objectives would be to: ?Explain and discuss the concept of long acting depot buprenorphine with participants; ?Explore experiences of current or previous opiate replacement products such as oral methadone and sublingual buprenorphine; ?Identify the potential benefits and negative effects of a long acting product compared to other treatments from the perspective of the potential patient ?Prepare a detailed report of findings and an accompanying short briefing document that highlights key issues; ?Prepare and submit a manuscript for publication describing the findings.

Total award value ?48,836.00

People (1)

Professor Catriona Matheson

Professor Catriona Matheson

Professor in Substance Use, NMAHP


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