Interview Body-worn cameras 'on the move'
Miranda D (2023) Interview Body-worn cameras 'on the move'. [Faculti] 12.06.2023.
Funded by .
This project is a 'Rapid Research Project' for Police Scotland (Scottish Institute for Policing Research) and the Scottish Government to provide an overview of what is known about the use of Body Worn Video (BWV) in a policing context. The project will provide a literature review of current knowledge, case studies of best practice, an analysis of a series of interviews with key practitioners/policy-makers in the area, and a report/presentation concerning critical issues to be considered for the roll out of BWV in Scotland. The project will have significant practice engagement and research impact.
Total award value ?9,994.05
Personal Chair, MWO
Senior Lecturer, Sociology, Social Policy & Criminology
Interview Body-worn cameras 'on the move'
Miranda D (2023) Interview Body-worn cameras 'on the move'. [Faculti] 12.06.2023.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Governing police-public encounters mediated by the use of Body-Worn Cameras
Webster CW, Miranda D & Leleux C (2022) Governing police-public encounters mediated by the use of Body-Worn Cameras. European Group of Public Administration (EGPA), Lisbon, Portugal, 06.09.2022-09.09.2022.
Project Report
Evidence Review into Public Experience and Confidence of Body Worn Video in a Policing Context
Webster CW, Miranda D & Leleux C (2022) Evidence Review into Public Experience and Confidence of Body Worn Video in a Policing Context [UoS BWV Final June 22]. Police Scotland/Scottish Police Authority/SIPR.
Project Report
Scrutiny, Oversight and Public Engagement - Analysis from Interviews
Webster CW, Miranda D & Leleux C (2022) Scrutiny, Oversight and Public Engagement - Analysis from Interviews [UoS BWV Interview Analysis Final June 22]. Police Scotland/Scottish police Authority/SIPR.