

Contribution to APISE drinking diaries Wave 1

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Contribution to APISE drinking diaries Wave 1 (Funded by MRC Medical Research Council, NHS Health Scotland) This study is a pilot re-contact survey of a sub-sample of respondents who took part in the main Alcohol Policy in Scotland and England (APISE) telephone survey in 2012/13.

The main APISE survey included detailed questions about the location of consumption and typical volume of consumption in the 6 months prior to interview. It also contained questions on the price paid for all types of alcoholic drinks consumed or purchased within the 7 days prior to interview. The extend of missing data on price, within the survey responses, suggested that it was difficult for participants to accurately recall details on price. This extension to the main APISE survey involves piloting a diary study on alcohol purchases. Consistent with the main APISE study, data will be recorded for a seven day period. The diary will take the form of a 12 page booklet, posted to participants with a cover letter and pre-paid return envelope. The diary will collect data on: ?Consumption and price paid for all drinks consumed over a 7 day period at on-trade locations ?Purchasing and price paid for all drinks purchased over the same 7 day period from off-trade locations ?Details of whether drinks purchased were on special offer/promotion, person making the purchase and who the purchase was for. The study was led by researchers at the 我要吃瓜 and was conducted in collaboration with the University of Sheffield, The Open University and the University of Wollongong.

Total award value ?42,000.00

People (2)

Ms Anne Marie MacKintosh

Ms Anne Marie MacKintosh

Associate Professor, ISM

Professor Gerard Hastings

Professor Gerard Hastings

Emeritus Professor, Institute for Social Marketing