

Improving Flu Vaccination Uptake by Healthcare Workers: a Study of Implementation and Attitudes

Funded by .

Collaboration with London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

In response to concerns about the uptake of the seasonal flu vaccination by healthcare workers, the Department of Health commissioned this study to identify factors which explained differences in uptake and to inform the development of interventions which had the potential to increase uptake.

Study aims:

To explore qualitatively the interaction of staff attitudes and vaccine uptake, in a range of high and low uptake Trusts.

To explore and describe the key dimensions of good practice in flu programme implementation, in terms of engagement with staff attitudes and beliefs, models of delivery and organisational context.

To assess quantitatively and retrospectively whether good practice in implementation is associated with higher uptake of the vaccination, and what other contextual factors might explain variation in uptake.


Total award value ?86,746.00

People (2)

Ms Anne Marie MacKintosh

Ms Anne Marie MacKintosh

Associate Professor, Institute for Social Marketing

Dr Nathan Critchlow

Dr Nathan Critchlow

Research Fellow, Institute for Social Marketing