

Varieties of Risk: Epistemology and Psychology of Risk

Funded by .

Collaboration with University of Edinburgh.

A project on the epistemology and psychology of risk, with a dedicated applied aspect in how philosophical discussion of risk can have a distinct impact on other areas such as legal reasoning and gratuitous risk taking

Total award value ?613,789.66

People (1)

Professor Philip Ebert

Professor Philip Ebert

Professor, Philosophy

Outputs (11)

Conference Paper (published)

Ebert PA, Miller DL, Comerford DA & Diggins M (2024) End User Interpretation of the Avalanche Danger Scale: A Scottish Study. In: Proceedings of the International Snow Science Workshop 2024, Troms?, Norway. Proceedings of the International Snow Science Workshop. International Snow Science Workshop, Troms?, Norway, 23.09.2024-27.09.2024. Montana: Montana State University Library, pp. 1626 - 1632. https://arc.lib.montana.edu/snow-science/item.php?id=3361


Schubert T, Kulcsar Z & Ebert P (2023) Optimal aus Fehlern lernen. Schweizerische ?rztezeitung, 103 (40), pp. 72-73. https://saez.ch/article/doi/saez.2023.22151; https://doi.org/10.4414/saez.2023.22151

Newspaper / Magazine

Ebert P & Zweifel B (2023) Wisdom of Crowds [Gruppenentscheidungen im Bergsport]. Bergundsteigen. 01.2023, pp. 32-38.

Technical Report

Ebert P & Comerford D (2022) SAIS User Survey Summary Report. Diggins M (Contact Person) Scottish Avalanche Information Services. Online: 我要吃瓜.