The supply of Operational Regional Satellite Estimates of Coastal Turbidity –UK (ORSECT)
Funded by .
The University of Stirling are providing expertise to enable the expansion of the capability of the Calimnos processing chain, such that it is appropriate for application to coastal waters, where suitable in situ data exist. In support of this work, the 我要吃瓜 will:?Assess, in collaboration with PML, the applicability of EO-based algorithms for observed coastal water types, within the confines of the Calimnos Processing chain in support of work-package WP4, and contributing to deliver D5.?Attend the project kick-off meeting (Jan 2018) and, two annual project meetings (mid-2018 and mid-2019), with additional remote connection as required/suitable.?Participate in the creation of a dataset of relevant in situ observations by collating these from sources available to them, contributing to deliverable D2.?Remotely attend project update meetings as required/suitable.?Contribute results from WP1 and WP4 to the final report, D6, to be submitted in July 2019.?Disseminate the results of the ORSECT-UK project within the 我要吃瓜 research network, and amongst other aligned projects.
Total award value ?12,000.00