Authored Book
Memories of Colonisation in Medieval and Modern Castile: Rereading and Refashioning al-Andalus
De Souza R (2024) Memories of Colonisation in Medieval and Modern Castile: Rereading and Refashioning al-Andalus. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Are there limits to globalising the medieval?
De Souza R (2024) Are there limits to globalising the medieval?. postmedieval, 15, pp. 257-283.
Book Chapter
Rewriting and Visualizing the Cid: The Reconstruction of Medieval Gender and Race in Argentinian Graphic Novels
De Souza R (2023) Rewriting and Visualizing the Cid: The Reconstruction of Medieval Gender and Race in Argentinian Graphic Novels. In: Altschul N & Ruhlmann M (eds.) Iberoamerican Neomedievalisms: ※The Middle Ages§ and Its Uses in Latin America. Arc Medievalist. Leeds: Arc Humanities Press, pp. 173-201.
The Writing of Existence in the Latest Work of Alberto Moreiras
Baker P (2023) The Writing of Existence in the Latest Work of Alberto Moreiras. Philosophy and Society, 34 (1), pp. 120-140.;
Between Futurology and Extinction: A Transautographic Experiment in Two Turns
Baker P & Cerrato M (2023) Between Futurology and Extinction: A Transautographic Experiment in Two Turns [Between Futurology and Extinction]. Culture Machine, 22.
Autographic Praxis: An Infrapolitical Adventure
Cerrato M & Baker P (2023) Autographic Praxis: An Infrapolitical Adventure [Autographic Praxis]. Angelaki, 30 (6).
A contracorriente del cine establecido. Entrevista con Alberto Muenala sobre los primeros a?os del cine kichwa en el Ecuador
Baker P (2023) A contracorriente del cine establecido. Entrevista con Alberto Muenala sobre los primeros a?os del cine kichwa en el Ecuador [A contracorriente del cine establecido]. ?awi, 7 (2), pp. 235-247.
Growing Old (Dis)gracefully: Spanish Masculinities and Contemporary Star-Celebrity Culture
Collins J & Gilligan S (2023) Growing Old (Dis)gracefully: Spanish Masculinities and Contemporary Star-Celebrity Culture. Journal of Bodies, Sexualities, and Masculinities, 4 (1), pp. 73-99.
Imaginaries of Abya Yala: Indigenous Filmmaking in Latin America from a Multimodal Semiotics Perspective
Baker P (2023) Imaginaries of Abya Yala: Indigenous Filmmaking in Latin America from a Multimodal Semiotics Perspective. Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies.
Book Review
The Spanish Quinqui Film: Delinquency, Sound, Sensation
Davies A (2022) The Spanish Quinqui Film: Delinquency, Sound, Sensation. Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, 99 (2), pp. 177-178.
Cruising queerness in Alejandro Modarelli*s ※El amargo retiro de la Betty Boop§
McCarthy E (2022) Cruising queerness in Alejandro Modarelli*s ※El amargo retiro de la Betty Boop§. Chasqui: Revista de Literatura Latinoamericana, 51 (2), pp. 183-202.
Unsettling the Language of Settlement: Imaginaries of Race and Experiences of Settlement in Contemporary Bolivia
Baker P (2021) Unsettling the Language of Settlement: Imaginaries of Race and Experiences of Settlement in Contemporary Bolivia. Settler Colonial Studies, 11 (3), pp. 366-385.
Book Chapter
Hacia una cr赤tica del terror: Inquisici車n y marranismo
Baker P (2021) Hacia una cr赤tica del terror: Inquisici車n y marranismo. In: Lerza J, Graff Zivin E, Moreiras A & Villaca?as JL (eds.) Terror: La perspectiva hispana. Madrid: Guillermo Escolar.
Destabilizing Monotheism in the Medieval Castilian Epic
De Souza R (2021) Destabilizing Monotheism in the Medieval Castilian Epic. La cor車nica: A Journal of Medieval Hispanic Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, 49 (2), pp. 159-190.
Memories of Medieval Iberia in Early Modern Spain: The romancero viejo As Neomedievalism
De Souza R (2021) Memories of Medieval Iberia in Early Modern Spain: The romancero viejo As Neomedievalism. Bulletin of Spanish Studies, 98 (10), pp. 1563-1589.
Book Review
Narrating Desire: Moral Consolation and Sentimental Fiction in Fifteenth-Century Spain by Sol Miguel-Prendes
De Souza R (2021) Narrating Desire: Moral Consolation and Sentimental Fiction in Fifteenth-Century Spain by Sol Miguel-Prendes. Modern Language Review, 116 (4), pp. 662-664.
Book Chapter
Tracing the Genealogy of the Concepts of Mediatization and Decalage in Eliseo Ver車n*s Oeuvre
Olivera GE (2021) Tracing the Genealogy of the Concepts of Mediatization and Decalage in Eliseo Ver車n*s Oeuvre. In: Valdettaro S (ed.) Mediatizacion(s) Studies. CIM 10th Anniversary. Rosario, Argentina: UNR Editoria, pp. 78-106.
Fashion-forward killer: Villanelle, costuming and queer style in Killing Eve
Gilligan S & Collins J (2021) Fashion-forward killer: Villanelle, costuming and queer style in Killing Eve. Film Fashion and Consumption, 10 (2), pp. 353-376.
Reframing Identities in Argentine Documentary Cinema: The Emergence of LGBT People as Political Subjects in Rosa Patria (Loza, 2008-2009) and Putos peronistas (Cesatti, 2011)
Olivera GE (2021) Reframing Identities in Argentine Documentary Cinema: The Emergence of LGBT People as Political Subjects in Rosa Patria (Loza, 2008-2009) and Putos peronistas (Cesatti, 2011) [Re-enmarcando identidades en el cine documental argentino: la emergencia de personas LGBT como sujetos pol赤ticos en Rosa Patria (Loza, 2008-2009) y Putos peronistas (Cesatti, 2011)]. Latin American Perspectives, 48 (2), pp. 155-175.
Book Chapter
Politics of the Multitude: Seven Theses on Posthegemony
Baker P (2020) Politics of the Multitude: Seven Theses on Posthegemony. In: Marramao G (ed.) Interregnum: Between Biopolitics and Posthegemony. Sesto San Giovanni: Mimesis International.
Book Chapter
Carmen voyageuse: Repr谷sentations de Carmen en dehors de l*Espagne
Davies A (2020) Carmen voyageuse: Repr谷sentations de Carmen en dehors de l*Espagne. In: Lozier C & Marc I (eds.) Carmen revisit谷e / revisiter Carmen: nouveaux visages d*un mythe transversal. Comparatisme & Societe, 41. Bern: Peter Lang International Academic Publishers, pp. 127-144.
Book Chapter
Monstrous/Wondrous Transformations of the Female Body: A Reading of Daniela Tarazona's El animal sobre la piedra and the Gothic
Ordiz I (2020) Monstrous/Wondrous Transformations of the Female Body: A Reading of Daniela Tarazona's El animal sobre la piedra and the Gothic. In: Gonz芍lez AA & Bussing L車pez IM (eds.) Doubles and Hybrids in Latin American Gothic. Routledge Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Literature, 105. New York and Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 30-43.
Book Chapter
Latin American Horror
Casanova-Vizca赤no S & Ordiz I (2020) Latin American Horror. In: Bloom C (ed.) The Palgrave Handbook of Contemporary Gothic. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 31-47.
Book Chapter
La habitacio?n del desahogo (2012) - Mexican Monsters
Ordiz I (2020) La habitacio?n del desahogo (2012) - Mexican Monsters. In: Bacon S (ed.) Monsters: A Companion. Genre Fiction and Film Companions. Oxford: Peter Lang, pp. 111-118.
The Critique of Toxic, Noble Masculinity in Los siete Infantes de Lara
De Souza R (2020) The Critique of Toxic, Noble Masculinity in Los siete Infantes de Lara. La cor車nica: A Journal of Medieval Hispanic Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, 48 (2), pp. 41-68.
El largo proceso de personalizaci車n de la pol赤tica: Hacia una genealog赤a de la mediatizaci車n del lazo social en Francia
Olivera G (2020) El largo proceso de personalizaci車n de la pol赤tica: Hacia una genealog赤a de la mediatizaci車n del lazo social en Francia [The Long Process of Personalisation of Politics: Toward a Genealogy of Mediatization of the Social Bond in France]. DeSignis, (33), pp. 231-244.
Book Chapter
Chinchaysuyu Quechua and Amage confession manuals - Colonial language and culture contact in Central Peru
Dedenbach-Salazar S芍enz S & Alexander-Bakkerus A (2020) Chinchaysuyu Quechua and Amage confession manuals - Colonial language and culture contact in Central Peru. In: Alexander Bakkerus A, Fern芍ndez Rodr赤guez R, Zack L & Zwartjes O (eds.) Missionary Linguistic Studies from Mesoamerica to Patagonia. Brill's Studies in Language, Cognition and Culture, 22. Leiden: Brill, pp. 156-219.
Book Chapter
Ghostly Presences: Guillermo del Toro*s Crimson Peak
Davies A (2020) Ghostly Presences: Guillermo del Toro*s Crimson Peak. In: Sandy M & Cracolici S (eds.) Ghostly Encounters: Cultural and Imaginary Representations of the Spectral from the Nineteenth Century to the Present. Routledge, pp. 89-101.
Book Chapter
The Queer Gothic Regime of Narciso Ib芍?ez Serrador's La residencia (1969)
Davies A (2020) The Queer Gothic Regime of Narciso Ib芍?ez Serrador's La residencia (1969). In: Lema-Hincapi谷 A & Dom豕nech C (eds.) Indiscreet Fantasies: Iberian Queer Cinema. Bucknell University Press.
El ciney video ind赤gena: vidas en movimiento
Baker P (2020) El ciney video ind赤gena: vidas en movimiento. [Online essay]. Santiago: Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino.
Book Chapter
Renouncing Violence: Terrorism and Feminisation in Basque Cinema
Davies A (2020) Renouncing Violence: Terrorism and Feminisation in Basque Cinema. In: Maseda Garc赤a R, G芍mez Fuentes MJ & Zecchi B (eds.) Gender-Based Violence in Latin American and Iberian Cinemas. Taylor & Francis (Routledge), pp. 59-72.
Pleasure and historical memory in Spanish Gothic film
Davies A (2019) Pleasure and historical memory in Spanish Gothic film. Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, 96 (4), pp. 397-411.
Edited Book
Translating Wor(l)ds: Christianity Across Cultural Boundaries
Dedenbach-Salazar Saenz S (ed.) (2019) Translating Wor(l)ds: Christianity Across Cultural Boundaries. Collectanea Instituti Anthropos, Bd 51. Baden-Baden: Academia Verlag.
Book Chapter
Introduction to Translating Wor(l)ds
Dedenbach-Salazar Saenz S (2019) Introduction to Translating Wor(l)ds. In: Dedenbach-Salazar Saenz S (ed.) Translating Wor(l)ds: Christianity Across Cultural Boundaries. Collectanea Instituti Anthropos, Bd 51. Baden-Baden: Academia Verlag, pp. 7-27.
Hispanic horror: An introduction
Davies A (2019) Hispanic horror: An introduction. Horror Studies, 10 (2), pp. 145-153.
A tribute to Stephen King: Hispanic Gothic and cultural globalization
Ordiz I (2019) A tribute to Stephen King: Hispanic Gothic and cultural globalization. Horror Studies, 10 (2), pp. 155-171.
Book Chapter
Recontextualising the Sacraments: Diego Gonz芍lez Holgu赤n?s Construction of Christian Vocabulary in Colonial Peru
Dedenbach-Salazar Saenz S (2019) Recontextualising the Sacraments: Diego Gonz芍lez Holgu赤n?s Construction of Christian Vocabulary in Colonial Peru. In: Dedenbach-Salazar Saenz S (ed.) Translating Wor(l)ds: Christianity Across Cultural Borders. Collectanea Instituti Anthropos, Bd 51. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, pp. 157-198.
Poes赤a y transgresi車n: figuraciones g車ticas en Poeta en Nueva York de Federico Garc赤a Lorca
Ordiz I (2019) Poes赤a y transgresi車n: figuraciones g車ticas en Poeta en Nueva York de Federico Garc赤a Lorca. Alambique: Revista acad谷mica de ciencia ficci車n y fantas赤a, 6 (2), Art. No.: 5.
Book Chapter
Baker P, Feldman I, Geddes M, Lagos F & Pareja R (2019) Introduction. In: Baker P, Feldman I, Geddes M, Lagos Rojas F & Pareja R (eds.) Latin American Marxisms in Context: Past and Present. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. ix-xxiv.
Book Chapter
De brujas, mujeres libres y otras transgresiones: el g車tico en Las cosas que perdimos en el fuego de Mariana Enr赤quez
Ordiz I (2019) De brujas, mujeres libres y otras transgresiones: el g車tico en Las cosas que perdimos en el fuego de Mariana Enr赤quez. In: ?varez M谷ndez N & Abello Verano A (eds.) Realidades fracturadas. Est谷ticas de lo ins車lito en la narrativa en lengua espa?ola (1980-2018). Biblioteca Filol車gica Hispana, 213. Madrid, Spain: Visor Books, S.L. pp. 263-286.
Edited Book
Latin American Marxisms in Context: Past and Present
Baker P, Feldman I, Geddes M, Lagos F & Pareja R (eds.) (2019) Latin American Marxisms in Context: Past and Present. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars.
Entre mediatizacion, desfase y enunciacion: Pensar de otro modo
Olivera GE (2018) Entre mediatizacion, desfase y enunciacion: Pensar de otro modo. DeSignis, (29), pp. 177-193.;
Reframing the figure of the sexual child/teen in Argentine cinema: Affect, sexuality and agency
Olivera GE (2018) Reframing the figure of the sexual child/teen in Argentine cinema: Affect, sexuality and agency. Journal of Language and Sexuality, 7 (1), pp. 105-140.;
Book Chapter
Latin America, the Caribbean, and the Persistence of the Gothic
Ordiz I & Casanova-Vizcaino S (2018) Latin America, the Caribbean, and the Persistence of the Gothic. In: Casanova-Vizcaino S & Ordiz I (eds.) Latin American Gothic in Literature and Culture. Routledge Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Literature, 85. London: Routledge, pp. 1-13.
Edited Book
Latin American Gothic in Literature and Culture
Casanova-Vizcaino S & Ordiz I (eds.) (2018) Latin American Gothic in Literature and Culture. Routledge Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Literature. London: Routledge.
Book Chapter
The Hour of the Furnaces' Sexualized History
Olivera GE (2018) The Hour of the Furnaces' Sexualized History [La hora de los hornos' Sexualised History]. In: Campo J & P谷rez-Blanco H (eds.) A Trail of Fire for Political Cinema: The Hour of the Furnaces Fifty Years Later. Bristol, UK: Intellect Books, pp. 95-118.
Book Chapter
Civilization and Barbarism and Zombies: Argentina's Contemporary Gothic
Ordiz I (2018) Civilization and Barbarism and Zombies: Argentina's Contemporary Gothic. In: Casanova-Vizca赤no S & Ordiz I (eds.) Latin American Gothic in Literature and Culture. Routledge Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Literature, 85. London: Routledge, pp. 15-26.
Book Chapter
An Infantile Witness in the New Bolivia: Juan Carlos Valdivia's 'Zona sur'
Baker P (2018) An Infantile Witness in the New Bolivia: Juan Carlos Valdivia's 'Zona sur'. In: Page P, Selimovic I & Sutherland C (eds.) The Feeling Child: Politics, Childhood and Affect in Contemporary Latin American Literature and Film. 1st ed. Children and Youth in Popular Culture. Maryland: Lexington Books, pp. 97-124.
"?Sueles decir al hechicero: 'Adivina para m赤'?" ? Funcionalidad gramatical en las traducciones al quechua de cinco confesionarios coloniales
Dedenbach-Salazar Saenz S (2018) "?Sueles decir al hechicero: 'Adivina para m赤'?" ? Funcionalidad gramatical en las traducciones al quechua de cinco confesionarios coloniales ["Do you say to the sorcerer: 'Prophesy for me'?" ? Grammatical functionality in the Quechua translation of five colonial confessionaries]. INDIANA, 35 (2), pp. 175-207.
Reflexi車n infrapol赤tica y democracia: una introducci車n
Mu?oz G & Baker P (2018) Reflexi車n infrapol赤tica y democracia: una introducci車n. Pensamiento al Margen, Especial, Art. No.: 1.
Idolatr赤a y sexualidad: M谷todos y contextos de la transmisi車n y traducci車n de conceptos cristianos en los confesionarios ib谷ricos y coloniales de los siglos xvi-xviii. Introducci車n al dossier
Dedenbach-Salazar Saenz S (2018) Idolatr赤a y sexualidad: M谷todos y contextos de la transmisi車n y traducci車n de conceptos cristianos en los confesionarios ib谷ricos y coloniales de los siglos xvi-xviii. Introducci車n al dossier [Idolatry and Sexuality: Methods and Contexts of the Transmission and Translation of Christian Concepts in 16th-18th Century Iberian and Colonial Confession Manuals. Introduction to the Dossier]. INDIANA, 35 (2), pp. 9-27.
Cambios de Marco y Diversidades Sexo-Gen谷ricas en el Documental Argentino: Un An芍lisis Ret車rico y Enunciativo de La Hora de los Hornos y Rosa Patria
Olivera GE (2017) Cambios de Marco y Diversidades Sexo-Gen谷ricas en el Documental Argentino: Un An芍lisis Ret車rico y Enunciativo de La Hora de los Hornos y Rosa Patria. Cine Documental, 8 (15), pp. 67-94.
Book Chapter
Baker P (2017) Barbarie. In: Moreiras A & Villaca?as JL (eds.) Conceptos fundamentales del pensamiento latinoamericano actual. Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva.
Deities and Spirits in Andean Belief - Towards a Systematisation
Dedenbach-Salazar Saenz S (2017) Deities and Spirits in Andean Belief - Towards a Systematisation. Anthropos, 112 (2), pp. 443-453.
Book Chapter
Baker P (2017) Modernismo. In: Moreiras A & Villaca?as J (eds.) Conceptos fundamentales del pensamiento latinoamericano actual. Madrid, Spain: Biblioteca nueva.
The Violence of (In)Visibility: Queer Adolescence and Space in Lucia Puenzo*s XXY
Olivera GE (2017) The Violence of (In)Visibility: Queer Adolescence and Space in Lucia Puenzo*s XXY. Chasqui: Revista de Literatura Latinoamericana, 46 (2), pp. 207-226.
Book Chapter
Queer Cinema
Olivera GE & Kramer GM (2017) Queer Cinema. In: Urraca B & Kramer G (eds.) The Directory of World Cinema: Argentina 2. Directory of World Cinema series. Bristol, UK / Chicago, US: Intellect Books.,id=5237/
Book Chapter
Contemporary Spanish Gothic Heroines
Davies A (2017) Contemporary Spanish Gothic Heroines. In: Mar赤 J (ed.) Tracing the Borders of Spanish Horror Cinema and Television. Routledge, pp. 34-49.
Book Chapter
Introducci車n a "La transmisi車n de conceptos cristianos a las lenguas amerindias"
Dedenbach-Salazar Saenz S (2016) Introducci車n a "La transmisi車n de conceptos cristianos a las lenguas amerindias". In: Dedenbach-Salazar Saenz S & S (eds.) La transmisi車n de conceptos cristianos a las lenguas amerindias: Estudios sobre textos y contextos de la 谷poca colonial. Collectanea Instituti Anthropos, 48. Sankt Augustin, Germany: Academia Verlag.
Book Review
New Worlds: A Religious History of Latin America
Lange C (2016) New Worlds: A Religious History of Latin America. Review of:
John Lynch, New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2012, 424 pp. ISBN 978-0-300-16680-4. Bulletin of Spanish Studies, 93 (2), pp. 361-362.
Book Chapter
'Salvando las almas de los indios': Los conceptos de 'alma/芍nima' en las lenguas coloniales n芍huatl y quechua
Dedenbach-Salazar Saenz S & Ruhnau E (2016) 'Salvando las almas de los indios': Los conceptos de 'alma/芍nima' en las lenguas coloniales n芍huatl y quechua. In: Dedenbach-Salazar Saenz S & S (eds.) La transmisi車n de conceptos cristianos a las lenguas amerindias: Estudios sobre textos y contextos de la 谷poca colonial. Collectanea Instituti Anthropos, 48. Sankt Augustin, Germany: Academia Verlag, pp. 185-230.
Edited Book
La transmisi車n de conceptos cristianos a las lenguas amerindias: Estudios sobre textos y contextos de la 谷poca colonial
Dedenbach-Salazar S (ed.) (2016) La transmisi車n de conceptos cristianos a las lenguas amerindias: Estudios sobre textos y contextos de la 谷poca colonial. Collectanea Instituti Anthropos, 48. Sankt Augustin, Germany: Academia Verlag.
Authored Book
El Tratado de los errores de Francisco de ?vila en comparaci車n con el manuscrito quechua de Huarochir赤. Estudio anal赤tico y transcripci車n comparativa
Dedenbach-Salazar S (2016) El Tratado de los errores de Francisco de ?vila en comparaci車n con el manuscrito quechua de Huarochir赤. Estudio anal赤tico y transcripci車n comparativa. Centre for Amerindian, Latin American and Caribbean Studies Occasional Papers, 34. St Andrews: St Andrews University.
Book Chapter
Environmental Apocalypse and Uncanny Technology: Gothic Visions of the Future in Three Mexican Literary Dystopias
Ordiz I (2016) Environmental Apocalypse and Uncanny Technology: Gothic Visions of the Future in Three Mexican Literary Dystopias. In: Edwards J & Vasconcelos S (eds.) Tropical Gothic in Literature and Culture. Routledge Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Literature. London: Routledge, pp. 105-118.
Book Chapter
Baker P (2016) Modernismo. In: Ray S, Schwarz H, Villaca?as BJ, Moreiras A & Shemak A (eds.) Encyclopedia of Postcolonial Studies. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.
(Post)Hegemony and the Promise of Populism: Reflections on the Politics of Our Times
Baker P (2016) (Post)Hegemony and the Promise of Populism: Reflections on the Politics of Our Times. Politica comun, 10.
&?#?por decir Dios Trino y Uno, dijo Dios tres y uno son cuatro*: the Christian Trinity and the multiplicity of Andean Deities: indigenous beliefs and the instruction of the Christian doctrine in Quechua
Dedenbach-Salazar Saenz S (2016) &?#?por decir Dios Trino y Uno, dijo Dios tres y uno son cuatro*: the Christian Trinity and the multiplicity of Andean Deities: indigenous beliefs and the instruction of the Christian doctrine in Quechua. Colonial Latin American Review, 25 (4), pp. 414-444.
Book Chapter
Little Raoul
Olivera GE (2016) Little Raoul [La Raulito]. In: Urraca B & Kramer G (eds.) The Directory of World Cinema: Argentina 2. Directory of World Cinema series. Bristol: Intellect Books.,id=5237/
Authored Book
Contemporary Spanish Gothic
Davies A (2016) Contemporary Spanish Gothic. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Book Chapter
Glauber Rocha
Baker P (2016) Glauber Rocha. In: Routledge Encyclopedia of Modernism. London: Routledge.;
Book Chapter
De-construcciones y ciber-construcciones del cuerpo: g車tico y ciencia ficci車n en La primera calle de la soledad de Gerardo Horacio Porcayo
Ordiz I (2016) De-construcciones y ciber-construcciones del cuerpo: g車tico y ciencia ficci車n en La primera calle de la soledad de Gerardo Horacio Porcayo. In: Mendez N, Verano A & Martinez S (eds.) Territorios de la imaginaci車n. Po谷ticas ficcionales de lo ins車lito en Espa?a y M谷xico. Leon, Spain: Universidad de Le車n, pp. 121-130.
Book Chapter
Nelson Pereira dos Santos
Baker P (2016) Nelson Pereira dos Santos. In: Routledge Encyclopedia of Modernism. London: Routledge.;
Eliseo Ver車n: Las condiciones tecnol車gico-enunciativas de los saberes sobre el sentido o el espesor de la escritura
Olivera GE (2015) Eliseo Ver車n: Las condiciones tecnol車gico-enunciativas de los saberes sobre el sentido o el espesor de la escritura. Estudios: Revista del Centro de Estudios Avanzados, (33), pp. 109-129, Art. No.: 0328-185X.
Authored Book
Relaci車n de la genealog赤a y Origen de los mexicanos. Dos documentos del Libro de Oro. Edici車n cr赤tica y an芍lisis
Prem HJ, Dedenbach-Salazar S, Sachse F & Seeliger F (2015) Relaci車n de la genealog赤a y Origen de los mexicanos. Dos documentos del Libro de Oro. Edici車n cr赤tica y an芍lisis. Bonn, Germany and Mexico City, Mexico: Universit?t Bonn and Universidad Nacional Aut車noma de M谷xico.
Book Chapter
Spanish Gothic Cinema: The Hidden Continuities of a Hidden Genre
Davies A (2015) Spanish Gothic Cinema: The Hidden Continuities of a Hidden Genre. In: Oliete-Aldea E, Oria B & Taranc車n J (eds.) Global Genres, Local Films: The Transnational Dimension of Spanish Cinema. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 115-126.
Book Chapter
Slime and Subtlety: Monsters in del Toro*s Spanish-language Films
Davies A (2015) Slime and Subtlety: Monsters in del Toro*s Spanish-language Films. In: Morehead J (ed.) The Supernatural Cinema of Guillermo del Toro: Critical Essays. Jefferson NC: McFarland, pp. 41-57.
Apocalyptic Visions of the Present: The Zombie Invasion in Post 9/11 American Cinema
Ordiz I (2015) Apocalyptic Visions of the Present: The Zombie Invasion in Post 9/11 American Cinema [Visiones apocal赤pticas del presente: la invasi車n zombi en el cine de terror estadounidense despu谷s del 11-S (bilingual edition)]. L'Atalante, (19), pp. 111-117.
Edited Book
La (ir)realidad imaginada: Aproximaciones a lo insolito en la ficcion hispanoamericana
Ordiz I & Diez Cobo RM (eds.) (2015) La (ir)realidad imaginada: Aproximaciones a lo insolito en la ficcion hispanoamericana [The (un)imagined reality: Approaches to the extraordinary in Hispano-American fiction]. Leon: University of Leon.
Mapping the Glocal and Deciphering the Asymmetry of Economies of Code in Giacomo Marramao's The Passage West
Baker P (2015) Mapping the Glocal and Deciphering the Asymmetry of Economies of Code in Giacomo Marramao's The Passage West. Politica comun, 8.
Can the State Learn to Live Well? Alvaro Garcia Linera as an Intellectual of the State and Interpreter of History
Baker P (2015) Can the State Learn to Live Well? Alvaro Garcia Linera as an Intellectual of the State and Interpreter of History. Culture, Theory and Critique, 56 (3), pp. 283-296.
Book Chapter
Storytelling in the Novels of Julio Llamazares
Sanchez A (2015) Storytelling in the Novels of Julio Llamazares. In: Walsh A (ed.) Telling Tales: Storytelling in Contemporary Spain. Newcastle on Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 109-126.
Book Chapter
La reinvenci車n del cuerpo femenino y la deconstrucci車n de los g谷neros: vampirismo y subversi車n en "Isabel" de Carmen Boullosa
Ordiz I (2015) La reinvenci車n del cuerpo femenino y la deconstrucci車n de los g谷neros: vampirismo y subversi車n en "Isabel" de Carmen Boullosa [The reinvention of the female body and the deconstruction of the genres: vampirism and subversion in "Isabel" by Carmen Boullosa]. In: Ordiz AI & Diez Cobo R (eds.) La (ir)realidad imaginada: Aproximaciones a lo insolito en la ficcion hispanoamericana. Leon, Spain: University of Leon, pp. 181-191.
Website Content
Gothic Sunshine: Spanish Film and the Creep Factor of the Full Light of Day
Davies A (2015) Gothic Sunshine: Spanish Film and the Creep Factor of the Full Light of Day. The Gothic Imagination, 06.03.2015.
Edited Book
The Transnational Fantasies of Guillermo del Toro
Davies A, Shaw D & Tierney D (eds.) (2014) The Transnational Fantasies of Guillermo del Toro. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Book Chapter
Corps et paysages dans les films de Pen谷lope Cruz
Davies A (2014) Corps et paysages dans les films de Pen谷lope Cruz. In: Tilly E & Duprat A A (eds.) Corps et Territoire: arts et litterature 角 travers l*Europe et l*Am谷rique. Des soci谷t谷s. Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, pp. 27-36.
Book Chapter
Guillermo del Toro*s Monsters: Matter Out of Place
Davies A (2014) Guillermo del Toro*s Monsters: Matter Out of Place. In: Davies A, Shaw D & Tierney D (eds.) The Transnational Fantasies of Guillermo del Toro. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 29-43.
Book Review
Politics and Performance in Post-Dictatorship Argentine Film and Theatre By Phillippa J. Page. Woodbridge: Tamesis. 2011.
Olivera GE (2014) Politics and Performance in Post-Dictatorship Argentine Film and Theatre By Phillippa J. Page. Woodbridge: Tamesis. 2011. [Book Reviews for Hispanic Research Journal]. Review of: Politics and Performance in Post-Dictatorship Argentine Film and Theatre. By Phillippa J. Page. Woodbridge: Tamesis. 2011. Pp. 198. ISBN: 9781855662049. Hispanic Research Journal, 15 (4), pp. 377-379.
Edited Book
The Transnational Fantasies of Guillermo del Toro
Davies A, Shaw D & Tierney D (eds.) (2014) The Transnational Fantasies of Guillermo del Toro. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
The corregidor as dragon and the encomendero as lion: symbolic language to depict antisocial behavior in Guaman Poma*s Andean colonial world
Dedenbach-Salazar Saenz S (2014) The corregidor as dragon and the encomendero as lion: symbolic language to depict antisocial behavior in Guaman Poma*s Andean colonial world. STUF - Language Typology and Universals, 67 (2), pp. 149-173.
Authored Book
Pen谷lope Cruz
Davies A (2014) Pen谷lope Cruz. Film Stars. Basingstoke: BFI/Palgrave Macmillan.
Book Review
Empires of God: Religious Encounters in the Early Modern Atlantic
Dedenbach-Salazar S (2014) Empires of God: Religious Encounters in the Early Modern Atlantic. Review of: Empires of God: Religious Encounters in the Early Modern Atlantic. By Linda Gregerson, and Susan Juster (eds.). Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2011. ix + 334pp. ISBN 978-0812222609. Literature and Theology, 28 (1), pp. 114-118.
Estrategias ficcionales de lo ins車lito. La literatura g車tica frente a la literatura fant芍stica
Ordiz I (2014) Estrategias ficcionales de lo ins車lito. La literatura g車tica frente a la literatura fant芍stica. Badebec, 3 (6), pp. 138-168.
Website Content
Ghostbusting: Pursuing the Spectres of Spanish Cinema
Davies A (2014) Ghostbusting: Pursuing the Spectres of Spanish Cinema. 紼梗餃勳芍喧勳釵棗, 17.02.2014.
Book Chapter
Pachamama and the Virgin Revisited: Coincidences and Convergences
Dedenbach-Salazar S (2013) Pachamama and the Virgin Revisited: Coincidences and Convergences. In: Marten M & Neumann K (eds.) Saints and Cultural Trans-/Mission. Collectanea Instituti Anthropos, 45. Sankt Augustin: Academia Verlag, pp. 159-200.
Authored Book
Entrelazando dos mundos: Experimentos y experiencias con el quechua de la cristianizaci車n en el Per迆 colonial
Dedenbach-Salazar S (2013) Entrelazando dos mundos: Experimentos y experiencias con el quechua de la cristianizaci車n en el Per迆 colonial. Quito: Abya-yala.
Book Chapter
Ana D赤ez: Basque Cinema, Gender and the (Home)land
Davies A (2013) Ana D赤ez: Basque Cinema, Gender and the (Home)land. In: Nair P & Guti谷rrez-Albilla J (eds.) Hispanic and Lusophone Women Filmmakers: Critical Discourses and Cinematic Practices. Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 115-125.
Book Chapter
El vampiro literario mexicano en el siglo XXI: Entre el homenaje y la parodia
Ordiz I (2013) El vampiro literario mexicano en el siglo XXI: Entre el homenaje y la parodia [The Mexican literary vampire in the 21st century: between the homage and the parody]. In: Carretero GM, Diaz Piedra D, Reyes MM & Rodriguez FS (eds.) Vampiros a contraluz: Constantes y modalizaciones del vampiro en el arte y la cultura, Vol. 2. Granada, Spain: Comares, pp. 3-24.
Uruguay Disappears: Small cinemas, Control Z Films and the aesthetics and politics of auto-erasure
Martin-Jones D & Monta?ez MS (2013) Uruguay Disappears: Small cinemas, Control Z Films and the aesthetics and politics of auto-erasure. Cinema Journal, 53 (1), pp. 26-51.
'On the Shores of Politics': La Raulito*s (Dis)Figurations
Olivera GE (2013) 'On the Shores of Politics': La Raulito*s (Dis)Figurations. Journal of Romance Studies, 13 (2), pp. 62-93.
Book Chapter
Don Crist車bal, Llocllayhuancupa and the Virgin: the battle of words in a colonial Quechua conversion narrative
Dedenbach-Salazar S (2013) Don Crist車bal, Llocllayhuancupa and the Virgin: the battle of words in a colonial Quechua conversion narrative. In: Cox J (ed.) Critical Reflections on Indigenous Religions. Vitality of Indigenous Religions. Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 105-122.