
Professor Robert Webb

Professor of Banking and Appl. Economics

Accounting & Finance Stirling

Professor Robert Webb

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我要吃瓜 me

Rob joined the 我要吃瓜 as Professor of Banking & Applied Economics, Associate Dean Global Engagement & Recruitment and Director of MSc Programmes within Stirling Management School. Previous to joining Stirling he was Faculty Director for Global Engagement at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Nottingham, Associate Dean Global Engagement & Recruitment at Nottingham University Business School and Deputy Director for the Centre for Global Banking & Financial Innovation. Professor Webb has extensive knowledge of the global education sector, specialising in student recruitment, Agent relations and developing MoAs with world class universities, presenting research and guest lecturing.

Rob’s research investigates applied economic issues which have not had the attention of the mainstream. He has written numerous book chapters and a textbook on banking and finance as well as publishing widely in top peer-reviewed international journals such as: Studies in Higher Education; Journal of Social Policy; Urban Studies; Journal of Business Ethics; International Review of Financial Analysis; Human Relations and Environment and Planning A. In the past he has been an editor of a journal and consultant for Marsh plc, Zurich plc; the Chartered Institute of Bankers and the Chartered Institute of Securities and Investment. Rob teaches modules at postgraduate level in bank theory and financial risk.


Current research interests span banking, finance and economics and include: perceptions of value in higher education; behaviour and risk reporting in financial institutions; mortgage equity withdrawal in the UK housing market; modelling bank performance through the economic cycle using BioLayout.

Outputs (61)


Policy Document

Webb R & Markus K (2023) Reforming governance within banks. Chartered Bankers Institute/Starling Insights. Deeper Dive — UK Parliamentary Commission on Banking Standards: A Global 10-Year Look-Back.


Mabwe K, Ring PJ & Webb R (2022) The status of people risk management in UK banks. Journal of Operational Risk, 17, pp. 83-103. https://www.risk.net/journal-of-operational-risk/7950041/the-status-of-people-risk-management-in-uk-banks; https://doi.org/10.21314/JOP.2022.021

Website Content

Webb R (2015) People, risk and the blame game. Changeboard [Blog Post] 20.11.2015. https://www.changeboard.com/article-details/14686/people-risk-and-the-blame-game/

Book Chapter

Webb R (2000) Diversification and Efficiency in UK Banking. In: Dimensions of Competitiveness: Issues and Policies. Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Webb R (1999) Diversification and Efficiency in UK Banking. Dimensions of Competitiveness: Issues and Policy, Centre for International Business and Economic Research, Cambridge, 22.09.1999-23.09.1999.


Rob currently teaches Bank Theory and Operations and Risk Measurement & Management in Banking both at postgraduate MSc level. In the past he has been responsible for: Postgraduate: Bank Financial Risk: Measurement and Management, Operations and Strategy of Financial Institutions and Investment Banking and Global Operations. Undergraduate: Banking; Managing Risk in Financial Institutions; Contemporary Banking Theory, Financial Systems and Institutions, Financial Studies, Understanding the UK Economy and Macroeconomics.