
Professor Catriona Matheson

Outputs related to Professor Catriona Matheson

Showing 101 Outputs


Matheson C, Hunter C, Schofield J, O’Sullivan K, Hunter J, Munro A & Parkes T (2023) Making community pharmacies psychologically informed environments (PIE): a feasibility study to improve engagement with people using drug services in Scotland. Primary Health Care Research & Development, 24. https://doi.org/10.1017/s1463423623000087

Project Report

Daneshvar H, Strachan G & Matheson C (2023) Evaluation of Here4U Scotland application. Scottish Government. Digital Lifelines Scotland. https://digitallifelines.scot/media/1305/evaluation-of-here4u-v6-final.pdf


Schofield J, Parkes T, Mercer F, Foster R, Hnízdilová K, Matheson C, Steele W, McAuley A, Raeburn F, Skea L & Baldacchino A (2023) Feasibility and acceptability of an overdose prevention intervention delivered by Community Pharmacists for patients prescribed opioids for chronic non-cancer pain. Pharmacy, 11 (3), Art. No.: 88. https://doi.org/10.3390/pharmacy11030088

Research Report

Matheson C, Daneshvar H, Carver H, Strachan G, Greenhalgh J & Schofield J (2023) Evaluation of the Digital Lifelines Scotland Programme. dy Scottish Government. Edinburgh. https://digitallifelines.scot/media/1217/digital-lifelines-scotland-evaluation-march-2023.pdf


Mercer F, Parkes T, Foster R, Steven D, McAuley A, Baldacchino A, Steele W, Schofield J & Matheson C (2023) Patient, family members and community pharmacists' views of a proposed overdose prevention intervention delivered in community pharmacies for patients prescribed high‐strength opioids for chronic non‐cancer pain: An explorative intervention development study. Drug and Alcohol Review, 42 (3), pp. 517-526. https://doi.org/10.1111/dar.13554


Parkes T, Matheson C, Carver H, Foster R, Budd J, Liddell D, Wallace J, Pauly B, Fotopoulou M, Burley A, Anderson I, Price T, Schofield J & MacLennan G (2022) Assessing the feasibility, acceptability and accessibility of a peer-delivered intervention to reduce harm and improve the well-being of people who experience homelessness with problem substance use: the SHARPS study. Harm Reduction Journal, 19 (1), Art. No.: 10. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12954-021-00582-5

Project Report

Daneshvar H, Matheson C, Perez A & Baldacchino A (2022) Overdose Detection Alert and Responder Technology (ODART) Project. Overdose detection and responder alert technologies: transforming preventative care for those most at risk of drug-related death. https://digitallifelines.scot/media/1153/final-report-v2.pdf

Research Report

Daneshvar H, Oteo A, Schofield J, Parkes T, Matheson C & Baldacchino A (2022) Mapping of Overdose Detection and Alert Technologies: A Summary. Digital Lifelines Scotland. https://digitallifelines.scot/media/1115/digital-lifelines-odart-mapping-summary.pdf


Parkes T, Matheson C, Carver H, Foster R, Budd J, Liddell D, Wallace J, Pauly B, Fotopoulou M, Burley A, Anderson I & MacLennan G (2022) A peer-delivered intervention to reduce harm and improve the well-being of homeless people with problem substance use: the SHARPS feasibility mixed-methods study. Health Technology Assessment, 26 (14), pp. 1-128. https://doi.org/10.3310/wvvl4786

Research Report

Matheson C, Carver H, Parkes T, Daneshvar H, Schofield J, Dumbrell J, Connell C, Price T & Hnizdilova K (2022) Digital Inclusion to Prevent Drug Related Deaths: Scoping user needs. Scottish Government. Edinburgh. https://view.officeapps.live.com/op/view.aspx?src=https%3A%2F%2Fdigitallifelines.scot%2Fmedia%2F1111%2Fdigital-lifelines-user-needs-slide-deck-drns-jan-2022.pptx&wdOrigin=BROWSELINK


Parkes T, Carver H, Masterton W, Booth H, Ball L, Murdoch H, Falzon D, Pauly BM & Matheson C (2021) Exploring the Potential of Implementing Managed Alcohol Programmes to Reduce Risk of COVID-19 Infection and Transmission, and Wider Harms, for People Experiencing Alcohol Dependency and Homelessness in Scotland. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18 (23), Art. No.: 12523. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph182312523

Project Report

Parkes T, Carver H, Matheson C, Pauly B, McCulloch P, Browne T, Masterton W & Booth H (2021) Managed alcohol programmes: Scoping the potential of a novel intervention to help prevent infection (COVID-19) for people experiencing alcohol dependency and homelessness - Clients [COVID-19 MAPs Study Briefing - Clients]. Chief Scientist Office. 我要吃瓜.

Project Report

Parkes T, Carver H, Matheson C, Pauly B, McCulloch P, Browne T, Masterton W & Booth H (2021) Managed alcohol programmes: Scoping the potential of a novel intervention to help prevent infection (COVID-19) for people experiencing alcohol dependency and homelessness - Staff [COVID-19 MAPs Study Briefing - Staff]. Chief Scientist Office. 我要吃瓜.

Website Content

Schofield J, Matheson C, Browne T, Dumbrell J, Parkes T, Bancroft A & Galip I (2020) The impacts of COVID-19 on people who use drugs. The impacts of COVID-19 on people who use drugs (1.0) [Website] 20.11.2020. https://covid-drugs.stir.ac.uk/


Scott C, de Barra M, Johnston M, de Bruin M, Scott N, Matheson C, Bond C & Watson MC (2020) Using the behaviour change technique taxonomy v1 (BCTTv1) to identify the active ingredients of pharmacist interventions to improve non-hospitalised patient health outcomes. BMJ Open, 10 (9), Art. No.: e036500. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2019-036500


Parkes T, Matheson C, Carver H, Budd J, Liddell D, Wallace J, Pauly B, Fotopoulou M, Burley A, Anderson I, MacLennan G & Foster R (2019) Supporting Harm Reduction through Peer Support (SHARPS): testing the feasibility and acceptability of a peer-delivered, relational intervention for people with problem substance use who are homeless, to improve health outcomes, quality of life and social functioning and reduce harms: study protocol. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 5 (1), Art. No.: 64. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40814-019-0447-0


de Barra M, Scott C, Johnston M, De Bruin M, Scott N, Matheson C, Bond C & Watson M (2019) Do pharmacy intervention reports adequately describe their interventions? A template for intervention description and replication analysis of reports included in a systematic review. BMJ Open, 9 (12), Art. No.: e025511. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2018-025511


Matheson C, Pflanz-Sinclair C, Almarzouqi A, Bond CM, Lee AJ, Batieha A, Al-Ghaferi H & El Kashef A (2018) A controlled trial of screening, brief intervention and referral for treatment (SBIRT) implementation in primary care in the United Arab Emirates. Primary Health Care Research and Development, 19 (2), pp. 165-175. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1463423617000640


Robertson HD, Elliott AM, Burton CD, Iversen L, Murchie P, Porteous T & Matheson C (2016) Resilience of primary healthcare professionals: A systematic review. British Journal of General Practice, 66 (647), pp. e423-e433. https://doi.org/10.3399/bjgp16X685261


Holland R, Matheson C, Anthony G, Roberts K, Priyardarshi S, Macrae A, Whitelaw E, Appavoo S & Bond CM (2012) A pilot randomised controlled trial of brief versus twice weekly versus standard supervised consumption in patients on opiate maintenance treatment. Drug and Alcohol Review, 31 (4), pp. 483-491. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1465-3362.2011.00394.x

Conference Abstract

Jaffray M, Matheson C, Bond CM, Lee AJ, Johnstone A, Davidson B & Skea L (2010) Enhanced pharmacy services for patients on methadone maintenance therapy attitudes and expectations of pharmacists. Health Services Research & Pharmacy Practice Conference 2010, Manchester, 12/04/2010 - 13/04/2010. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 18 (S1), pp. 43-44. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/j.2042-7174.2010.00043.x; https://doi.org/10.1111/j.2042-7174.2010.00043.x


Simoens S, Matheson C, Bond CM, Inkster K & Ludbrook A (2005) Methadone vs buprenorphine (multiple letters) [11] [Author's Response]. British Journal of General Practice, 55 (516), pp. 558-559. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-21344437287&partnerID=40&md5=3a44389ea243c355d19460f4776ad3fb


Jones J, Matheson C & Bond CM (2000) Patient satisfaction with a community pharmacist-managed system of repeat prescribing. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 8 (4), pp. 291-297. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-0034505932&partnerID=40&md5=bfddd06e08d2386f4acb1abfafa798e5; https://doi.org/10.1111/j.2042-7174.2000.tb01018.x