
Research Report

Mapping of Overdose Detection and Alert Technologies: A Summary



Daneshvar H, Oteo A, Schofield J, Parkes T, Matheson C & Baldacchino A (2022) Mapping of Overdose Detection and Alert Technologies: A Summary. Digital Lifelines Scotland. https://digitallifelines.scot/media/1115/digital-lifelines-odart-mapping-summary.pdf

In the last decade, the number of drug-related deaths (DRD) has rapidly increased in Scotland (National Records of Scotland, 2021). The aim of the Overdose Detection and Responder Alert Technologies (ODART) Project is to transform preventative care for those most at risk of drug-related death by delivering on four main workstreams: 1) detect the onset of overdose and alert a responsible person; 2) overdose first responder; 3) community provision of ‘Naloxboxes’; and 4) remote addiction consultations. The aim of this report is to summarise the problems regarding drug overdoses and scope out and assess the existing technologies developed for preventing drug overdose deaths. This report focuses on workstreams 1 and 2.

Publication date28/02/2022
Publisher URL

People (3)

Dr Hadi Daneshvar

Dr Hadi Daneshvar

Research Fellow, Faculty of Social Sciences

Professor Catriona Matheson

Professor Catriona Matheson

Professor in Substance Use, NMAHP

Professor Tessa Parkes

Professor Tessa Parkes

Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences

Projects (1)

Research centres/groups