
Dr Christine Stephen

Honorary Research Fellow

Faculty of Social Sciences Colin Bell Building, 我要吃瓜, Stirling, FK9 4LA

Dr Christine Stephen

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我要吃瓜 me

My research focuses on children’s learning in the early years and the ways in which this is supported in preschool settings and at home. I am interested in children’s experiences, the perspectives of their parents and the practices and professional knowledge and beliefs of practitioners in early care and education settings. This interest in pedagogic actions and interactions is at the centre of my research into young children’s engagement with new technologies, approaches to learning in preschool and at the beginning of primary school and Gaelic-medium early years education. Projects looking at the practices of childminders caring for children under three years old and at the literature on educational interventions for the under three’s are extending my work on pedagogy and the influence of the context in which children are growing up. With Lydia Plowman and Joanna McPake I co-directed a series of Economic and Social Research Council-funded projects researching children’s engagement with technologies: Interplay: Play, Learning and ICT looked at their experiences with technology in the preschool playroom while Entering e-Society: Young children’s development of e-literacy and Young Children Learning with Toys and Technology at Home were both concerned with playing and learning with technologies at home. My research on Gaelic-medium preschool education has been carried out with Joanna McPake (University of Strathclyde) and Wilson McLeod (University of Edinburgh). We have reviewed Gaelic-medium early education and childcare in Scotland and investigated the pedagogical challenges experienced by children and practitioners in language-immersion settings. In September 2013 I was a Visiting Academic at the Early Years Research Centre, University of Waikato, New Zealand . I am the convenor of the Scottish Educational Research Association Early Years Network and a member of the editorial board of Early Years and the International Journal of Early Years Education.

Research (7)

Pre-school education and care Pedagogy Cultures of practice


Evaluation of 0-3 Gaelic early years sector
PI: Dr Christine Stephen
Funded by: Bord Na Gaidhlig

Exploring views on 'nurture' approaches to early years provision in Glasgow
PI: Dr Christine Stephen
Funded by: Glasgow Centre for Population Health

Community Childminders: a model for early intervention
PI: Dr Christine Stephen
Funded by: Scottish Childminding Association

Young children learning in Gaelic: Towards an effective pedagogy
PI: Dr Christine Stephen
Funded by: The British Academy

Young children learning with toys and technology at home
Funded by: Economic and Social Research Council

Review of Gaelic Medium Early Years and Childcare Provision
PI: Dr Christine Stephen
Funded by: Bord Na Gaidhlig and Scottish Government

Critical Issues for Pre-Scholl Education- Towards a Research Agenda
PI: Dr Christine Stephen
Funded by: Economic and Social Research Council

Outputs (47)


Research Report

Stephen C & Gadda A (2017) Nurturing Citizenship in the Early Years. Glasgow Centre for Population Health. 我要吃瓜. http://www.gcph.co.uk/publications/738_nurturing_citizenship_in_the_early_years

Book Chapter

Stephen C (2014) Young Children Thinking and Learning With and 我要吃瓜 Digital Technologies. In: Robson S & Flannery QS (eds.) Routledge International Handbook of Young Children's Thinking and Understanding. Routledge International Handbooks of Education. London: Routledge, pp. 345-353. http://www.guilfordpress.co.uk/books/details/9780415816427/

Book Chapter

Stephen C & Plowman L (2014) Digital Play. In: Brooker L, Blaise M & Edwards S (eds.) SAGE Handbook of Play and Learning in Early Childhood. London: SAGE. http://www.uk.sagepub.com/books/Book238843?crossRegion=eur&q=brooker&prodTypes=any&sortBy=defaultPubDate%20desc&fs=1

Research Report

Stephen C & Duncan PA (2014) Community Childminding. Scottish Childminding Association (SCMA) Research Findings. Scottish Childminding Association.


Stephen C & Plowman L (2013) Digital technologies, play and learning. Early Childhood Folio, 17 (2), pp. 3-8. http://www.nzcer.org.nz/nzcerpress/early-childhood-folio/articles/digital-technologies-play-and-learning

Book Chapter

Stephen C & Plowman L (2012) Veiledet samspill I barnehagen: unders?kelse av hvordan voksne kan st?tte barns l?ring med digitale medier [Veiledet samspill i barnehagen: undersokelse av hvordan voksne kan stotte barns laering med digitale medier]. In: Jaeger H & Torgersen J (eds.) Medialisert barndom: Digital kultur i barnehagen. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, pp. 126-143. http://www.universitetsforlaget.no/boker/boker_som_kommer/katalog?productId=61747771

Book Chapter

Stephen C (2012) Learning in Early Childhood. In: Jarvis P & Watts M (eds.) The Routledge International Handbook of Learning. Routledge International Handbooks of Education. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 103-111. https://www.routledge.com/products/9780415571302


Stephen C (2012) Looking for theory in preschool education. Studies in Philosophy and Education, 31 (3), pp. 227-238. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11217-012-9288-5

Book Chapter

Stephen C, McPake J & Plowman L (2011) Digital technologies at home: the experiences of 3- and 4-year-olds in Scotland. In: Miller L, Cable C & Drury R (eds.) Extending Professional Practice in the Early Years. London: Sage/ The Open University, pp. 184-192. http://www.uk.sagepub.com/books/Book236961

Book Chapter

Stephen C, McPake J & Plowman L (2010) Digital technologies at home: The experiences of 3- and 4-year-olds in Scotland. In: Clarke M & Tucker S (eds.) Early Childhoods in a Changing World. Stoke-on-Trent: Trentham, pp. 145-154. http://trentham-books.co.uk/acatalog/Early_Childhoods_in_a_Changing_World.html

Authored Book

Plowman L, Stephen C & McPake J (2010) Growing Up With Technology: Young Children Learning in a Digital World. London: Routledge. https://www.routledge.com/Growing-Up-With-Technology-Young-Children-Learning-in-a-Digital-World/Plowman-Stephen-McPake/p/book/9780415468923

Book Chapter

Plowman L, Stephen C & McPake J (2009) Growing Up with Technology: Young children learning in a digital world. In: Plowman L, Stephen C & McPake J (eds.) Growing Up With Technology: Young Children Learning in a Digital World. Abingdon: Taylor & Francis (Routledge), pp. 8-21. http://www.routledgeeducation.com/books/Growing-Up-With-Technology-isbn9780415468923

Research Report

McPake J, Stephen C & Plowman L (2007) Entering e-Society: Young children's development of e-literacy. Economic and Social Research Council. ESRC. http://www.ioe.stir.ac.uk/research/projects/esociety/documents/Enteringe-SocietyreportJune2007.pdf


Plowman L & Stephen C (2007) Guided interaction in pre-school settings. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 23 (1), pp. 14-26. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2729.2007.00194.x

Research Report

Plowman L & Stephen C (2006) Supporting learning with ICT in pre-school settings. Economic and Social Research Council. Teaching and Learning Research Briefing, 15. Teaching and Learning Research Programme (TLRP). http://www.tlrp.org/pub/research.html


Stephen C & Cope P (2003) An Inclusive Perspective on Transition to Primary School. European Educational Research Journal, 2 (2), pp. 262-276. http://www.wwwords.co.uk/rss/abstract.asp?j=eerj&aid=1720; https://doi.org/10.2304/eerj.2003.2.2.5


Cope P & Stephen C (2001) A role for practising teachers in initial teacher education. Teaching and Teacher Education, 17 (8), pp. 913-924. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?partnerID=yv4JPVwI&eid=2-s2.0-0035604601&md5=402fad205069a3ad3013e8582e496cee; https://doi.org/10.1016/S0742-051X%2801%2900040-3