
Research Report

Taking the Documentation Approach to Early Learning into Primary 1



Stephen C (2014) Taking the Documentation Approach to Early Learning into Primary 1. Research Briefing, 8. School of Education, 我要吃瓜.

Documenting the process and outcomes of children's learning using a variety of methods is established practice in Stirling Council nursery settings. Documentation focuses on finding out about children's interests, recording their actions and thinking as they explore and solve problems and encouraging reflection on and talking about learning. This approach fits well with the expectations and goals for children in the Early Level of the Curriculum for Excellence. In the project reported here we set out to explore how documentation could contribution to classroom practices that facilitate learning when children move into the first year of primary school (P1).

Title of seriesResearch Briefing
Number in series8
Publication date31/03/2014
PublisherSchool of Education, 我要吃瓜

People (1)

Dr Christine Stephen

Dr Christine Stephen

Honorary Research Fellow, Faculty of Social Sciences

Files (1)