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Publishing courses have managed positive change in the trade



Squires C (2019) Publishing courses have managed positive change in the trade. The Bookseller. 22.02.2019. https://www.thebookseller.com/blogs/publishing-courses-have-managed-positive-change-trade-960111

First paragraph: Last week, I was pleased to see The Bookseller surveying class in publishing. Access to the industry is central concern of the Association for Publishing Education (APE), which represents universities offering publishing degrees. As I opened the survey, though, I was confronted by this question: "Do you think [the] rising popularity of post-grad courses (such as writing or publishing MAs) means it is harder than previously for people from working class backgrounds to join the publishing industry?"

publishing; class; university degrees; inclusion; diversity;

Publication date22/02/2019
Publication date online22/02/2019
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People (1)

Professor Claire Squires

Professor Claire Squires

Professor in Publishing Studies, English Studies