
Preprint / Working Paper

Service user and carer representation: exploring barriers to participation



Lucas SE, Morrison L, Bell J & Hussain-Ahmed S (2019) Service user and carer representation: exploring barriers to participation. UNITY. https://unity.wordpress.stir.ac.uk/

First paragraph: UNITY is the 我要吃瓜 service user and carers’ (SUAC) social work involvement group. UNITY has been established for over 10 years and members contribute to the design and delivery of the qualifying social work programmes and more recently have contributed to the Nursing programmes. In this article the term service user refers to people who have or continue to use health and social care services; carers refer to people who carry out a caring role for family members or friends in an unpaid capacity currently or formerly.

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Dr Sian Lucas

Dr Sian Lucas

Senior Lecturer, Social Work

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