
Research Report

Challenges Experienced by Women Working in Music and the Performing Arts sectors



Webb A (2016) Challenges Experienced by Women Working in Music and the Performing Arts sectors. Scottish Government and STUC. Women and Work Partnership Project. Glasgow. http://www.stuc.org.uk/equalities/women/women-and-work

First paragraph: Recent years have brought some optimistic statistics for general employment as well as female employment in the Creative Industries. The number of jobs in the Creative Industries (which refers to jobs in both creative and support capacities), increased by 5.5% between 2013 and 2014 to 1.8 million jobs. However, since 2011, the overall increase of employment in the sector was notes as 15.8%. In Scotland alone 102,000 jobs in creative industries were generated which substantiated 5.6% of all creative industries jobs in the UK. One of the Creative Industries’ subsectors, ‘Music, performing and visual arts’ generated 18,000 jobs in Scotland in 2014. The Creative Industries are also relatively highly skilled. They employ 60.5% workers with a ‘Degree or equivalent’, in comparison to the wider UK workforce (31.8%). ‘Music, performing and visual arts’, earned 4th highest place in the overall number of workers with a ‘Degree or equivalent’ (61%), more than ‘Crafts’ (25.2%), ‘Design: product, graphic and fashion design’ (43.4%), ‘Film, TV, video, radio and photography’ (53.5%), ‘Museums, galleries and libraries’ (57.3%) and ‘Publishing’ (58.1%). Such positive profile (in terms of growth rate and quality of workforce) explains why these industries have gained a considerable strategic interest of both the UK and the Scottish governments.

Title of seriesWomen and Work Partnership Project
Publication date30/04/2016
Publisher URL
Place of publicationGlasgow