
Research Report

Iraq’s Shia Militias: Helping or Hindering the Fight Against Islamic State?



Gulmohamad Z (2016) Iraq’s Shia Militias: Helping or Hindering the Fight Against Islamic State?. The Jamestown Foundation. Terrorism Monitor, Volume 13, Issue 9. Washington, DC. https://jamestown.org/program/iraqs-shia-militias-helping-or-hindering-the-fight-against-islamic-state/#.VzVwxIR96Uk

First paragraph: The rise of Islamic State in Iraq has contributed to the increasing prominence of Iraq’s Shia militias. However, while the militias are united in their desire to defeat IS, there are nonetheless clear divisions among them arising from narrow self-interest, differing ideologies and political loyalties, and Iranian interference. There is additional competition between some militias over aid and salaries (al-Monitor, September 8, 2015).

Title of seriesTerrorism Monitor
Number in seriesVolume 13, Issue 9
Publication date29/04/2016
Publisher URL
Place of publicationWashington, DC

People (1)

Dr Zana Gul

Dr Zana Gul

Lecturer in International Politics, Politics