
Research Report

Covid Fear And Life Satisfaction

Alternative title HAGIS COVID-19 and You Study



Bell D (2022) Covid Fear And Life Satisfaction [HAGIS COVID-19 and You Study]. Douglas E (Project Leader) UKRI. Stirling. https://www.hagis.scot/_files/ugd/5d9fd0_3c773fdbb4b34a46b4d67be374a41c17.pdf

The COVID-19 Pandemic was associated with a significant reduction in life satisfaction. This rapid report describes the evolution of life satisfaction before and during the pandemic. It tracks the sharp decline in life satisfaction which coincided with the beginning of the pandemic and considers how far these relate to concerns and worries expressed by respondents to the HAGIS Covid-Fear survey. Allowing for differences between modal responses and observables that vary with life satisfaction, the analysis shows that financial worries and constraints on movement and human interaction are strongly negatively related to individual life satisfaction.

Publication date10/10/2022
Publication date online10/10/2022
Publisher URL
Place of publicationStirling

Projects (1)