
Conference Paper (unpublished)

The effect of motivated sport fan innovativeness in the context of VR live streaming service



Kim S, Manoli AE & Pyun D (2021) The effect of motivated sport fan innovativeness in the context of VR live streaming service. European Association for Sport Management (29th European Sport Management Conference), Virtual, 27.05.2021-19.11.2021. https://www.easm.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/EASM-Book-of-Abstracts-2021_Bodet_Mueller_V3.pdf

First paragraph: Aim and Research Question Social distancing and safety concerns due to COVID-19 have made the early 2020’s challenging years for spectator sports and sport events across many countries (Miles & Shipway, 2020). Paradoxically, while dealing with a match without spectators to keep social distancing restrictions, an effort to diversify sport contents distribution channels has become more critical than ever before. With this regard, AR and VR technologies are undoubtedly considered as one of the rapidly growing segments with the remarkable development of smartphones and information technology. Although innovative technologies related to AR and VR sport live-streaming have begun to be commercialised, little attention has been paid to the research on consumers’ innovativeness behaviours (i.e., sport fans motivations and user experience) in the sport management domain. This lack of understanding led to two research questions: (a) what motivated consumer innovativeness factors affect satisfactory user experience in VR and (b) does the satisfaction lead to a willingness to pay (WTP), positive word-of-mouth (WOM) intentions, and team identification (TI).

Publisher URL
ConferenceEuropean Association for Sport Management (29th European Sport Management Conference)
Conference locationVirtual

People (1)

Dr Sungkyung Kim

Dr Sungkyung Kim

Lecturer in Sport Management, Sport
