

Using accessible resistance exercise to build emotional and physical strength, embodying pedagogies for accessible health and physical development (physical education) teacher education



(2023) Using accessible resistance exercise to build emotional and physical strength, embodying pedagogies for accessible health and physical development (physical education) teacher education. Curriculum Strand. SERA Conference 2023, Queen Margaret University, Mussleburgh, Scotland, 22.11.2023-24.01.2024.

Workshop Title: Exploring the progression of pedagogical skill related health related content knowledge through resistance movement (teacher) education Background This program and pedagogical approach facilitate opportunities for participants to experience active learning integrating physical, cognitive and social domains when accommodating their own constraints through a developmental series of resistance movement problems. It is presented for colleagues for both professional and personal physically active learning and living toolkits. Learning activities In essence, a skill theme approach (Graham et al., 2020) is complemented with explicit means to develop efficacy and agency across an educational resistance movement progression (Murray, 2013, 2014). These have been researched across primary, secondary (Murray and Napper-Owen, 2021) curricular and school wide school systems, and higher education settings (Murray, Murray and Howells, 2023). Accessibility of workshop This workshop may be experienced (and hopefully enjoyed) in a variety of ways, from fully immersed activity to engagement and reflection drawn vicariously. Workshop Outcomes The program is set collegially upon holistic learning domains. 1. Attendees will explore contextualised developmentally appropriate principles of practice from planning through implementation and then have opportunity to consider in their respective settings. 2. Colleagues will be able to try these and then reflect upon these, sharing insights in our online interactive padlet. This keep sake is populated with the program and links to the supporting and current research. 3. Attendee participation will be most gratefully acknowledged with a transcript certification of the “I Can Resist PCK” workshop.

progression spiral, developmentally appropriate, pedagogy, accessible resistance movement education

Following the researched area and publication of the program; https://www.intechopen.com/chapters/86572, Student teachers shared their developing practice and use of the program through our HWB teaching and learning, with insights into how they take ownership to implement across their placement.

Title of seriesCurriculum Strand
Place of publicationSERA2023
ConferenceSERA Conference 2023
Conference locationQueen Margaret University, Mussleburgh, Scotland

Research themes