
Research Report

Teachers’ Voice 2010: a Report of the GTCNI

Alternative title Teachers’ Voice 2010: a Report of the General Teaching Council for Northern Ireland



Devlin G, Galanouli D, Gardner J, Knipe D, McCrystal L, McNair V, McPhilemy R & Walsh G (2011) Teachers’ Voice 2010: a Report of the GTCNI [Teachers’ Voice 2010: a Report of the General Teaching Council for Northern Ireland]. Gardner J (Editor), Galanouli D (Editor) & Devlin G G (Editor) General Teaching Council for Northern Ireland. General Teaching Council for Northern Ireland. http://www.gtcni.org.uk/publications/uploads/document/Teachers%20Voice%20Survey%20Report%20Bookmarked.pdf

This report sets out the results of the recent General Teaching Council for Northern Ireland (GTCNI) survey: Teachers’ Voice 2010. The principal aims of the survey were to collect the views of a representative sample of registered teachers on a range of relevant professional matters and to provide a rich and up-to-date source of reliable data to inform the Council’s policy development on matters relating to teaching and the Council’s other statutory functions. The 2010 survey was based on the previous 2006 GTCNI survey with some modifications.

Publication date31/12/2011
PublisherGeneral Teaching Council for Northern Ireland
Publisher URL

People (1)

Professor John Gardner

Professor John Gardner

Professor, Education