
Research Report

Welsh Education Research Network, WERN: Phase II Evaluation



Gardner J (2009) Welsh Education Research Network, WERN: Phase II Evaluation. Queen's University School of Education.

First paragraph: WERN II was designed to extend WERN I by introducing a variety of research capacity building approaches. In addition to the WERN I-type bursary for groups planning a grant application, WERN II offered competitive awards for small-scale studies, collaborative fellowships (supported by mentors) and a local authority collaborative project (see Table 4). WERN II also hosted a review of the implications for Wales of outcomes from the ESRC?s Teaching and Learning Research Programme (TLRP) projects.

Publication date30/09/2009
PublisherQueen's University School of Education

People (1)

Professor John Gardner

Professor John Gardner

Professor, Education

Files (1)