
Research Report

The Effectiveness of Asset-Focussed Interventions against Organised Crime: Protocol for a Systematic Review



Atkinson C, Mackenzie S & Hamilton-Smith N (2017) The Effectiveness of Asset-Focussed Interventions against Organised Crime: Protocol for a Systematic Review. Economic and Social Research Council. What Works: Crime Reduction Systematic Review Series. Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research. http://whatworks.college.police.uk/Research/Systematic_Review_Series/Pages/Organised-crime.aspx

First paragraph: This document provides the background to, and prospects for, undertaking a systematic review of the evidence relating to the effectiveness of asset-focussed interventions against organised crime. It details a principal research question to guide the review and aims to provide an overview of the methods through which relevant studies will be identified and reviewed. This research will be disseminated to the What Works Centre for Crime Reduction (WWCCR), hosted by the UK College of Policing. Specifically, this research contributes to the WWCCR Work Package 2 (WP2), as one of the five work packages commissioned to map the existing evidence base for crime reduction, label this evidence for quality, cost and impact, and make it easily accessible for practitioners and decision makers.

Title of seriesWhat Works: Crime Reduction Systematic Review Series
Publication date31/12/2017
PublisherScottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research
Publisher URL

People (1)

Dr Niall Hamilton-Smith

Dr Niall Hamilton-Smith

Associate Professor, Sociology, Social Policy & Criminology

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