
Research Report

Chance4Change Evaluation: Supporting birth mothers after adoption



Welch V, Gadda A, Jones C, Young E & Lerpiniere J (2015) Chance4Change Evaluation: Supporting birth mothers after adoption. Centre for Excellence for Looked After Children in Scotland (CELCIS). http://www.scottishadoption.org/uploads/2.%20Downloads/Chance4ChangeFinalReport.pdf

Between 2010 and 2012 Scottish Adoption ran a project designed to provide professional, emotional and practical support to mothers who have had a child recently adopted. Initial funding covered 24 months of operation (2010-12), during this time the service engaged with 12 mothers for periods ranging from six to 18 months. Scottish Adoption carried out an internal evaluation of this work. The evaluation identified a number of positive outcomes for the participants, including the prevention of the removal of two children from the care of one of the mothers taking part in the program. Scottish Adoption then secured a package of funding from internal sources and the Early Years Change Fund; these monies enabled the project to run again between January 2014 and March 2015. This facilitated the recruitment of a dedicated Chance4Change worker, employed for 12 hours a week and supervised by the After Adoption Practice Manager. The present study has two key aims; to provide an external evaluation of the work of Chance4Change program during this second funding period, and to contribute to a better understanding of birth parents’ experiences and needs for support during and after the permanent removal of a child from their care.

Publication date31/10/2015
PublisherCentre for Excellence for Looked After Children in Scotland (CELCIS)
Publisher URL