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The Operationalization of Benefit-Sharing in REDD+



Savaresi A (2014) The Operationalization of Benefit-Sharing in REDD+. BENELEX Project Blog, 04.07.2014. http://www.benelexblog.law.ed.ac.uk/2014/07/04/the-operationalization-of-benefit-sharing-in-redd/

First paragraph: Specific benefit-sharing considerations have emerged in the context of the ongoing debate on the so-called ‘non-carbon benefits’ of REDD+. UNFCCC Parties have recognized the need to enhance the social and environmental benefits of REDD+ activities (e.g. poverty relief and biodiversity protection, seeBENELEX Blog), and are presently engaged in a heated debate on what non-carbon benefits are, and how they should be incentivized and reported. While UNFCCC Parties are still negotiating the answers to these questions, standards developed in the context of so-called REDD-readiness processes already address the issue of non-carbon benefits, and recently turned benefit-sharing into a technical requirement for REDD+ payments. These standards therefore provide important elements to foresee how benefit-sharing may be operationalized in the REDD+ context. This blogpost reviews these recent developments and their implications for future benefit-sharing arrangements for REDD+.

Publication date04/07/2014
PublisherUniversity of Edinburgh

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