
Edited Book

Mental Practice: Clinical and Experimental Research is Imagery and Action Observation

Alternative title Mental Practice, State of Play



Ietswaart M, Butler A, Jackson PL & Edwards MG (eds.) (2016) Mental Practice: Clinical and Experimental Research is Imagery and Action Observation [Mental Practice, State of Play]. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. Lausanne, Switzerland: Frontiers Media. http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1229/mental-practice-clinical-and-experimental-research-in-imagery-and-action-observation

TABLE OF CONTENTS 06 Editorial: Mental practice: clinical and experimental research in imagery and action observation Magdalena Ietswaart, Andrew J. Butler, Philip L. Jackson and Martin G. Edwards Chapter 1: The Efficacy of Mental Practice 10 Kinesthetic imagery training of forceful muscle contractions increases brain signal and muscle strength Wan X. Yao, Vinoth K. Ranganathan, Didier Allexandre, Vlodek Siemionow and Guang H. Yue 16 Performance improvements from imagery: evidence that internal visual imagery is superior to external visual imagery for slalom performance Nichola Callow, Ross Roberts, Lew Hardy, Dan Jiang and Martin Gareth Edwards 26 The comparison between motor imagery and verbal rehearsal on the learning of sequential movements Arnaud Saimpont, Martin F. Lafleur, Francine Malouin, Carol L. Richards, Julien Doyon and Philip L. Jackson 35 The effects of mental practice in neurological rehabilitation; a systematic review and meta-analysis Susy Braun, Melanie Kleynen, Tessa van Heel, Nena Kruithof, Derick Wade and Anna Beurskens 58 Towards the integration of mental practice in rehabilitation programs. A critical review Francine Malouin, Philip L. Jackson and Carol L. Richards Chapter 2: Mechanisms of Mental Practice 78 Multiple roles of motor imagery during action observation Stefan Vogt, Franck Di Rienzo, Christian Collet, Alan Collins and Aymeric Guillot 91 Using action observation to study superior motor performance: a pilot fMRI study Carl-Johan Olsson and Peter Lundström 99 Does motor imagery share neural networks with executed movement: a multivariate fMRI analysis Nikhil Sharma and Jean-Claude Baron 107 A timely review of a key aspect of motor imagery: a commentary on Guillot et al. (2012) Dave Smith and Caroline Wakefield 111 The impact of sensorimotor experience on affective evaluation of dance Louise P. Kirsch, Kim A. Drommelschmidt and Emily S. Cross  Chapter 3: Assessment and Mental Practice 121 Autonomic nervous system correlates in movement observation and motor imagery C. Collet, F. Di Rienzo, N. El Hoyek and A. Guillot 138 Congruency of gaze metrics in action, imagery and action observation Joe Causer, Sheree A. McCormick and Paul S. Holmes 146 Watch me if you can: imagery ability moderates observational learning effectiveness Gavin Lawrence, Nichola Callow and Ross Roberts 153 Motor imagery ability in stroke patients: the relationship between implicit and explicit motor imagery measures Sjoerd de Vries, Marga Tepper, Wya Feenstra, Hanneke Oosterveld, Anne M. Boonstra and Bert Otten Chapter 4: Considerations for the Implementation of Mental Practice 163 A standardized motor imagery introduction program (MIIP) for neurorehabilitation: development and evaluation C. Wondrusch and C. Schuster-Amft 175 Mental representation and motor imagery training Thomas Schack, Kai Essig, Cornelia Frank and Dirk Koester 185 Motor imagery during action observation modulates automatic imitation effects in rhythmical actions Daniel L. Eaves, Lauren Haythornthwaite and Stefan Vogt 198 Mirror training to augment cross-education during resistance training: a hypothesis Glyn Howatson, Tjerk Zult, Jonathan P. Farthing, Inge Zijdewind and Tibor Hortobágyi DOI: 10.3389/978-2-88919-839-9

EditorDr Magdalena Ietswaart
Title of seriesFrontiers in Human Neuroscience
Publication date30/06/2016
PublisherFrontiers Media
Publisher URL
Place of publicationLausanne, Switzerland
ISSN of series1662-5161

People (1)

Dr Magdalena Ietswaart

Dr Magdalena Ietswaart

Senior Lecturer, Psychology