
Research Report

Aligning Vocational Education and Training Policy to Economic Development Strategy - Policy Brief



McQuaid R (2015) Aligning Vocational Education and Training Policy to Economic Development Strategy - Policy Brief. VET-EDS EU Erasmus Project. VET-EDS EU Erasmus Project. http://www.regionallabourmarketmonitoring.net/rlmm-pdf/POLICY%20BRIEF%20Local%20and%20Regional.pdf

A core purpose of the VET-EDS project is to identify good examples of the effective alignment of Vocational Education & Training policy and economic development strategies; particularly the role played by labour market information and intelligence (LMII) and specifically forecasting. Two new reports provide evidence on this. This policy brief discusses these reports.

VET; EU; Erasmus; Local economic development; good practice

The VET-EDS project is part-funded under the EU’s ERASMUS+ Programme. It is developing and implementing a new toolkit to enable national, regional and local labour market forecasters to ensure that they are able to support the alignment of Vocational Education and Training policy and economic development strategy. It includes case studies, good practice approaches and recommendations that address the need to tailor forecasting (analysis, intelligence, format, methodology) and accompanying labour market intelligence (subject, sector, qualifications) across the partner countries (CZ, DE, ES, IT, NL, SE, UK). Project number: 2014-1-UK01-KA200-001848

Publication date31/08/2015
Publication date online08/2015
PublisherVET-EDS EU Erasmus Project
Publisher URL

People (1)

Professor Ronald McQuaid

Professor Ronald McQuaid

Emeritus Professor, Management, Work and Organisation

Files (1)