
Research Report

Revolving Doors, Accountability and Transparency - Emerging Regulatory Concerns and Policy Solutions in the Financial Crisis



Miller D & Dinan W (2009) Revolving Doors, Accountability and Transparency - Emerging Regulatory Concerns and Policy Solutions in the Financial Crisis. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) GOV/PGC/ETH(2009)2. OECD. http://www.dmiller.info/images/docs/OECD_revolving%20door-2009.pdf

First paragraph: This report examines the phenomenon of the ‘revolving door' with particular reference to the financial crisis. It seeks to extend and supplement the analysis in the OECD's recent report Post-public employment: Good practices for preventing conflict of interest. In addition to examining the element of the ‘revolving door' involving public servants moving to the private sector, we also examine ‘preemployment' that is the element of the revolving door involving people moving from the private sector into the public sector either in government or regulatory agencies.

Banking regulation; revolving doors; transparency; post-public employment; conflict of interest

Number in seriesGOV/PGC/ETH(2009)2
Publication date05/05/2009
Publisher URL

People (1)

Dr William Dinan

Dr William Dinan

Senior Lecturer, Communications, Media and Culture

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