

Modes of presentation in eyewitness testimony research



MacLeod M & Ellis HD (1986) Modes of presentation in eyewitness testimony research. Human Learning, 5 (1), pp. 39-44. http://psycnet.apa.org/psycinfo/1987-15448-001

Investigated the effect on recall accuracy for an episode that was presented either as a series of slides or as a continuous video sequence. 80 university students divided into experimental and control groups (as determined by the presence or absence of inconsistent postevent information items, respectively) answered questions probing knowledge of this episode. Four questions had been the subject of misleading postevent information. It was hypothesized that the video presentation would lead to superior recall for noncritical items and reduced susceptibility to misleading information. Ss observing the video did show improved recall accuracy and reported levels of confidence for responses to noncritical-item questions but appeared to be just as much affected by the misleading information as those who had observed the slide presentation.

Human Learning: Volume 5, Issue 1

Publication date31/01/1986
PublisherAmerican Psychological Association
Publisher URL

People (1)

Professor Malcolm MacLeod

Professor Malcolm MacLeod

Professor, Psychology