

The demographic and spatial patterns of recorded rape in a large UK metropolitan area



Muir G & MacLeod M (2003) The demographic and spatial patterns of recorded rape in a large UK metropolitan area. Psychology, Crime and Law, 9 (4), pp. 345-355. https://doi.org/10.1080/1068316031000093423

The present study details a social contextual analysis of 172 rapes and attempted rapes that occurred in a large metropolitan area in the UK. The main focus of the present study concerns the demographic characteristics of rape victims and offenders, including their age and ethnicity, vis-à-vis their relationship. The study also considers the geographic distribution of offences and their relationship to ethnicity and socio-economic status. Our data clearly indicate that the age of offenders is significantly associated with the nature of the victim-offender relationship, and that rape tends to be intra-racial. The data also provide unique comparisons to be made with contextual data on rapes in rural settings. The implications of these findings for the prevention and deterrence of rape, the recording of rape by the police, and the impact of such findings on public education are considered.

Rape; Demography; Rape Prevention

Psychology, Crime and Law: Volume 9, Issue 4

Publication date31/12/2003
PublisherTaylor and Francis

People (1)

Professor Malcolm MacLeod

Professor Malcolm MacLeod

Professor, Psychology