

Media and identity in a stateless nation: the case of Scotland



Meech P & Kilborn R (1992) Media and identity in a stateless nation: the case of Scotland. Media, Culture and Society, 14 (2), pp. 245-259. https://doi.org/10.1177/016344392014002007

First paragraph: In the last two years the revolutionary changes which have taken place in Eastern and Central Europe have given new impetus to the debate surrounding nationalism, political autonomy and national identity. Within this wider debate special interest has focused on the role of culture in maintaining the identity of collectivities, in particular the 'nations without states' of Europe (see Media, Culture and Society, 1991: Vol. 13). Taking Scotland to be such a nation within the unitary nation-state of Britain, this article examines the functioning of its media in relation to the collective identity of Scotland and the Scots. In doing so, we share Schlessinger's caution in attributing too decisive a role to the media. National identities are complex and dynamic, with key features pre-dating the era of mass communication and continuing today to be shaped by extra-media forces (Schlessinger, 1991).

Media, Culture and Society: Volume 14, Issue 2

Publication date30/04/1992

People (1)

Professor Richard Kilborn

Professor Richard Kilborn

Honorary Professor, Communications, Media and Culture